Feb 12, 2025  
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Fees


Tuition Classification


A student is classified as an in-state or out-of-state student for tuition purposes at the time of admission. This classification is based upon information supplied by the student on the application for admission and is made in accordance with the Colorado Tuition Classification Law, (Title 23, Article 7, of the Colorado revised Statutes of 1973), as amended. Once determined, a student’s tuition classification status remains unchanged unless satisfactory evidence that a change should be made is presented. If a student believes he or she is entitled to in-state status, the student must submit the in-state tuition classification form, along with evidence of in-state status to the Office of the Registrar by the published deadline dates.

The tuition classification statute requires that in order to qualify for in-state status, a student (or the parents or legal guardian of the student in the case of students under 23 years of age who are not emancipated) must have been domiciled in Colorado for one year or more immediately preceding the first day of the semester for which such classification is sought.

Domicile for tuition purposes requires two inseparable elements: (1) a permanent place of habitation in Colorado and (2) intent to remain in Colorado with no intent to be domiciled elsewhere. Some examples of connections with the state that provide objective evidence of intent are: (1) payment of Colorado state income tax as a Colorado resident, (2) permanent employment in Colorado, (3) ownership of residential real property in Colorado, (4) compliance with laws imposing a mandatory duty on any domiciliary of the state, such as the drivers’ license law and the vehicle registration law and (5) registration to vote. Other factors unique to the individual can also be used to demonstrate the requisite intent.

Any questions regarding the tuition classification law should be directed to an admissions officer in the Office of Admissions or the Tuition Classification Officer with the Office of the Registrar. In order to qualify for in-state status for a particular semester, the student must prove that domicile began no later than one year prior to the first day of classes for that semester. Refer to the Academic Calendar (www.mscd.edu/academic/acal.htm) for dates to qualify and to submit petitions.

House Bill 1023 Verification of Lawful Presence

HB06S-1023 which was signed into law on July 31, 2006, requires institutions of higher education, to verify lawful presence of all applications for public post-secondary education benefits.  The bill requires all citizens who apply for state benefits to provide proof of lawful presence in the US.  These benefits include in-state tuition, the College Opportunity Fund, state and institutional funding, and any other state-funded benefits that entail any payment or financial assistance.

Any student whose lawful presence is verified through the process of completing a College Opportunity Fund (COF) application or who are verified through the FAFSA may be considered to have met the requirements. Students who are not able to be verified through FAFSA or COF must complete a HB 1023 Affidavit form and provide a copy of identification supporting lawful presence in the U.S. to the Office of the Registrar.

Applicants who fail to meet verification requirements will be subject to nonresident tuition and removal of state funding.

College Opportunity Fund (COF)


Every eligible Colorado resident who will be a student must apply for the College Opportunity Fund (COF) in order to authorize payment of the state’s contribution toward tuition at any public college or university in the state of Colorado that the student plans to attend, such as Metropolitan State College of Denver.

These funds, called “stipends,” will be applied to a student’s college account each semester and are available for up to 145 credit hours of college-level undergraduate study. The actual value of the stipend will be determined by the Colorado Legislature each year.

Students must apply online for the stipend at www.CollegeInColorado.org; select College Opportunity Fund. Students must authorize the use of the stipend each semester during registration in MetroConnect.

The COF application requires students to submit only their legal name, date of birth, Social Security Number, and Driver’s License Number only once in a student’s lifetime. The application must be completed before the stipend can be credited to a student’s tuition and fee bill.

Students who do not apply for and/or authorize for COF will not be eligible for the stipend and will be responsible for paying the total in-state tuition – both the student’s share and the state’s share.

Eligibility: In-state, undergraduate students will be eligible for the stipend, up to 145 credit hours of college-level undergraduate study, regardless of age, income or financial aid status. Students who are seeking a second bachelor’s degree or post-baccalaureate degree credits are eligible to use the stipend for up to 30 credit hours.

For more information, visit the College’s Q&A section on COF at: www.mscd.edu/news/cof.

Tuition and College Service Fees


The Board of Trustees, the governing board of the College, reserves the right to alter any or all tuition and fees for any semester without notice.

Tuition and college service fees are determined by the trustees shortly before the beginning of each academic year. Information regarding tuition and fees can be found by going to the Tuition and Fees Table on Metro State’s Web site (www.mscd.edu/studentaccounts/assets/forms/student_accounts/200950_tuition_fees.pdf).

Standard Fees


An application fee is required of all applicants for admission to the College. This fee is nonrefundable and will not be applied to tuition.

