Jul 01, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

This section of the Catalog includes course descriptions, listed alphabetically by discipline. The descriptions provide information on course numbers, titles, the level of instruction, credit, course sequence, content, and prerequisites as shown in the following example:

CHE 2100 Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: CHE 1100
Description: A study of the elements of organic and biological chemistry. This course satisfies requirements for nursing programs and other fields requiring a survey of organic and biological chemistry.

The first two to four letters, called the course subject code, represent the area of study or discipline, e.g., CHE represents chemistry. The course number follows the course subject code, e.g., 2100. The first digit in a four-digit course number designates the level of instruction. Only courses numbered 1000 or above will be included in credits toward a degree. Courses with numbers up to and including 1999 are primarily for freshmen, 2000 through 2999 primarily for sophomores, 3000 through 3999 primarily for juniors, and 4000 through 4999 primarily for seniors. In general, students should not take courses above the level of their class (based upon semester hours earned), but they may do so at one level above if they have the specified prerequisites. In special cases, students may be permitted to take courses more than one level above that designated for their class if they obtain the permission of their advisor and of the faculty member teaching the course and if they meet the prerequisite requirements. Course descriptions provide a summary of the content of the course. If a prerequisite must be met before a student can register for a course, this information is listed above the course description. Attributes, such as Multicultural, General Studies, or Guaranteed Transfer, are listed after the course description. A list of courses being offered in a given semester, instructors, class meeting times, and locations is described in the Class Schedule.

Types of Courses

  • Regular courses appear in this section of the University Catalog and are offered on a regular basis.
  • Independent study courses provide students the opportunity to pursue in-depth study of a topic of special interest. Independent study courses are specified as 498_ and include an alpha character in the course number. Independent study courses are published in the Class Schedule.
  • Special topics or omnibus courses are temporary courses that are not listed in the Catalog. They may be used to pilot-test a course, present a special topic, or provide a unique, experiential-learning opportunity. Omnibus courses use a specified range of course numbers: 190_, 290_, 390_, 490_ and include an alpha character in the course number. Omnibus courses are published in the Class Schedule.
  • Variable topics courses allow courses of varying titles under an overall theme or “umbrella” course. Variable topic courses include an alpha character in the course number and are published in the Class Schedule.

Industrial Design

  • IND 3330 - Furniture Design

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 1010 or ART 1300; IND 1450

    Description: This lecture/lab course employs furniture fabrication projects to address the furniture design process, aesthetic design issues, structure, ergonomics, functionality, materials technology and manufacturability. Students utilize the design process to formulate concepts, communicate those design concepts, and fabricate a quality furniture piece based on their research and design solutions.

  • IND 3400 - Product Usability and Ergonomics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 2450 or instructor’s approval

    Description: This combination lecture and laboratory course stresses the importance of user interaction with products as a measure of product market viability and manufacturability. User interface components, anthropometries and psychologically intuitive design solutions for manufacture are addressed in the course.

  • IND 3450 - Intermediate Industrial Design Studio

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): IND 2450

    Description: Students will produce functional, aesthetic designs for mass-market consumer products. Students will also learn and adapt the design developmental process used in industry. This includes finding and analyzing problems, conducting and documenting research, generating and proposing concepts, and presenting solutions in public. Projects emphasize materials, manufacturing methods, concept visualization, market relevance, and historical context.

  • IND 3480 - Industrial Design Model Making

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 1010 and IND 1130 or permission of instructor

    Description: In a studio and laboratory environment, students will gain experience with a variety of model-making techniques and materials. Students will learn to construct different levels of design models, from form study mockups in various scales to presentation-quality models. Students will also learn how to use them to evaluate and communicate product design concepts.

  • IND 3550 - Textiles: Materials and Fabrication

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 1450, IND 1470

    Description: In this course, students are provided with instruction in textile material characteristics, selection criteria, and appropriate textile design applications. The course will also provide an opportunity for basic skill development in fabrication techniques, including the use of sewing machines and pattern design.

  • IND 3600 - Digital Visualization Techniques in ID

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 2450

    Description: The objective of this studio course is to develop 2D digital concept visualization skills using computer programs and equipment. Instruction emphasizes professional level presentation techniques with various 2D computer programs, including vector and bitmap based programs.

  • IND 3660 - Computer Aided Modeling

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 1450 or CET 1215 or MET 1200

    Description: In a computer laboratory environment, students use software to model/render objects and designs in virtual three-dimensional space.

  • IND 3680 - Computer Modeling for Manufacturing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 3660

    Description: This combination lecture and laboratory course serves as an advanced, computer-aided modeling course in sequence with IND 3660. The course focuses on the material and assembly testing tools within appropriate solid modeling software to create products for manufacture. Appropriate software for analysis of a product’s readiness for manufacturing is also introduced. Emphasis is placed on developing models that facilitate direct digital manufacturing and advanced manufacturing methods.

