Jul 03, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

This section of the Catalog includes course descriptions, listed alphabetically by discipline. The descriptions provide information on course numbers, titles, the level of instruction, credit, course sequence, content, and prerequisites as shown in the following example:

CHE 2100 Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: CHE 1100
Description: A study of the elements of organic and biological chemistry. This course satisfies requirements for nursing programs and other fields requiring a survey of organic and biological chemistry.

The first two to four letters, called the course subject code, represent the area of study or discipline, e.g., CHE represents chemistry. The course number follows the course subject code, e.g., 2100. The first digit in a four-digit course number designates the level of instruction. Only courses numbered 1000 or above will be included in credits toward a degree. Courses with numbers up to and including 1999 are primarily for freshmen, 2000 through 2999 primarily for sophomores, 3000 through 3999 primarily for juniors, and 4000 through 4999 primarily for seniors. In general, students should not take courses above the level of their class (based upon semester hours earned), but they may do so at one level above if they have the specified prerequisites. In special cases, students may be permitted to take courses more than one level above that designated for their class if they obtain the permission of their advisor and of the faculty member teaching the course and if they meet the prerequisite requirements. Course descriptions provide a summary of the content of the course. If a prerequisite must be met before a student can register for a course, this information is listed above the course description. Attributes, such as Multicultural, General Studies, or Guaranteed Transfer, are listed after the course description. A list of courses being offered in a given semester, instructors, class meeting times, and locations is described in the Class Schedule located on the Office of the Registrar’s website, msudenver.edu/registrar/classschedules.



  • JRN 3200 - News Editing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: This course provides advanced training in the complex problems of copy editing, headline and caption writing, and applying news judgment. Students also work on page design and photo editing. Students spend time perfecting their editing skills in a laboratory setting.

  • JRN 3300 - Multimedia Journalism I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: This course provides students with the tools to become effective storytellers with several forms of media. Students will create stories using still pictures or video with audio and supported by text. Students will gain skills to produce multimedia pieces while learning the tenets of several computer programs. Students spend time perfecting their work in a multimedia lab.

  • JRN 3400 - Short-Form Feature Articles

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: In this course, students study the content and writing style of newspaper and online features. Students complete numerous assignments in developing feature ideas and producing finished stories. Students conduct story research outside of the class.

  • JRN 3500 - Topics in Journalism: Variable Topics

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: This course will provide students with a brief look at a variety of topics in journalism, including specialized areas of reporting, writing, public relations, and content delivery. Topics vary each semester.

    Note: This course may be repeated for credit.

  • JRN 3510 - Portfolio Presentation

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite(s): A journalism major or minor with at least junior standing

    Description: This course helps prepare students to enter the vocation of journalism. Emphasis is placed on preparing a portfolio of work, crafting resumes and cover letters, and researching markets for employment.

  • JRN 3560 - Column Writing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: This course teaches students how to share anecdotes and ideas, as well as develop their voices as journalists. By the end of the course, students should be skilled in writing descriptive and critical reviews, thoughtful commentary on the day’s news, and powerful profiles about news makers and everyday people. This course is designed to improve the quality of news column writing and to address the opportunities for inexpensive news communication in a digital age.

  • JRN 3600 - Intermediate Photojournalism

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2600

    Description: This course provides an intermediate level of instruction in photojournalism and techniques used in still photography for print and online media. Students must have working knowledge of DSLR cameras.

  • JRN 3610 - Photo Editing I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 3600 or Permission of Instructor

    Description: This course provides students with basic, picture-editing skills of the single image for print and digital media, as it applies to the captured critical moment that illuminates the human condition. Particular attention to storytelling components within the discipline of the frame is emphasized, as is AP Caption Writing.

  • JRN 3620 - Photo Editing II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 3610 or Permission of Instructor

    Description: This course broadens the student’s skills in photo editing with advanced picture editing techniques with journalism practices using visuals to define and describe both the single story and complex subjects. The editing of numerous photographs for the single storyline by the individual photographer or group of photographers is compared and contrasted to the numerous storylines and aspects within the framework of the individual story. Particular attention to storytelling components within the discipline of the frame is emphasized, as is AP Caption Writing.