Application fee $25
International student application fee $40
Matriculation fee $50
Special fees  
Returned check charge $17



Late Registration Fee

Metro State will administer a $100 service charge to students registering for Term 1 Fall and Spring semester classes past the posted late registration date on the Academic Calendar and the appropriate fall/spring schedule, Term 1 classes are those scheduled during the regular, full 16-week fall and spring semester, including online classes, classes at Metro North and Metro South and 2+2 courses. This does not apply to Winterim, Summer session courses or other parts of term classes. This fee is classified as a User Fee and Charge for Service under the Student Fee Plan and will be assessed at the time of registration.  Exceptions include students registered only for non-Term 1 classes, Metro State employees who are taking advantage of the tuition-reimbursement benefit and not allowed to register prior to the first day of classes, and students who were placed on wait lists prior to late registration date yet absorbed later. Appeals will be handled initially through the Office of Enrollment Services and ultimately through Office of the Bursar whose decision will be final.

NOT included as Exceptions:

  • Part-time students taking Term 1 classes
  • Non-degree students taking Term 1 classes
  • Any other students taking Term I classes other than those described as exceptions above

Student Health Insurance

All students taking ten (10) credit hours or more in the Fall or Spring semester or eight (8) credit hours or more in the Summer semester are required to participate in the College-sponsored Student Health Insurance Program, unless proof of outside health insurance is provided by the waiver deadline that meets the standards set by the College. Please note that the Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) will NOT be accepted as proof of insurance since this program is not considered insurance by the State Legislature.

Students are automatically billed for Student Health Insurance on their tuition bill. Students are informed of the College’s health insurance requirement when they attempt to register for classes. Registration screens cannot be accessed until a student reads the details associated with this requirement.

All students are sent an automatic e-mail message to their MetroConnect email account after they register. Students who have outside health insurance coverage are then responsible for following the waiver instructions contained in the e-mail message and for submitting an electronic waiver form by the deadline listed. Please note that waiver forms will not be accepted after the published waiver deadline.

Health insurance waivers are valid for one (1) academic year (an academic year includes Fall, Spring and Summer semesters annually.) Continuing students must complete a waiver form ANNUALLY prior to each Fall semester. Students with a break in academic enrollment and those who begin classes in the Spring or Summer must complete a waiver form by the appropriate deadline for the semester in which they enroll and every Fall semester thereafter.

Students who participate in the student health insurance program during the Spring semester of any academic year are eligible to purchase Summer semester coverage without taking classes during the Summer semester. However, in order to obtain the same low rate offered during the Fall and Spring semesters, Summer semester coverage must be purchased in advance by the Spring semester waiver deadline. Please contact the Student Health Insurance Office at 303-556-3873 for further details.

Student Dental Insurance


Voluntary Program for all Students

Voluntary Dental Insurance is available to students taking one credit hour or more. Information and application forms can be obtained at the Student Insurance Office in the Health Center at Auraria (PL 150).

Immunization Requirements for Metropolitan State College of Denver

Compliance Deadlines

Students must comply with the Immunization Policy requirements within their first semester of attendance, in order to be eligible to register for future semesters.  Non-compliant students will have register ration holds put on their eir accounts If they have not completed the policy requirements by the published deadline during their first semester of attendance. Fall enrollee deadline is October 1; Spring enrollee deadline is March 1; Summer enrollee deadline is August 1.

Who is required to comply with this policy?

All Metro State students are required to comply with this policy. This includes students who are active military duty and studying abroad. For assistance call 303-556-2525 and press “8” for more information.

The Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR), Meningitis and TB Risk Assessment

1.Measles Mumps and Rubella Requirement

Students born after January 1, 1957 must provide documented proof that they have received two rubeola (measles), two rubella (German measles) and two mumps vaccinations OR two combination MMR (measles, mumps and rubella.)*

Students born before January 1, 1957 must provide documented proof that they have received one rubeola (measles), one rubella (German measles) and one mumps vaccination OR one combination MMR (measles, mumps and rubella.) *

*An alternative option is to provide wri tten evidence of laboratory tests (known as a blood titer test for immunity) showing immunity to measles, mumps and rubella for those who have previously had each of these diseases. If you cannot provide proof of Immunization or positive blood titer tests, you will have to be re-Immunized.

2. Meningococcal Disease Information Requirement

State Law requires all post secondary education institutions to provide information regarding Meningococcal Disease to students. There is scientific evidence that college students living in dormitory facilities (communal environments) or congregate settings are at a higher risk of contracting this serious disease. There is an immunization available that can prevent against four types of Meningococcal disease. Although the State requirement is only to inform students about Meningococcal disease and the associated vaccine, the Health Center at Auraria highly recommends students at high risk consider being immunized against this disease. This immunization is available at the Auraria Immunization office or you may contact your private physician for more information. All students must sign and submit the meningococcal disease
information sheet acknowledging that they have received this critical information.

3. Tuberculosis (TB) Risk Assessment Requirement

All new students are required to complete a TB risk assessment questionnaire. These will be reviewed by the medical staff at the Health Center at Auraria. The cost for this test is $10.00. For more Information on Tuberculosis, contact the Health Center.

PPD (Tuberculosis) Testing is available at the Immunization office for $10.00. PPD testing is done on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 1-4:30 p.m. and on Friday 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.