  • IND 3700 - Public Furniture Design

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 2450

    Description: This is a combination lecture and laboratory course in which students investigate and apply the key considerations for the design of public furniture. Instruction will be provided in the preparation of presentation materials for public use furniture competitions and furniture fabrication techniques. The application of these topics will be employed in the design and fabrication of a piece of furniture for public use.

  • IND 3800 - Design for Marketability and Manufacturing

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): IND 3450

    Description: In this course, students gain knowledge of design for production criteria by developing a product and optimizing its design for specific mass manufacturing technologies. Students gain experience through the design development process, including market feasibility research, brainstorming new concepts, refining concepts, and constructing alpha and beta prototypes that are designed for mass manufacturing. Projects are based upon real-world, new product development principles. Students learn fundamentals of industrial production, ecological design, consumer safety and entrepreneurship.

  • IND 3850 - International Design Workshop

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor Approval

    Description: This course is designed to provide the student with a fundamental understanding of global design culture that must be considered in order to design products for the global market. In this course, the student will participate in a multidisciplinary and multicultural design workshop that also includes pre and post-workshop lectures at MSU Denver.

    Note: This course may be repeated up to 4 times under different areas of travel.

  • IND 3950 - History of Industrial Design

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course provides an overview of the major personalities, organizations, styles, and evolutionary events that shaped the course of industrial design, from the Industrial Revolution to the present. There is a focus on the refinement of industrial design in Europe, the congruence of American design and industry, and the emergence of Asian design and manufacturing.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: IND or HON.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 3950
  • IND 3980 - Elective Internship Experience

    Credits: 1-3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 2450

    Description: This internship is designed to allow students to acquire additional work experience in the design profession. The experience must be supervised by a design professional in conjunction with an Industrial Design faculty member.


    Internship requirements vary by department. For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-615-1333 or internships@msudenver.edu.

    Note: Students may take this course twice for a total of 6 credits.

  • IND 4090 - Advanced Modelmaking Fabrication Techniques

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 3480

    Description: This course will provide students with the opportunity to fabricate finished product models using different types of computer controlled prototyping processes. A variety of materials, processes, and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines will be utilized in the model fabrication process.


  • IND 4210 - Utilization of Composites in Manufacturing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 3100

    Description: In this combination lecture and laboratory course, students build upon the skills and knowledge acquired in  IND 3100 - Composites: Materials and Fabrication  utilizing design and fabrication projects to inform how they can use composite materials for advanced manufacture. The course will provide instruction in advanced composite fabrication techniques and relevant equipment for composite-based manufacture.

  • IND 4410 - Surface Modeling for Industrial Design

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 1450 or permission of instructor

    Description: This lecture/lab provides instruction upon the skillset acquired in  . Students will learn the principles of a NURBS (Non-uniform Rational B-Spline) based 3D modeling and visual rendering program. The modeling program will be used to produce digitally generated, realistic, visual imagery to maximize the effectiveness of design presentations and the design decision-making process.

  • IND 4450 - Advanced Industrial Design Studio

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): IND 3450

    Description: This course is a continuation of IND 3450, extending industrial design to user-centered research, conceptualization, and presentation. In this course, students learn advanced product conceptualization techniques, use additional product development tools, and produce professional quality product presentation materials. Special emphasis is given to human factors in product design.

  • IND 4460 - Professional Industrial Design Studio

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): IND 4450

    Description: Students develop a semester-long design project under the guidance of a primary instructor and specialized mentor.  Students compliment knowledge and skills from previous coursework with in-depth, qualitative research to create design solutions.

  • IND 4540 - Concept and Portfolio Development

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): IND 3450, IND 3800

    Description: In this course, students develop futuristic ‘blue sky’ concepts that are based on new technologies and user-centered research. Students also develop a professional design portfolio of their best work. The portfolio showcases students’ skills as aligned with program and student learning outcomes. Evaluation of portfolios provides data for ongoing assessment of the Industrial Design program.

  • IND 4550 - Advanced Textiles

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): IND 3550

    Description: This course will provide students all the required information to create manufacturing drawings for softgoods. The final product will include sketches, finished orthographic renderings, and a multi-page techpack. The finished techpack will include all details required to make the finished good. The students will also make finished models of their chosen design. This course will cover how to produce manufacturing drawings for packaging, including how to pattern typical packaging materials and create finished art. Finished art means graphics and die lines are set up in an industry specific way.

  • IND 4860 - Research in Industrial Technology

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing; IND major

    Description: This course provides in-depth research, laboratory experimentation, and/or development of a student-selected and faculty-approved topic in one technical system. The areas of research are: communications, manufacturing, and transportation/power. The course allows the student the opportunity to further develop problem-solving abilities. At the same time, the process enhances the student’s knowledge and skills in a technical concentration.

  • IND 4870 - Special Studies in Industrial Design

    Credits: 1-5

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor

    Description: A study and investigation of a selected topic in the field of industrial design. Student may repeat this course in alternate concentrations.

