Jul 26, 2024  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Human Development and Family Studies Major, B.A.

The major in human development and family studies provides students with in-depth knowledge about theory, research, and application in human development across the lifespan, with particular emphasis on the family as a developmental context. Through coursework and applied assignments, students make connections between theory, research, and practice. The major emphasizes developmentally appropriate and best practices in working with children, adolescents, adults, and their families to enhance positive developmental outcomes in a variety of career settings, including hospitals, counseling, child-care, schools and other social institutions. 

Subtotal: 18

Subtotal: 12

HDFS Breadth: 12 Credits (Choose four; students can also choose from any additional developmental foundation courses listed above)

Students should choose their breadth courses in consultation with a HDFS advisor to ensure these courses best prepare them for their future career and/or graduate school goals. The following courses can be taken up to two times and be counted within the HDFS major: PSY 3370 - Undergraduate Research Assistant , PSY 3390 - Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Training ,   PSY 3980 - Internship in Psychology  and/or PSY 4650 - Advanced Internship in Psychology , combined, and PSY 4980 - Independent Study. To enroll in any of these specialty classes, please consult with an advisor. 

Subtotal: 12

Advising Notes

  • All students must complete a minimum of 15 semester hours of upper-division PSY coursework for the HDFS major. Transfer students must take a minimum of 15 semester hours of HDFS course work at MSU Denver, of which at least 9 must be upper-division credits.
  • Transfer students must have completed both semesters of a two-semester introductory psychology course for equivalence to exist. Three semester hours will count toward the major or minor; three semester hours will count as general electives (i.e., PSY 8888) to graduate. If a student has taken only one semester of a two-semester introductory course and takes PSY 1001 at MSU Denver, the transfer introductory credits will not count toward the degree.
  • A grade of “D-” or better does count toward the bachelor’s degree. However, HDFS majors must have a GPA of 2.00 in their major as well as an overall GPA of 2.00 to graduate. Students should note that programs differ in the minimum grade required.
  • HDFS majors cannot use psychology courses to fulfill General Studies requirements EXCEPT for senior experience and multicultural which can be filled by taking Senior experience in HDFS (PSY 4700 ) and Multicultural Psychology (PSY 3030 ) or Psychology of Group Prejudice (PSY 3070 ) for the multicultural requirement.
  • Students considering going to graduate school or seeking a certification, should be aware that these programs often have specific undergraduate course prerequisites within the major, minor, general studies or electives. Please talk to an HDFS advisor about your goals so they can help you to select the most appropriate courses.
  • The Department of Psychological Sciences does not accept correspondence study courses toward the total number of semester hours required for a major or minor.

Total Hours Required for the Major: 41