Mar 09, 2025
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog
History Major, B.A. with Secondary Social Studies Teacher Licensure Concentration
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About the Program
This program combines a History Major with a concentration in Secondary Social Studies licensure. It prepares teacher candidates to teach Social Studies subjects in diverse secondary schools with some additional training in culturally and linguistically diverse teaching.
Student Outcomes
- Locate sources– Demonstrate the ability to locate sources when information is needed, and to evaluate the authenticity, validity, and reliability of resources applied to a specific purpose.
- Communicate in writing– Communicate in writing with an awareness of audience, by using language conventions appropriate to the occasion and task.
- Employ historical knowledge– Demonstrate historical knowledge of the United States, the world, and major regions of the world.
- Understand context– Demonstrate, using historical sources, how context and contingency influence change over time.
- Interpret evidence– Develop an effective historical interpretation and marshal primary and/or secondary source evidence to support it.
- Demonstrate mastery of pedagogical strategies in Social Studies for secondary school teaching.
- Connect Literacy and Math-Utilize literacy, including Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD), strategies as well as mathematics when teaching Social Studies.
- Create Inclusive Teaching Environment-Create a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment that facilitates Social Studies learning for diverse populations, including CLD students.
- Plan and deliver effective instruction in History, Civics, and Geography.
- Demonstrate professionalism as a teacher candidate through ethical conduct, reflection, and leadership.
- Demonstrate knowledge of first and second language acquisition and teaching strategies for CLD students.
General Studies Requirements: 33 credits
Students should consult the General Studies Requirements for a list of courses that fulfill the General Studies Requirements for degree completion. Courses recommended below will satisfy both General Studies and Major or Concentration requirements. - Written Communication (6 credits)
- Oral Communication (3 credits)
- Quantitative Literacy (3 credits)
- Arts and Humanities (6 credits)
- Historical (3 credits)
- Natural and Physical Sciences (6 credits)
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 credits)
- Global Diversity (0-3 credits).
** Students will fulfill the Global Diversity requirement by taking an approved course within one of the following categories: Arts and Humanities; Historical; Natural and Physical sciences; or Social and Behavioral Sciences. Ethnic Studies & Social Justice Requirement: 0 or 3 credits
History Major: 42 credits
The History Major requires thirty-nine (39) credits of History courses beyond the Historical General Studies requirement. A grade of “C-” or better is required for each course in this program to count toward licensure. Note that students can register strategically to apply their General Studies Global Diversity course requirement and the ESSJ course requirement toward History Major requirements below. All students should check with a departmental adviser to plan their selection of courses in the Major. History Teaching Major Core: 12 credits
Students should complete four (4) introductory courses in History from the list below, one of which will also count for the Historical General Studies requirement. The department recommends that students choose at least TWO American History courses for the degree program to prepare for teaching at the secondary level. Diversity and Human Rights Electives: 12 credits
Students need at least twelve (12) upper-division Diversity and Human Rights Elective credits for the History Major with a Social Studies Concentration. These are 3000-level History courses that offer preparation for teaching Secondary History in accordance with the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS). These standards were revised in 2022 to stress both the historical experiences of marginalized groups in the United States as well as Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights in World History. Choose three (3) courses from this list of Electives offering Diverse Perspectives on American History Broad History Electives: 15 credits
Fifteen (15) additional elective credits are needed for the History Major. At least six (6) credits of these remaining Electives must be taken at the upper-division (3000-4000) level. As many as nine (9) credits can be lower-division (HIS 1000-1999) Electives. One recommended Elective for Teaching World History: Major Capstone Course: 3 credits
The three-credit Social Studies methods course is typically taken along with HIS 4020 Field Experience in Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Schools. Additional Requirements for the Concentration in Secondary Social Studies Licensure
Social Science Courses: 24-25 credits
All students must complete twenty-four or twenty-five credits in the following Social Science disciplines to prepare to teach secondary Social Studies. Note that six credits below can also satisfy the General Studies Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement. Additionally, GEG 1100 or GIS 1220 can satisfy three or four credits of the General Studies Natural and Physical Science requirement. So the subtotal of credits required for this section could drop to twelve if students also complete the recommended General Studies courses. Foundations and Strategies for Secondary Teaching: 28 credits
This Secondary Education Licensure Program prepares candidates to teach Social Studies courses in grades 6-12. With the courses and field experiences below, candidates satisfy the Colorado Department of Education Teacher Quality Standards for licensure in Secondary Education. Senior Experience: 12 credits
Student Teaching offers an essential conclusion to this degree program. Typically, students should register for 12 credits of EDS 4290 in their final semester. Summary of Requirements
General Studies Requirements | 33 credits | ESSJ Requirement | 0-3 credits | History Major | 42 credits | Social Science Courses | 24-25 credits | Foundations and Strategies for Secondary Teaching | 28 credits | Senior Experience | 12 credits | Total Credits for History Major, B.A. with Concentration in Secondary Social Studies Licensure | 124-125 credits | Required courses for the major may also count for General Studies and ESSJ requirements, so the total credits listed may be greater than the number required to complete the degree. Therefore, it is important that you work with your advisor to make sure you are meeting requirements for your degree. Up to 15 of the 33 General Studies credits in this program may be fulfilled through requirements for the degree. |
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