Additional University Policies pertaining to Amorous Relationships, Discrimination, Equal Opportunity, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Violence, along with other University Policies, can be found in the Metropolitan State University of Denver Policy Library (
Additional University Policies pertaining to Email, Computing, Security, and Electronic Communications, along with other University Policies, can be found in the Metropolitan State University of Denver Policy Library (
Academic Considerations for Students who Nurse after Childbirth
It is recognized that some women will choose to nurse after childbirth, and Metropolitan State University of Denver is committed to creating a supportive environment for nursing mothers that includes lactation facilities on campus. A summary of the on-campus lactation facilities listed by building and an explanation of how to access these spaces is provided at the end of this policy. The locations can also be found at this URL: Note that refrigeration services are generally not available and that students should plan accordingly.
Students who choose to nurse after childbirth are responsible for considering the following recommendations when selecting classes during the semester(s) in which expressing (pumping) milk will occur.
- Schedule classes that meet for no more than two hours at a time.
- Schedule classes that are not back-to-back to ensure ample time between classes for pumping to occur.
- Allow enough time between your work schedule and classes to ensure ample time for pumping prior to the beginning of class.
- Consider on-line courses if this mode of instruction fits better with your pumping needs.
- Be aware that there is a higher percentage of summer semester courses (compared with fall and spring semester courses) that are longer in length, and that certain summer semester courses may not be suitable choices.
The university supports a mother’s choice to nurse; however, the requirements associated with each mother’s circumstance can vary significantly. It is the student’s responsibility to make the right course selection using the above guidelines in order to avoid missing class time and interrupting the learning process.
In general, the university and its faculty expect that students choosing to nurse will plan ahead as is outlined in this document so that the ongoing academic mission of the institution is not interrupted. A critical component for successful learning is class attendance, and in some classes, active course participation is also an important factor. For this reason, students who are expecting to nurse after childbirth are responsible for designing their class schedule in a manner that does not interfere with the allotted instruction time for any of their registered courses.
For any anticipated unique exceptions in which class instruction time may be impacted by a need to pump, a student is required (before registering for such a course) to schedule a meeting with the course instructor and the appropriate associate/assistant dean. At this meeting it will be determined if it is advisable for the student to register for the course in question. This will be determined by an assessment of the anticipated time away from class to pump and the implications to the educational requirements of the course. Any such exceptions agreed upon must be put in writing by the faculty member teaching the course and provided to the student and the Dean’s Office within one week following such a meeting. There are no course penalties associated with agreed upon times for lactation between faculty and student. However, in all cases the faculty member will maintain the same course standards required of all students registered for the course and as outlined in the course syllabus.
MSU Denver PRIMARY Lactation Room Locations and Access Instructions
Room Number/Address
How to Access Lactation Space
Student Success Building (SSB)
Room 321
Access to the lactation room in the Student Success Bldg requires women to obtain a key from Human Resources in room 309. Women may check out a key for one semester and renew as needed.
Science (SI)
Room 2088
Access to the lactation room in the Science Building requires that women check out a key from the Institute for Women’s Studies and Services at 1059 Ninth Street Park. Women may check out a key for one semester and renew as needed.
*Location has a refrigerator, sink and power outlets.
Institute for Women’s Studies and Services
1059 Ninth Street Park
Access to the lactation room in the Institute for Women’s Studies and Services is on a walk-in basis 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Women need only to check in with a staff member in the reception area.
*Location has sinks, microwave and refrigerators. Minimal, temporary storage for breast milk and/or pumps.
MSU Denver SECONDARY Lactation Room Locations and Access Instructions
Inquire at this Location
Within the Building
How to Access Lactation Space
Plaza Building (PL)
Health Center
at Auraria,
Room 150
Access to the lactation space room in the Plaza Building can be gained by meeting with Health Center personnel (room 150) to arrange for such use. Arrangements must be made in advance before first use of room.
Central Classroom (CN)
Social Work Department,
Room 201
Access to the lactation space room in Central Classroom can be gained by meeting with the Social Work Department (SWK) personnel (room 201) to arrange for such use. Arrangements must be made in advance before first use of room.
Administration Building (AD)
West Campus, School of Business Dean’s Office
Room 540
Access to the lactation space room in the Administration Building can be gained by meeting with the School of Business personnel in the Dean’s Office (room 540) to arrange for such use. Arrangements must be made in advance before first use of room.
Arts Building (AR)
Art Department,
Room 187C
Access to the lactation space room in the Arts Building can be gained by meeting with the Art Department office manager (room 187C) to arrange for such use. Arrangements must be made in advance before first use of room.
King Center (KC)
Political Science
Room 498
Access to the lactation space room in the King Center can be gained by meeting with the Political Science Department office manager (room 498) to arrange for such use. Arrangements must be made in advance before first use of room.