  • IND 4960 - Professional Internship

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of General Studies requirements; senior standing; and IND 4450.

    Description: The internship provides an opportunity for senior students to gain experience under the guidance of an industry professional. Students must complete a total of 150 hours during the semester in a placement relevant to the practice of Industrial Design.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

Integrative Healthcare

  • ITP 1000 - Health Career Foundations

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course is designed for students desiring a career in a health profession or a health related field. Through familiarization with health care trends and key concepts, students will have a solid foundation for their journey. Using design thinking, students will explore possible pathways through their academic education and extra-curricular activities to increase the probability that they will enter a health career that aligns with their values, interests, talents, and goals. Connecting students with campus, community, pre-professional, and professional resources to support their health career aspirations will increase their ability to successfully achieve their goals.   

  • ITP 1500 - Dynamics of Health

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course investigates contemporary health topics. Subjects surveyed include current biological, psychological, sociological, and cultural factors that influence health. Experiential learning encourages students to plan and adopt healthier behaviors.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: HON or ITP.

    General Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 1501
  • ITP 1600 - Herbal Medicine

    Credits: 3

    Description: This introductory course welcomes students of all levels and majors who are interested in learning about medicinal herbs.  The class begins with a review of the history of herb use, Federal Drug Administration regulation, herb preparations, and potential actions of plant chemicals in the body.  For each bodily system, lectures and readings will cover herbs traditionally used to benefit that system and to modulate specific ailments, including summary statements of scientific evidence for efficacy and safety.

  • ITP 1700 - Medical Terminology

    Credits: 2

    Description: This course introduces students to the basic Latin and Greek word parts that are combined to create medical terms and definitions of those terms.  This will include terminology related to body structure, disease and treatment, and individual body systems.  This course is a valuable introduction for any student interested in pursuing a career in a health-related field.

  • ITP 2000 - Integrative Health Foundations

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite(s): 15 credits and ENG 1010 or ENG 1008 and ENG 1009

    Description: This course allows students to orient to the field of Integrative Health. Students will review course curriculum, deportment rules for participation in prescribed courses, and use of available resources. Professional behavior and career options will be covered.

  • ITP 2500 - Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of General Studies Written Communication Requirement

    Description: This course is designed to acquaint students with a variety of nontraditional health and healing modalities in use in the United States today. It provides the basis for understanding the mechanisms and principles by which therapeutic responses are produced. The student will be required to develop and present a report related to a specific therapeutic modality.

    General Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • ITP 2700 - Holistic Health

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1020

    Description: This course is designed to allow students the opportunity to explore health from a holistic perspective, which is a complex combination of mind, body, spirit and emotions.

  • ITP 2720 - Cannabis as Medicine

    Credits: 3

    Description: Students in this course will explore the historical and current use of cannabis as a medicine.  The major focus will be the current research and evidence of cannabis from an herbal and pharmacological perspective which includes the chemical constituents with physiological and psychoactive properties; medicinal uses, indications and dosage; current research and evidence based approaches; and the contraindications, side effects and adverse reactions related to the medical use of cannabis.

  • ITP 2800 - Health, Society, and the Environment

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 or ITP 1500 or ITP 2500 or PSY 1001 or SOC 1010

    Description: This course examines the reciprocal relationship between human social organization and the natural environment.  Students will gain a deeper understanding of how this relationship affects human health.  Furthermore, they will learn to consider individual health challenges in the context of imbalances in personal, social, and environmental health.

  • ITP 2810 - Men Across Cultures

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010 or ENG 1009

    Description: The purpose of this course is to address men/boy’s health on a global scale, providing insight into cultural influences on masculinity, which directly affect men’s beliefs and behaviors about health and healthcare. Students in this course will explore the theoretical and practical influences on the experience of being a man in today’s world, especially given the shift away from patriarchal power. Instruction in the course will include formation of a framework for understanding men in general and then move beyond the hegemonic masculine ideal to investigate the masculinities of numerous sub groups. The list of groups covered in the course will include marginalized social populations. Students will then apply their understanding of cultural influences on men to discern the effects on key determinants of health and well-being for men and boys.

    University Requirement(s): Multicultural

  • ITP 2820 - Anger In Men: A Whole Approach

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010 or ENG 1009

    Description: This class will allow students to address issues of anger in men, with an exploration of responsible anger, cultural perspectives on aggression and violence, the physiology of anger, and self-reflection on one’s own anger, including the triggers and expression of anger.

  • ITP 2950 - Wellness Coaching I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of General Studies Written Communication and Quantitative Literacy Requirements

    Description: This course is an introduction to the principles and tools of wellness coaching practice. Topics include scope of practice, ethics and values, effective communication, relationship building, and facilitating results to illuminate the discipline of wellness coaching. Research based techniques and best practices for facilitating behavior change are included.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: HPS or ITP.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HPS 2700
  • ITP 3000 - Men’s Health

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): General Studies Written Communication requirement

    Description: This course is an in-depth study of health issues specific to men. It will take a holistic approach, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of men’s lives and the impact of each on health. This course emphasizes dialoguing between students to encourage active engagement with issues that boys and men encounter in today’s world.

