Feb 16, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Multicultural Graduation Requirements
The required content and course materials for Multicultural coursework are designed to increase students’ awareness and appreciation of cultural diversity in the United States. Multicultural coursework examines the interactions of values, beliefs, traditions, identities, and contributions of one or more of the following four groups of color in the United States: African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, and Native American, which may include the characteristics of gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability within these groups.
At the conclusion of a multicultural course, students will be able to:
- Define factors that lead to the formation and continuation of one or more of the four groups of color in United States society.
- Present the customs, behavioral patterns, and identities of one or more of the four groups of color in United States society.
- Delineate the effects of bias, prejudices, and discrimination on one or more of the four groups of color in United States society.
- Describe the cultural similarities, commonalities, and differences within or among one or more of the four groups of color in United States society.
- Communicate how the acceptance and inclusion of all groups of color enriches lives and increases the creativity and performance of everyone in United States society.
Multicultural Courses (3 Semester Hours)
Select from the following courses: - AAS 1010 - Introduction to Africana Studies Credits: 3
- AAS 2100 - Women of Color Credits: 3
- AAS 2200 - Politics and Black People Credits: 3
- AAS 3220 - Prejudice and Discrimination Credits: 3
- AAS 3240 - African American Literature Credits: 3
- AAS 3300 - The Black Community Credits: 3
- AAS 3440 - American Slavery Credits: 3
- AAS 3570 - African American History I Credits: 3
- AAS 3580 - African American History II Credits: 3
- AAS 3700 - Psychology of Group Prejudice Credits: 3
- ANT 2330 - Cross-Cultural Communication Credits: 3
- ANT 3310 - Ethnography of North American Indians Credits: 3
- ANT 3340 - Native Americans in Historical Perspective Credits: 3
- ANT 3480 - Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness Credits: 3
- ARTH 3300 - Multiculturalism and American Art Credits: 3
- ARTH 3360 - Contemporary Chicana/o Art Credits: 3
- CAS 3760 - Diversity and Communication in the U.S. Credits: 3
- CHS 1000 - Introduction to Chicana/o Studies Credits: 3
- CHS 2100 - Women of Color Credits: 3
- CHS 3020 - Chicana/o History, 1836 to the Present Credits: 3
- CHS 3025 - Contemporary Chicana/o Art Credits: 3
- CHS 3100 - Social Justice and Activism in the Chicana/o Community Credits: 3
- CHS 3200 - Chicanos and the Law Credits: 3
- CJC 3720 - Chicanos and the Law Credits: 3
- ECE 3860 - Cultural Socialization of Children Credits: 3
- ECO 3600 - Economics of Race and Gender Credits: 3
- EDS 1001 - Educational (In)Equality in the 21st Century Credits: 3
- EDS 3150 - Issues in Multicultural Education in Urban Secondary Schools Credits: 3
- EDU 1111 - Education within Diverse Communities Credits: 3
- EDU 3111 - Education in Diverse Communities Credits: 3
- EDU 3200 - Human Diversity: Applications to Multicultural Education Credits: 3
- ENG 2240 - Introduction to Native American Literature Credits: 3
- ENG 3240 - African American Literature Credits: 3
- ENG 3722 - Native American Cinema Credits: 3
- ENG 3770 - Multicultural Cinema Credits: 3
- ENG 4633 - Spike Lee Credits: 3
- GEG 3300 - Land Use, Culture, and Conflict Credits: 3
- GWS 1200 - Multicultural Study of Sexualities and Genders Credits: 3
- GWS 2100 - Women of Color Credits: 3
- GWS 3170 - Social Justice, Self, and Citizenship: A Service Learning Course Credits: 3
- GWS 3220 - Prejudice and Discrimination Credits: 3
- GWS 3650 - Economics of Race and Gender Credits: 3