  • JRN 3700 - Public Relations Writing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2700 or permission of instructor

    Description: Students in this course apply public relations theory, principles, techniques, and practices to produce writing for specific publications and documents, such as news releases, press kits, public service announcements, newsletters and other communication materials.

  • JRN 3910 - Magazine Design

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2210 or permission of instructor

    Description: Students in this course develop a basic knowledge of the layout and design principles for production of print and online magazines using current design software.

  • JRN 3920 - Magazine Editing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2210 or permission of instructor

    Description: Students in this course develop a basic knowledge of the editing process in contemporary magazines by applying principles of magazine editing for print and online publications. Students demonstrate an ability to use Associated Press style and to apply simple techniques for general design elements that reinforce the connection between the stories and the designs.

  • JRN 3970 - Publication Practicum

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100 or Permission of Instructor

    Description: The student, under supervision, will report and write publishable news and feature stories for the news products of the Office of Student Media at Metropolitan State University of Denver, including The Metropolitan.

  • JRN 3980 - Internship: Journalism

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: This course gives students an internship experience at a mass media outlet or public relations setting where students are able to use the skills learned in the classroom in a supervised, professional environment. Students work as writers, reporters, editors, public relations practitioners, convergent media specialists and photojournalists at newspapers, magazines, agencies, corporations, nonprofit entities and other media outlets.

    Note: This course may be repeated for a total of fifteen (15) credits.

  • JRN 4000 - News Media Leadership

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: This course helps students recognize leadership, understand the theories that define leadership, and apply these theories to real-world cases of news media leadership. This course is driven by case studies and student participation.

  • JRN 4100 - Investigative Reporting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: Students receive an in-depth look at reporting issues using investigative techniques with a special emphasis on the use of documents as a research tool and the triangulation of sources.

  • JRN 4210 - Advanced Layout and Design

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2210

    Description: Students use laboratory time designing pages that meet industry standards for the layout and design of newspapers, magazines, newsletters, brochures, and other professional publications, and Web pages. Students apply news judgment in photo editing, layout, use of graphics, editing, and headline writing.

  • JRN 4300 - Multimedia Journalism II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 3300

    Description: This course is designed to build upon the fundamentals of news presentation using multiple platform dissemination. It tightens the scope from introductory multimedia instruction to look at work focused on specific news assignments. Emphasis will be placed on having students build multimedia journalism packages that combine sound, visuals, and newsgathering techniques. Students will need to come with the basics of multimedia production already secured. This course allows them to further their real-world experience in multimedia storytelling.

  • JRN 4400 - Long-Form Feature Articles

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 3400 or Permission of Instructor

    Description: Students study the content and writing style of magazine features and the application of the techniques and marketing requirements for producing and selling feature articles to magazines.

  • JRN 4450 - Magazine Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 3910 or JRN 3920; or permission of instructor

    Description: Students in this course develop a working knowledge of the relationship among magazine writing, photojournalism, and production. Students plan issues and write editorial content, such as cover copy, headlines, photo captions, departments, columns and features. Students plan a magazine issue from start to finish and will be responsible for designing and laying out magazine pages.

  • JRN 4500 - Ethical and Legal Issues in Journalism

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: Students undergo an intensive study of the ethical, constitutional, and legal conflicts in the news media.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • JRN 4600 - Advanced Photojournalism

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 3600

    Description: This course provides advanced instruction in photojournalism and techniques used in still photography for print and online media. Students must have a working knowledge of DSLR cameras.

  • JRN 4700 - Public Relations Strategic Planning

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 3700

    Description: Students in this course apply public relations theory and techniques to identify, research, and solve public relations issues facing institutions and/or community non-profit agencies in one or more comprehensive, semester-long project.

  • JRN 4710 - Public Relations Campaigns

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 3700

    Description: Students apply the fundamentals of public relations to the creation of campaigns for political and nonprofit causes. Students analyze the ongoing political campaigns leading up to the November elections. As a part of the practice of campaigns, students design a model campaign.