    General Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • ITP 3100 - Health Education and Counseling

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1020, and ITP 1500 or NUT 2040, and junior standing

    Description: This course provides students with a basic understanding of the various methods of communication used in the health professions and enhances their communication skills through practice. This class focuses on developing educational materials and counseling and interviewing patients.

  • ITP 3200 - Ethics in Health Care

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of General Studies requirements in Written Communication, Oral Communication, and Quantitative Literacy; ITP 1700 and ITP 2700.

    Description: This course is designed to assist students entering health care to become familiar with ethical theories and issues that are encountered within the field.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: HON or ITP.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 3202
  • ITP 3230 - Bodies and Embodiment

    Credits: 3

    Description: Students in this course examine multiple interdisciplinary discourses about gendered, sexed, raced, classed, and able bodies, beginning with Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex. Through discussion, lecture and critical evaluation of key theories in Body and Embodiment Studies (by Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Susan Bordo, bell hooks, and Iris M. Young) students in this course explore the inscribed, as well as the lived, body–bodies that are gazed at, desired, fashioned, heard, and eroticized. In order to historically situate these discourses, the body is presented as a social construct that is controlled and manipulated but that also has unique experiences which cannot be verbalized and/or managed.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: ITP, SOC, or GWS.

    Cross Listed Course(s): SOC 3230, GWS 3230
  • ITP 3300 - Homeopathy

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITP 1700 and ITP 2700

    Description: This course familiarizes students with the field of homeopathy. The course includes the history, laws, principles, and uses of homeopathy in the current health care system. Students are introduced to various homeopathic remedies and their uses. Contemporary research findings are presented, and potential research designs identified.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: HON or ITP.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 3301
  • ITP 3400 - Ayurveda

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of General Studies requirements in Written Communication, Oral Communication, and Quantitative Literacy; ITP 1700 and ITP 2700.

    Description: This course covers the basic principles underlying the Indian health care system known as Ayurveda. It includes yoga, breathing techniques, meditation, herbal remedies, dietary practices, and the theories and research behind these practices.

  • ITP 3450 - Dynamics of Disease

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITP 1500

    Description: This course will acquaint students with the processes, dynamics and treatment of diseases with special focus on chronic diseases. It will also explore the psychosocial aspects of health as it relates to patients, families and caregivers; psychological crises; and death and dying.

  • ITP 3500 - Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of General Studies requirements in Written Communication, Oral Communication, and Quantitative Literacy; ITP 1700 and ITP 2700.

    Description: This course provides the basis for understanding the mechanisms and principles by which traditional Chinese medicine is practiced. Students explore different therapeutic modalities.  Course content includes traditional Chinese philosophy as applied to treatment in acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage therapy, T’ai Chi, and Qi-Gong. This course requires individuals to be open to learning about different philosophical beliefs upon which Chinese medicine is based.

  • ITP 3600 - Energy Medicine

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITP 1700 and ITP 2700

    Description: An experiential and conceptual exploration of energy medicine, this course combines theoretical foundations, such as quantum physics and chakra anatomy, with a strong, practical emphasis, including energy field assessment, basic healing techniques, and distance healing.

  • ITP 3700 - Physiology of Aging

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2310 and BIO 2320

    Description: This course views aging from biological perspectives, explores theories of aging, and examines individual and cultural variations in the aging process. These themes form a backdrop to a detailed study of age-related structural and functional changes in the bodily systems, as well as the common diseases associated with each system. Successful aging will be emphasized through an examination of the modifiable risk factors for senescence and age-associated diseases.

    Cross Listed Course(s): BIO 3530
  • ITP 3750 - Integrative Health Study Abroad

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Major within the Health Professions Department, 2.5 GPA and permission of instructor

    Description: This is a variable topics course conducted in a study abroad format. The countries visited will vary as to where the course is offered. Students will study the health care of the country visited, including how people access healthcare, health care programs available, and how health care policy, environment, and tradition impact the health of the population.

  • ITP 3800 - Stress and Sleep: Impact on Health and Disease

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2310 or ITP 1500

    Description: This course provides an in-depth study of stress, sleep, and the relationship between the two. Students will learn the physiologic mechanisms of acute and chronic stress, diseases associated with stress overload, and evidence-based ways to manage stress. They will also learn about sleep needs over the life cycle, circadian rhythms, major sleep disorders, and the dangers of sleep deprivation.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: HON or ITP.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 3801
  • ITP 3850 - Lifestyle Medicine

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1009 or ENG 1010; and ENG 1020 or ENG 1021

    Description: This class is an overview of lifestyle medicine and its use in disease prevention and enhancing overall health and wellbeing. Students will gain a basic understanding of the most common medical conditions that are impacted by lifestyle behaviors. In addition, we will explore the importance of motivation and behavior change in the field of lifestyle medicine and the importance of self-care/self-advocacy for optimal health. Students will understand the importance of referral to appropriate health professionals.

  • ITP 3920 - Gender Politics of Health

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): GWS 1001 or SOC 1010 or PSY 1001

    Description: This course focuses on health issues specific to women and the challenges historically faced by women in the health care arena. Students will learn about the role of patriarchal medical mythologies that exist throughout various cultures in the oppression of women, especially minority women, and how women have reclaimed healing, health, and communities of medical knowledge production.  This course specifically explores feminist, physiological, psychological, and sociological factors in women’s health within a global context.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: PSY, SOC, GWS, or ITP.

    Cross Listed Course(s): PSY 3920, SOC 3920, GWS 3920
  • ITP 3980 - Internship in Integrative Therapeutic Practices

    Credits: 1-15

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of department

    Description: This internship requires specialized skills that students may apply in educational or professional health care settings. A written learning contract between student, faculty supervisor, site supervisor, agency, and department chair is required. Activities include finding and working in an approved health care setting under the auspices of the office management or the clinical management. Academic credit is determined with 45 worked hours being equivalent to 1 credit. Therefore, 3 credits would be 135 worked hours, and 6 credits would be 270 worked hours.


    Internship requirements vary by department. For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-615-1333 or internships@msudenver.edu.

  • ITP 4000 - Pediatric Holistic Health

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2320 and ITP 3200

    Description: This course provides an overview of facts promoting the biological, psychological, and social health of children.  The content emphasizes health maintenance, illness/injury prevention, and a holistic approach to common childhood illnesses.  For each illness reviewed, lectures and readings will cover the etiology, diagnosis, conventional treatment, complementary therapies, and home management.

  • ITP 4100 - Women’s Holistic Health

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course takes an in-depth, holistic approach to women’s health.  While highlighting new research findings, the class will explore the optimal integration of conventional medicine and complementary modalities for common women’s health concerns.  Students will deepen their awareness of tools women can utilize to maintain health and prevent illness. 

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: GWS or ITP.

    Cross Listed Course(s): GWS 4100
  • ITP 4200 - Aromatherapy

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2320, CHE 1100 or CHE 1800, and ITP 3200

    Description: This course is a comprehensive and practical study of aromatherapy. It provides information needed to develop skills and knowledge in integrated aromatherapy. This course covers clinical and research trials, pharmacokinetics and chemistry of essential oils, physiological effects of essential oils, practical applications, and therapeutic blending. Individual oils will be profiled.

  • ITP 4300 - Botanical Pharmacology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2320, CHE 1100 or CHE 1800, and ITP 3200

    Description: This course provides an in-depth exploration of commonly used plant medicines. The review of each botanical will include its history, botanical classification, chemical constituents, modern uses, the scientific research supporting those uses, contraindications, potential side effects, and drug interactions.

  • ITP 4400 - Wellness Coaching II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITP 2950 or HPS 2700; ITP 3850

    Description: This advanced course in wellness coaching allows students to better understand ethics, professionalism, communication, behavior change, and coaching sessions. Students create coaching agreements, behavior change plans, and document interactions to support the eventual creation of a coaching business.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: ITP or HPS.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HPS 4700
  • ITP 4500 - Professionalism in Integrative Therapies

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite(s): ITP Major or IHC Major or ITP Extended Major or IHC Extended Major and junior standing (60 or more credit hours)

    Description: This preparatory course is a prerequisite for both of the senior experiences for the ITP program: ITP 4800 Internship in Integrative Therapeutic Practices or ITP 4900 Theories and Application of Knowledge for Integrative Health.  The course covers pre-professional skills such as cover letters and resumes, interview skills, and professional presentations. Students choosing to take ITP 4800 will identify and apply for a health care internship, while students electing ITP 4900 will research graduate programs.

  • ITP 4550 - Advanced Health Navigation and Assessment

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITP 3450, ITP 3850 and ITP 4400

    Description: Students in this course will develop skills necessary to perform patient navigation and lifestyle medicine health assessments. They will also learn clinical practice guidelines for lifestyle related chronic health conditions. Students will practice developing action plans utilizing nationally accepted guidelines for healthy lifestyle behaviors. Students create community health referral networks, explore health improvement programs, and practice using the tools that health navigators and lifestyle medicine focused wellness coaches use in the community. 

  • ITP 4600 - Clinical Pathophysiology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2320

    Description: This course is designed to familiarize the student with the nature of human pathophysiology using major conceptual areas. Pertinent biochemical and metabolic derangements are correlated with the cellular structure by applying systems theory. The course focuses on the effects of the disease process on all of the major bodily systems, pathogenesis, and related clinical manifestations.

