Feb 09, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Entrepreneurship Major, B.A.

Department of Management  

College of Business  

  Available Program Format(s): In-Person  

About the Program

The Entrepreneurship Major offers courses to learn concepts and tools that are required to start and manage own businesses in dynamic business environments.

Student Outcomes

Students will be able to understand contexts and issues for managing own businesses and be ready to apply those understandings to businesses that they operate now or future.

General Degree Requirements

To earn a degree, students must satisfy all requirements in each of the four areas below, in addition to their individual major requirements. 

Program Requirements

  • A total of 120 semester hours are required for graduation. 
  • To earn a Bachelor of Arts degree in Entrepreneurship, a student must successfully complete 30 or more credit hours of business coursework at MSU Denver. This 30-hour residency requirement can be met by completing any business courses with the prefix ACC, ACCM, BNK, BUS, CIS, ECO, FIN, MGT, MKT, and REL and a course number of 2000 or higher. A student must complete at least twelve (12) upper-division semester hours in business courses at MSU Denver. 
  • MSU Denver requires that students successfully complete forty (40) or more credit hours of upper division coursework. 
  • Students may take more than four entrepreneurship elective courses. Additional entrepreneurship courses will be counted as unrestricted general electives.
  • A grade of C- or better is required for each course in this program to count toward the bachelor’s degree. Students should note that programs differ in the minimum grade required. 
  • A minor is required for this program

General Studies Requirements: 33 credits

Students should consult the General Studies Requirements  for a list of courses that fulfill the General Studies Requirements for degree completion.  


** Students will fulfill the global diversity requirement by taking an approved course within one of the following categories: arts and humanities; historical; natural and physical sciences; or social and behavioral sciences. 

Multicultural Requirement: 0 or 3 credits

  • Students should consult the Multicultural Graduation Requirements  for a list of courses that fulfill the Multicultural Requirement for degree completion.  
  • Many programs include courses that meet this requirement. Students should consult with their advisor to determine what program courses may fulfill this requirement. 

Entrepreneurship Major Requirements: 48 credits

The Entrepreneurship Major provides students with the marketable skills needed to be successful entrepreneurs and pursue both an avocation and an occupation in some combination. The Entrepreneurship Major requirements consist of twelve required courses (36 credit hours) and four approved entrepreneurship elective courses (12 credit hours). A minimum grade of “C-” or better is required in all entrepreneurship major courses.

Senior Experience: 3 credits

Summary of Requirements

General Studies Requirement 33 credits
Multicultural Requirement 0-3 credits
College of Business Requirements 12 credits
Major Required Courses 36 credits
Major Electives 12 credits
Senior Experience 3 credits
Minor and Unrestricted Electives 21-33 credits
Total for the Entrepreneurship Major, B.A. 120 credits

Required courses for the major may also count for General Studies and Multicultural requirements, so the total credits listed may be greater than the number required to complete the degree. Therefore, it is important that you work with your advisor to make sure you are meeting requirements for your degree.