  • JRN 4890 - Social Documentary

    Credits: 1-4

    Prerequisite(s): JRN 2100

    Description: Students create photos/essays for publication and portfolios working independently or in teams. Emphasis is placed upon producing stories and images that deal with cultural definitions that impact social change. Finished work emphasizes the marriage between text and image.

    Note: Students may repeat this course for up to 12 credits.


  • LDR 1010 - Leadership and Social Change

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum performance standard scores on reading and writing preassessment test

    Description: This course provides an introduction to the place occupied by leadership at all levels of society, as well as an examination of the responsibilities that accompany the leadership role in the contemporary context. It also offers a framework through which students can explore their own potential for ethical and effective leadership. In this sense, the course revolves, in multidisciplinary fashion, around the application of leadership theories, concepts, and skills to both everyday life and the broader challenges facing people, especially during times of transition and change.

  • LDR 3010 - Perspectives on Leadership

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): LDR 1010; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course focuses on select topics fundamental for a full understanding of leadership. Among these are: the role of judgment in the leadership process; the ethical pursuit of leadership; the place of followership in the leadership equation; multicultural and global perspectives on leadership; and the question of emotional intelligence in leadership.

Letters, Arts and Sciences

  • LAS 2810 - Integrated Arts and Humanities I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1020

    Description: This interdisciplinary course, the first in a two-part sequence, is an integrated study of the visual arts, literature, music, drama, and philosophy of the ancient, medieval, and Renaissance world. It explores humankind’s cultural legacy and focuses thematically on the concerns of origin, self-knowledge, identity, world-view and society that many cultures, both Western and Eastern, share in common and also takes note of the unique contributions of different artists, writers, and thinkers to that process. Learning approaches will include lecture, discussion, projects, and attendance at a minimum of three cultural events.

  • LAS 2820 - Integrated Arts and Humanities II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): LAS 2810

    Description: As part of a two-semester sequence, this interdisciplinary course continues the integrated study of the arts and humanities in the world of the 17th through 20th centuries, from the baroque and the age of reason to Romanticism and the modern period. It considers the effects of scientific discovery, industrialization, social change, and technology on their development and the interaction of diverse cultures on an international and global basis, and also takes into account the unique contributions of different artists, writers, and thinkers. Learning approaches will include lecture, discussion, projects, and attendance at a minimum of three cultural events.


  • LING 3040 - Morphology and Syntax

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 2010 or permission of instructor

    Description: This is an intermediate study of syntax and morphology using basic principles of structural linguistics and generative-transformational syntactic theory.  Although the course focuses on English, the structure of other languages is also covered.  Both the analysis of language structures and the discussion of relevant theoretical approaches to those structures are involved.

  • LING 3043 - Phonetics and Phonology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 2010 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is an introductory study of language sounds (phonetics) and language sound systems (phonology), focusing primarily on the articulation of sounds, but also including discussion of acoustics and sound perception.  The students will learn and practice using the International Phonetic Alphabet.  Looking at various languages of the world, including English, the students will analyze the phonemes and conduct phonological analyses, using distinctive features and rule formalism. 

  • LING 3080 - Perspectives in Linguistics: Variable Topics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 2010 or permission of instructor

    Description: The different topics within linguistics, some theoretical and some applied, range from conversation analysis to applied linguistics to stylistics to advanced syntax. Individualized projects are required. Students may repeat the course under different subtitles, up to a limit of 9 credit hours.

  • LING 4010 - Studies in Linguistics: Variable Topics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 2010 and junior standing, or permission of instructor

    Description: The different topics, some theoretical and some applied, are interdisciplinary and are designed to help the linguist bridge the gap between linguistics and various other disciplines.  Individualized projects are required.  Students may repeat the course under different subtitles, up to a limit of 9 credit hours.  Any single variable topic may be used as an elective under either the linguistic or the interdisciplinary requirement, but not both.

  • LING 4011 - Anthropological Linguistics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 2010 or ANT 2500; and junior standing; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course analyzes the origins of language, its development, the similarities and the differences between natural languages in the context of various cultures and societies.  The focus is on the goals, tasks, and methods of the anthropological linguist studying the language of a foreign culture.  The class will examine data from a variety of languages in order to gain an awareness of the variation and similarities that exist in language structures around the world.  Individualized projects are required.  This course may be used as an elective to satisfy either the linguistic or the interdisciplinary requirement for the Linguistics major, but not both.