  • ITP 4700 - Community Health Education and Lifestyle Medicine

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITP 3850

    Description: This class will help students gain a more in-depth understanding of lifestyle medicine in areas such as healthy eating, physical activity, stress reduction, and healthy sleep habits. They will work with various community groups to identify wellness educational needs, and then develop lifestyle medicine educational programs to assist community members with improving their wellbeing. Students will learn about health promotion concepts, create dynamic educational presentations/materials, and serve a community through sharing what they have created. Through service learning, students will assist various communities with disease prevention and enhance overall health and wellbeing through lifestyle medicine.

    Note: Some sections of this course may be taught as Service Learning.

  • ITP 4800 - Lifestyle Medicine Across Gender and Lifespan

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITP 3850

    Description: This class will focus on how lifestyle choices impact health across the lifespan from childhood/adolescence through early adulthood and into late adulthood.  It will also focus on how lifestyle medicine impacts women’s health, men’s health, and LGBTQ health.  Students will understand how areas of lifestyle medicine topics such as healthy eating, physical activity, stress reduction, healthy sleep habits impact the health of these various groups in different ways.  They will also learn about lifestyle medicine topics that are of particular importance to certain populations of people.

  • ITP 4900 - Theories and Application of Knowledge for Integrative Health

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and ITP major

    Description: This course explores the history, theories and philosophies surrounding the acquisition of health-related knowledge and understanding of the mind-body-spirit complex.  The performance of a basic level Holistic Health assessment and knowledge of when and how to initiate appropriate referrals to traditional and complementary health team members will be covered, along with understanding the transformational nature of personal change.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • ITP 4910 - Applications in Wellness Coaching

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITP 2500, ITP 2700, ITP 2950

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): ITP 3850, ITP 4400

    Description: This capstone course provides students with the opportunity to combine skills, knowledge, personal growth, and reflection with application through a summative presentation and demonstration of wellness coaching skills.

  • ITP 4950 - Community Coaching for Health

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): HPS 4700 or ITP 4400 and Senior Standing

    Description: Lifestyle medicine knowledge is meant to be applied in the community setting, in order to truly impact the health of others. This course will allow senior students to utilize their competencies in lifestyle medicine, wellness coaching, and patient navigation in the community. Through community and campus partnerships, students will have the opportunity to apply their skills in real-world situations to impact the health and wellbeing of clients. Students will complete a coaching log that may be utilized when applying for the National Board Certification for Health and Wellness Coaching. Professionalism, documentation skills, and refinement of their coaching skills will be emphasized. 

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • ITP 4990 - Internship in Integrative Therapeutic Practices

    Credits: 3-6

    Prerequisite(s): ITP 4500

    Description: This capstone course allows students to integrate and apply biological, psychological, sociological and cultural theories and all previously learned holistic health and integrative therapies knowledge and skills to individuals in a health care setting. Under supervision, students will utilize all course work in collaborating with field experts in solving problems related to integrative therapies. The integrative therapies area of study and the internship site are mutually agreed upon by the student, the faculty member, and the health setting staff. Internship credits are calculated with 45 worked hours being equivalent to one credit.


    Internship requirements vary by department. For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-615-1333 or internships@msudenver.edu.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • ITP 4991 - Integrative Capstone

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): ITP 4900 or ITP 4990

    Description: This capstone course allows students to clarify their relationship with the newly emerging field of integrative health care, solidify their body of knowledge and create new paths for the future. In close consultation with faculty, students design projects from internships, community service work, research, wellness curriculum, study abroad or long-term leadership experiences. The course requires students to create their own website to display their academic body of work and their capstone project.

  • ITP 4999 - Applied Learning with Lifestyle Medicine

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of Health Professions Faculty and ITP 3850

    Description: Full appreciation for lifestyle medicine is best realized through applying the knowledge outside of the classroom. Students who are interested in this applied learning experience will utilize lifestyle medicine principles to address various situations related to whole person health. Experiential learning will be tailored to students’ areas of interest, current skill set, desired knowledge and skills, post-graduate plans, and current lifestyle medicine opportunities. Opportunities to engage in lifestyle medicine related research, community service, health activism, and teaching others about lifestyle medicine will be given as available.

    Note: This course may be repeated up to 3 times with faculty permission.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience


  • ITA 1010 - Elementary Italian I

    Credits: 5

    Description: This is a basic course in Italian, with emphasis primarily on pronunciation, speaking, and understanding, supplemented by grammar, reading, and writing. Attention will also focus on understanding the culture and customs of Italy.

    General Studies: Oral Communication

  • ITA 1020 - Elementary Italian II

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): ITA 1010 or equivalent

    Description: This course is a continuation of ITA 1010  and focuses on skills development in listening, speaking, reading, and writing with emphasis on the use of functional, communicative language for oral and written proficiency and cultural competency.

    General Studies: Arts and Humanities, Global Diversity

  • ITA 1800 - International Italian Year I

    Credits: 3-6

    Description: This is a variable credit course, designed for first-year students learning Italian in a study-abroad setting. The course provides an approved study-abroad educational experience in Italian speaking, comprehension, reading and writing.