- GWS 3700 - Psychology of Group Prejudice Credits: 3
- GWS 4830 - Workforce Diversity Credits: 3
- HCM 3700 - Health Disparities in the U.S. Credits: 3
- HIS 1150 - Multicultural America Credits: 3
- HIS 3420 - American West Credits: 3
- HIS 3426 - Colorado Water and the American West Credits: 3
- HIS 3440 - American Slavery Credits: 3
- HIS 3450 - Food in U.S. History Credits: 3
- HIS 3490 - Native American History Credits: 3
- HIS 3560 - Chicana/o History, 1836 to the Present Credits: 3
- HIS 3570 - African American History I Credits: 3
- HIS 3580 - African American History II Credits: 3
- HIS 3590 - American Immigration History Credits: 3
- HIS 3683 - American Religious History Credits: 3
- HON 1003 - Introduction to Chicana/o Studies Credits: 3
- HON 3101 - Social Justice and Activism in the Chicana/o Community Credits: 3
- HON 3480 - Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness Credits: 3
- HON 3490 - Multicultural Issues in Human Services Credits: 4
- HON 3491 - Native American History Credits: 3
- HON 3570 - African American History I Credits: 3
- HON 3170 - Social Justice, Self, and Citizenship: A Service Learning Course Credits: 3
- HON 3703 - Health Disparities in the U.S. Credits: 3
- HON 3704 - Psychology of Group Prejudice Credits: 3
- HON 3760 - Diversity and Communication in the U.S. Credits: 3
- HON 4830 - Workforce Diversity Credits: 3
- HSP 3490 - Multicultural Issues in Human Services Credits: 4
- ITP 2810 - Men Across Cultures Credits: 3
- MGT 4830 - Workforce Diversity Credits: 3
- MKT 3750 - Multicultural Marketing Credits: 3
- MUS 3000 - Musics of America Credits: 3
- MUS 3020 - Jazz Styles - America’s Music Credits: 3
- MUS 4010 - From Blues to Hip Hop: African American Musical Heritage Credits: 3
- NAS 1000 - Introduction to Native American Studies Credits: 3
- NAS 3200 - Native American Politics Credits: 3
- NAS 3300 - Land Use, Culture and Conflict Credits: 3
- NAS 3301 - Multiculturalism and American Art Credits: 3
- NAS 3722 - Native American Cinema Credits: 3
- NUT 3300 - Cultural Aspects of Nutrition Credits: 3
- PHI 2000 - Multicultural Identities in America Credits: 3
- PSC 2200 - Politics and Black People Credits: 3
- PSC 3200 - Native American Politics Credits: 3
- PSC 3300 - Land Use, Culture and Conflict Credits: 3
- PSY 3030 - Multicultural Psychology Credits: 3
- PSY 3170 - Social Justice: Self and Citizenship: A Service Learning Course Credits: 3
- PSY 3700 - Psychology of Group Prejudice Credits: 3
- SED 2200 - Diversity and Multicultural Education Credits: 3
- SOC 1040 - Introduction to Social Gerontology Credits: 3
- SOC 3140 - The Black Community Credits: 3
- SOC 3220 - Prejudice and Discrimination Credits: 3
- SPA 3220 - Folklore and Culture of the Mexican Southwest Credits: 3
- SWK 3110 - Social Justice and Activism in the Chicana/o Community Credits: 3
- THE 3213 - Staging Cultures: Theatre, Drama, and Multiculturalism Credits: 3
- THE 3214 - Introduction to Black Theatre I Credits: 3
Transferability of Multicultural Credits
Transfer credits to meet the Multicultural requirement will be accepted under the following guidelines: - Transferable courses equivalent to an existing Multicultural course will satisfy the MSU Denver Multicultural requirement. Equivalency will be determined by the department offering the course. Once a course has been approved by a department, it will be given the status of an approved transferable Multicultural course.
- The Multicultural Curriculum Review Committee will evaluate courses that do not have a University equivalent course to determine if the course meets MSU Denver criteria for the Multicultural course requirement.
- A one-hour deviation in the Multicultural requirement will be allowed when the transferable course meets MSU Denver’s Multicultural definition and course criteria.
- An appeal can be made to the Associate Vice President of Curriculum and Academic Effectiveness.