  • LING 4012 - Historical Linguistics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 2010 and junior standing, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course covers the various languages and language families of the world from an historical perspective.  The student will study language change, methods of historical linguistics research, and language classification.  Individualized projects are required.  This course may be used as an elective to satisfy either the linguistic or the interdisciplinary requirement for the Linguistics major, but not both.

  • LING 4013 - Psycholinguistics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 2010 and junior standing, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course examines language development in monolinguals as well as bilingualism/multilingualism in children and adults.  It covers all levels of language structure (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics) and language use (linguistic interactions between parents and children, among children themselves, and between speakers across dialects).  Individualized projects are required.  This course may be used as an elective to satisfy either the linguistic or the interdisciplinary requirement of the Linguistics major, but not both.

  • LING 4060 - Modern Language Theory

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 2010 and senior standing, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course focuses on at least two different theoretical approaches to language.  The main theoretical approach is language universals and the typological classification of languages, which allows students to examine linguistic structures on all levels (phonological, morphological, and syntactic) from languages all around the world.  Other theoretical approaches are also studied, at least one in depth.  The course is designed to help the students utilize the terminology and methodological analyses they have learned in previous courses and apply these to new linguistic situations.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience


  • MGT 1850 - Introduction to Business

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1080 or MTH 1110 or MTH 1210 or MTH 1310 or MTH 1610; and ENG 1010

    Description: This course presents an introduction to business concepts that are further developed in the business core and in other courses pursued by business and economics majors. Also discussed are contemporary issues facing business. This course allows business students to develop a context for their studies and gives non-business students insights into the world of business.

  • MGT 2210 - Legal Environment of Business I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010, ENG 1020, and completion of General Studies requirements in Oral Communication and Quantitative Literacy.

    Description: This course is designed to present the legal system as it applies to business. The course includes a discussion of fundamental concepts related to the nature and sources of law and to the resolution of disputes. The course requires analysis of statutes, cases, and regulations of related governmental agencies that address employment, securities, trade and workplace decisions. The law of agency, contracts, organizations and torts is analyzed. Ethical and international aspects of law are treated where appropriate.

  • MGT 2500 - Fundamentals of Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of General Studies Quantitative Literacy Requirement and ENG 1010

    Description: This course covers the fundamentals of small business management and entrepreneurship. Areas addressed include identifying the forms of business, the nuts and bolts of how to start the business, opportunity recognition, finding the target market, analyzing the competition, promoting the business, analyzing basic accounting and finance issues, legal concerns regarding small business and new ventures, analyzing sources of funding, growing the business, and building the team. The course is designed for non-management majors and business minors. This course may only be used as a general elective by any business major.

  • MGT 3000 - Organizational Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010, ENG 1020, completion of General Studies requirements in Oral Communication and Quantitative Literacy, and at least junior standing, or permission of instructor.

    Description: This course examines, analyzes, and assesses managerial functions and processes as related to business and other organizations. It is designed to prepare students to meet the challenges of a highly dynamic and ever-changing business environment by formulating individual competencies and skills, translating theory into practice, creating critical thinkers, and reflecting on the integration of new concepts and environmental changes into managerial practices.

  • MGT 3020 - Entrepreneurs: Cases and Studies

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): at least junior standing

    Description: This course examines the work of various entrepreneurs to gain insights into how new concepts are discovered and developed.  Areas addressed include researching and developing a business concept, investigating market factors, planning financial strategies, and starting a business.  The course prepares students for work on a business plan and also to be more creative managers.

  • MGT 3220 - Legal Environment of Business II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 2210

    Description: This course provides an overview of the contemporary legal environment in which businesses operate. It explores various forms of business organizations, such as corporations and limited liability companies, and business opportunities, such as franchises. Also covered are important areas of government regulation of business including securities law, antitrust law, environmental law, and bankruptcy law. The course also delves into the realm of employment law, with a focus on employment discrimination, affirmative action, and labor law.