    Note: Student can earn a maximum of 6 credit hours.

  • ITA 2010 - Intermediate Italian I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITA 1020 or Instructor’s Permission

    Description: This course is the first of a two-semester, integrated, second-year sequence focusing on the further development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The course emphasizes the use of functional, communicative language for achieving oral and written proficiency, and cultural competence. Classes are conducted mostly in Italian and will include a variety of interactive activities designed to help students develop their knowledge of Italian and their ability to use it productively in situations of communication.

  • ITA 2020 - Intermediate Italian II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITA 1020 or Instructor’s Permission

    Description: This course is a continuation of ITA 2010 and is the second of a two-semester, integrated, second-year sequence focusing on the further development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The course emphasizes the use of functional, communicative language for achieving oral and written proficiency, and cultural competence. Classes are conducted mostly in Italian and will include a variety of interactive activities designed to help students develop their knowledge of Italian and their ability to use it productively in situations of communication.

  • ITA 2110 - Italian Reading and Conversation

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITA 1020 or Instructor’s Permission

    Description: This course is designed to deepen students’ knowledge of the geographical, historical, economic, and sociological aspects of Italian culture. It strengthens conversational ability through the use of group discussions, role-playing, oral presentations, and debates. Conducted in Italian.

  • ITA 2800 - International Italian Year II

    Credits: 3-6

    Prerequisite(s): One year of college Italian or equivalent

    Description: This variable-credit course focuses a second-year study of Italian language and culture in an approved study-abroad setting.

    Note: Student can earn a maximum of 6 credit hours.

  • ITA 3010 - Italian Culture Through Film

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITA 2020 or Instructor’s Permission

    Description: This course is designed to expand students’ knowledge of the culture and civilization of modern Italy primarily through film. It will focus on a selection of Italian movies from World War II to the present with the purpose of analyzing the historical, cultural, and socio-economic complexity of contemporary Italy. Classes will be conducted in Italian.

  • ITA 3110 - Advanced Conversation

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITA 2020 or Instructor’s Permission

    Description: This course focuses on refining language skills while providing insight into Italian society and culture. It helps students expand vocabulary and communication strategies while revising complex grammatical structures. Conducted in Italian.

  • ITA 3140 - Advanced Italian Grammar

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITA 2020 or Instructor’s Permission

    Description: This course systematizes and reinforces the language skills presented in lower-level courses through a review of complex grammatical points, and through the analysis of literary texts and newspaper articles. Classes will be conducted in Italian.

  • ITA 3250 - Readings in Italian Literature

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITA 2020 or Instructor’s Permission

    Description: This course is designed as an introduction to the study of Italian literature. It helps students gain confidence and increase their effectiveness in reading Italian texts, develop vocabulary, and become familiar with idiomatic expressions through discussions, oral reports, and essays. Conducted in Italian.

  • ITA 3310 - Contemporary Italy: Culture and Society

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ITA 2020 or Instructor’s Permission

    Description: This course is designed to deepen students’ knowledge of Italian language and society. Students will examine the political, cultural, and social history of Italy from the post-war period to the present. Students will use different idiomatic expressions, review grammatical structures, present oral reports, and write essays on the topics discussed in class. Conducted in Italian.

  • ITA 3800 - International Italian Year III

    Credits: 3-6

    Prerequisite(s): Two years of college Italian or equivalent

    Description: This course focuses on upper-division study of language, culture, and society in a study-abroad setting. It uses a variety of methods and includes reading, writing, and discussion seminars in Italian.

    Note: Student can earn a maximum of 6 credit hours.


  • JPS 1010 - Elementary Japanese I

    Credits: 5

    Description: This basic course in Japanese emphasizes pronunciation, speaking, and understanding, supplemented by grammar, reading, and writing.

    General Studies: Oral Communication

  • JPS 1020 - Elementary Japanese II

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): JPS 1010 or equivalent

    Description: This course is a continuation of JPS 1010  and focuses on skills development in listening, speaking, reading, and writing with emphasis on the use of functional, communicative language for oral and written proficiency and cultural competency.

    General Studies: Arts and Humanities, Global Diversity

  • JPS 2010 - Intermediate Japanese I

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): JPS 1020 or advisor permission

    Description: This is the first semester of a two-semester intermediate Japanese language sequence specifically designed to strengthen grammatical skills and proficiency in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing. The course will also introduce students to a sampling of social, cultural and literary topics central to the understanding of Japan and the Japanese people.

  • JPS 2020 - Intermediate Japanese II

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): JPS 2010 or advisor permission

    Description: This second course in the JPS 2010 and JPS 2020 sequence is designed to continue strengthening grammatical skills and proficiency in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing.  It will also present further examples of sociocultural issues central to Japan and the Japanese people.

  • JPS 2110 - Conversational Japanese I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JPS 1020 or advisor permission

    Description: This conversation course is designed to improve oral proficiency and further develop fluency in the Japanese language. Students will study a variety of model dialogues and will learn useful conversational formulas applicable to different scenarios of everyday life in Japan.

  • JPS 2120 - Kanji I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JPS 1020 or advisor permission

    Description: This Japanese course introduces 464 kanji: their etymology, meaning and usage. Students will learn to recognize and apply these selected kanji in both reading and writing.

  • JPS 3110 - Conversational Japanese II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JPS 2110 or advisor permission

    Description: This Japanese conversation course further develops the skills addressed in Conversational Japanese I. and is designed to enable students to speak more readily and with improved fluency. Students will learn a variety of dialogue models that are useful in different scenarios of every day life in Japan and will improve their communication skills.

  • JPS 3120 - Kanji II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JPS 2120 or advisor permission

    Description: This course is a continuation of Kanji I. The course introduces 232 additional, new kanji characters, their etymology, meaning, and usage. Students will be able to recognize and use them in reading and writing.

  • JPS 3200 - Japanese through Media Culture

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JPS 2020 or advisor permission

    Description: This course focuses on the Japanese language, as well as on social and cultural customs through the prism of media. Materials studied include, but are not limited to: manga, online publications, and film.

  • JPS 3210 - Advanced Japanese: Major Topics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JPS 2020 or instructor permission

    Description: Advanced course for those who have taken two years of basic Japanese. The variable topics in this course will target specific aspects of the language to further the understanding of the culture.

    Note: This course may be repeated under different topics

Journalism and Media Production

  • JMP 1000 - Introduction to Journalism and Mass Media

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum performance standard scores on reading, writing, and mathematics assessment tests

    Description: This survey course introduces students from all academic disciplines to the historical development of journalism and mass media and its relationship to contemporary society. Students will explore the functions and impact of newspapers, books, television, radio, magazines, films, public relations and issues such as technology convergence, censorship, economic control, and privacy.

    General Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-SS3

  • JMP 1010 - Critical Thinking through 21st Century Media

    Credits: 3

    Description: Through the lens of 21st century media, this course teaches students to be critical media producers and consumers through critical thinking and inquiry learning skills. It reviews the similarities and differences between traditional and 21st century media, with attention focused on bias, perspective, author’s intent, audience, social and ethical responsibilities, and the impact on a media communication process. 21st century media will be examined through both primary sources and current media to provide historical context for understanding media communication.

    General Studies: Arts and Humanities

  • JMP 1050 - Survey of Music, Video and Film

    Credits: 3

    Description: In this introductory course, students examine the ways in which music, film and video have evolved and become interconnected.  Students learn how aesthetic principles, production techniques and technological advances have affected the manner in which film and video producers use and incorporate music in their productions. 

  • JMP 1100 - Journalism Fundamentals

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course emphasizes writing and editing using Associated Press style guidelines, proper punctuation for news copy, and the basic skills required of journalists. This course introduces students to the ethical and legal considerations for journalists with a special emphasis on libel and privacy laws. Students are regularly tested on their use of Associated Press guidelines. Students develop their ability to edit copy.

  • JMP 1450 - Media Literacy and Communication

    Credits: 3

    Description: Students review basic Internet standards and refine electronic communication skills using digital media and current online technologies. This course builds media literacy skills, including visual, information, and news literacies. Digital Storytelling is also explored to introduce media production concepts and practice.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: HON or JMP.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 1450
  • JMP 2100 - Reporting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JMP 1100

    Description: This course allows students to refine the news-gathering, interviewing, and writing techniques that were learned in JRN 1100 by introducing students to beat reporting. Students spend time perfecting their skills in a writing laboratory. Students are required to cover events outside of class.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: HON or JMP.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 2101
  • JMP 2210 - Beginning Layout and Design

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JMP 1100

    Description: This course will provide students with basic knowledge of layout and design for newspapers, magazines and other mass media publications, including the Internet, via a variety of software platforms.

  • JMP 2400 - Basic Video Editing

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course introduces the fundamental principles, aesthetics, and procedures necessary to perform nonlinear video editing. Students learn how to perform video edits, the importance of aesthetics in editing, and how to translate editing theory to practical applications.

  • JMP 2420 - Basic Video Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JMP 2435 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course introduces students to the basics of audio and video techniques and standards for producing on location single camera programs. Students engage in project development and pre-production, manual video and audio recording, professional image and soundtrack composition, production lighting operation and safety, and non-linear video editing.

  • JMP 2430 - Introduction to Media Production

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course is a survey of basic media production. Basic production techniques, terminology, equipment characteristics, media selection, advantages and disadvantages are studied.

  • JMP 2435 - Multimedia Writing and Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JMP 1100

    Description: Students receive instruction and produce work designed to meet the requirements for a variety of media and audiences. Online writing, public relations writing, broadcast writing, scriptwriting, technical writing, interactive media writing, and writing for mobile and social media audiences are among the areas covered.



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