Mar 10, 2025  
2025-2026 Graduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Graduate Catalog

Tuition and Fees

All tuition and fee rates are established by the Metropolitan State University of Denver Board of Trustees, the governing body of Metropolitan State University of Denver. The Board of Trustees set tuition rates and fees at a budget meeting each spring for the coming fall, spring, and summer terms, but reserve the right to adjust the rates at any time. Rates for the current year are available online to assist prospective students in anticipating costs.

Please refer to MSU Denver Graduate Studies website at

Student’s Financial Responsibility

Students who register for courses are liable for payment of tuition and fees if they withdraw from school after the census date. Refund dates for students who withdraw from the university both before and after census date are included in the Academic Calendar. A student with financial obligations to the University will not be permitted to register for any subsequent term, to graduate, to be issued transcripts, or to be listed among those receiving a degree or certificate. The only exception to this regulation involves loans and other types of indebtedness that are due after graduation. Students may pay tuition and fees with personal checks, by credit card at the Bursar’s Office, or through the online system. Any payment transaction that is returned by the bank will be assessed an additional charge.

Metropolitan State University of Denver is committed to providing students and their families a range of options for paying their educational expenses. The credit card payment method has become prohibitively expensive due to the fees charged by credit card companies to Metropolitan State University of Denver for credit card transaction processing. This expense has been covered by University tuition revenues and reduces the tuition dollars available for academic programs and services for all students. Therefore, a service fee of 2.75% of the payment amount will be assessed for all credit and debit card transactions.

MSU Denver communicates all student account information via electronic services using online secured portals via the Student Hub and may send important notices via the student’s official MSU Denver e-mail account. Students are expected to review their account history available on the Student Hub prior to and after registering for classes and before the tuition payment deadlines each semester. A Student’s failure to review their student account or receive any billing statement is not valid grounds for waiving service charges or removing registration, diploma or transcript holds. You will not receive a paper billing statement.

The IRS Tax Form 1098-T, which reports tuition and related expenses, will also be available electronically. Notification for the 1098-T tax document will be sent to Students’ MSU Denver-issued/official email address on record. It is the student’s responsibility to review their Student Hub account status and their student e-mail account at least weekly.

Full payment of tuition and fees is due by that semester’s payment deadline. Any unpaid balance as of the payment deadline will incur a 4% service charge. Please see the academic calendar for applicable deadlines.

You are responsible for verifying the balance of tuition and fees. You may access your account at Log into the Student Hub portal and select My Services/Registration. E-mail is the official means of communication at MSU Denver.

Financial aid students that have not received an award by payment deadline, must pay in full or their unpaid balance will incur a 4% service charge.

Changes in registration that result in additional tuition and fees not paid by payment deadline, may incur a 4% service charge.

It is the student’s responsibility to drop their classes by the published drop deadlines if they do not plan to attend. Failure to do so will result in charges incurred on the student’s account.

Courses will not be dropped for non-payment or non-attendance.

Specific refund dates for classes, can be found on your Student Detail Schedule on the Student Hub. If you do not fulfill your financial obligations by published deadlines:

  • A 4% service charge will be assessed on any unpaid balance as of payment deadline.
  • A 1.5% service charge will be assessed to any unpaid balance on the 7th working day of each month thereafter.
  • Accounts not paid in full by the last day to drop classes are considered past due. A balance due hold will be placed on accounts with balances greater than $200.00.
  • Balance due holds prevent registration for classes in both the current and future semesters.
  • Accounts with past due balances at the conclusion of the semester are considered delinquent.
  • Delinquent accounts will be turned over to a collection’s agency in accordance with Colorado law; collection costs will be added to your account balance. The collection agency may report delinquent accounts to the national credit bureau.
  • Students whose accounts have been sent to a collection agency must pay balance in full before registration for any subsequent semester classes will be allowed.
  • Students with balance due holds may be prevented from applying for graduation.
  • Official Transcripts will not be issued for students with balance due holds.
  • Diplomas will not be released to students with balance due holds.
  • A pre-payment hold will be placed on all accounts with bankruptcy discharged adjustments. Students are required to pre-pay their first semester’s registration after having a balance discharged through bankruptcy.
  • Students unable to meet their financial obligations should immediately contact the Office of the Bursar to discuss payment options.

Residency Classification for Tuition Purposes

A student is classified as an in-state or out-of-state student for tuition purposes at the time of admission. This classification is based on information supplied by the student on the application for admission and is made in accordance with the Colorado Tuition Classification Law (Title 23, Article 7, of the Colorado revised Statutes). Once determined, a student’s tuition classification status remains unchanged unless clear and convincing evidence that a change should be made is presented. If a student believes that he or she is entitled to in-state status, the student must submit their request, along with evidence of in-state status to the Office of Admissions by the published deadline dates. Details on University policies and procedures as they pertain to the Colorado Tuition Law, the forms and deadlines can be found at

The tuition classification statute requires that, in order to qualify for in-state status, a student must have been domiciled in Colorado for one year or more immediately preceding the first day of the semester for which such classification is sought. Domicile for tuition purposes requires two inseparable elements: (1) a permanent place of habitation in Colorado and (2) intent to remain in Colorado with no intent to be domiciled elsewhere. Some examples of connections with the state that provide objective evidence of intent are: payment of Colorado state income tax as a Colorado resident, permanent employment in Colorado, ownership of residential real estate property in Colorado, compliance with laws imposing a mandatory duty on any domiciliary of the state, such as the drivers’ license law and the vehicle registration law and registration to vote. Other factors unique to the individual can also be used to demonstrate the requisite intent.

Any questions regarding the tuition classification law should be directed to the Tuition Classification Officer with the Office of the Admissions. In order to qualify for in-state status for a particular semester, the student must prove the domicile began no later than one year prior to the first day of classes for that semester. Refer to the Academic Calendar for deadlines to submit the proper request.

Tuition and Fee Appeal Process

The Tuition and Fee Appeal process is available to students who may warrant an exception to institutional Drop/Refund policies due to extenuating circumstances such as severe medical illness, an employment situation beyond their control or the death of an immediate family member during the Semester. The University will not accept appeals for charges incurred more than 1 year prior to the application for appeal. Additional information can be obtained at the Office of the Bursar (SSB 150, 303-615-0070) or by visiting the Bursar’s website.

Tuition and Fees Appeal Forms can be hand-delivered or mailed to:

Metropolitan State University of Denver
Office of the Bursar
Campus Box 92
P.O. Box 173362
Denver, CO 80217-3362

Tuition and Fees Appeal Forms can also be faxed to: (720) 778-5809

Or emailed to: