Degree-seeking candidates who wish to obtain Colorado licensure for K-12 World Languages must earn a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Modern Languages. Candidates must complete 42 credit hours in their language concentration (French or Spanish) or an extended major that requires an additional 18 credit hours at the 2000-level or above in a different secondary language for a total of 60 credit hours. The curriculum focuses on the Colorado Academic Standards for Foreign Languages and prepares licensure candidates to pass the required licensure exams. Students completing the K-12 licensure coursework are not required to have a minor.
The requirements of each major are designed to ensure licensure programs meet Colorado Licensure Standards to prepare candidates to pass required licensure content examinations and teach the Colorado Academic Standards within their discipline.
*All World Language licensure candidates must consult two advisors, one in the Secondary/K-12 education department in the School of Education and one in their major department (licensure content area).
Candidates seeking teacher licensure must gain admission to the Secondary Education/K-12 Teacher Education Program. You can learn about the application process by visiting the Students Services Office located within the School of Education.
Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Candidates
Post-baccalaureate licensure candidates may need to fulfill some general studies requirements and complete additional content area courses that are required for licensure. Students interested in the Post-Baccalaureate program should meet an academic advisor located in the Students Services Office within the School of Education as well as an academic advisor in their licensure content area. This advisor will review prior transcripts to ensure required content coursework for licensure is complete.