  • MGT 3230 - International Business Law

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 2210

    Description: This course covers the legal context for international business decisions.  Topics include selected elements of international law such as customary law and the law of treaties.  Also covered are the international law of important/exporting, intellectual property, trade regulations, transportation, documentary transactions, contracts, agency/employment, and dispute resolution.  Ethical aspects of the above areas are discussed.

  • MGT 3240 - Employment and Human Resource Law

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 2210

    Description: This course is an in-depth study of the legal and practical implications of employment and human resources law. Students interested in management, human resources or owning their own business will benefit from this course. Topics include statutory law, common law and constitutional law as it relates to the employment/human resources context, employer/ employee relationship, antidiscrimination laws, labor law, litigation prevention methods and privacy. The focus of the course is on the practical elements of law, with an emphasis on Colorado and federal law.

  • MGT 3250 - Colorado Water Law and Water Rights Administration

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of General Studies requirements in Written Communication, Oral Communication, and Quantitative Literacy, and Junior Standing

    Description: This course provides students with an in-depth study of the unique nature of Colorado water law and Colorado water rights administration. The course will survey the key issues surrounding the legal framework governing the allocation of water resources, administrative processes affecting water distribution, and policy considerations that influence decisions about the use and management of water resources in the state of Colorado. An overview of Colorado climate, geology and hydrology, as well as a review of Colorado’s early water use and development will provide the context for the study of the legal system with which the state and its citizens allocate water.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: ENV or MGT.

    Cross Listed Course(s): ENV 3250
  • MGT 3530 - Human Resources Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000

    Description: This course provides the student with a broad overview of the contemporary issues, theories, and principles used to effectively manage human resources in organizations. The psychological, social, legal, and economic bases underlying the practices of human resource management are studied. Topics such as recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, and compensation are analyzed.

  • MGT 3550 - Operations Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000 and CIS 2300 or CIS 3300 or MTH 1210 or MTH 1610

    Description: This course is an introduction to operations management decision-making and to the tools used to enhance the decision-making process.  Attention is given to the design and operation of the production/service system and its interrelationship with other systems in the organization.  The course places special emphasis on the use of quantitative techniques in decision making.  Topics include productivity, strategic positioning and design of operations (e.g., capacity, layout, location, and work methods), project management, forecasting, quality control, supply-chain management, and inventory management.

  • MGT 3820 - International Business

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing

    Description: This course is designed to enhance understanding of the international environment faced by businesses. Trade barriers, cultural differences, entry strategies into foreign markets, foreign currency, political environments, and economic environments are among the many topics surveyed to assist students in becoming aware of international issues and events influencing management in today’s global environment.

  • MGT 3850 - Global Entrepreneurship

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing

    Description: This course focuses on opportunities for starting and developing new ventures in parts of the world outside the U.S. Characteristics that influence entrepreneurship in select countries, whose cultures and income levels are vastly different from one another, are examined, requiring students to compare, contrast, and draw conclusions about new venture opportunities in those countries.  Students will develop a feasibility plan for an international venture opportunity in a selected foreign market. Upon completing this course, students will have a better understanding of the unique elements associated with starting a new venture in a foreign country.

  • MGT 3980 - Internship in Management

    Credits: 1-15

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000, plus two to three additional MGT courses; major in management; junior or senior status; and permission of instructor.

    Description: Supervised by a faculty member within the major department, internships provide practical, hands-on experience in a professional field related to the major. Internship placements must be established prior to enrollment in this course in consultation with the Applied Learning Center.

    To register with the Applied Learning Center, students must meet the following qualifications:

    • Completed at least one semester at MSU Denver
    • Sophomore, junior or senior status
    • Declared major in an undergraduate program
    • 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA at MSU Denver
    • Currently enrolled and taking classes at MSU Denver

    For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-556-3290 or internships@msudenver.edu.

    Note: Variable Credit

  • MGT 4030 - Organizational Development and Change

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000

    Description: This course examines the process of planned change and development strategies in organizations. The focus is on using knowledge of behavioral and social science to help organizations, groups, and individuals improve effectiveness in aligning with strategic objectives.

  • MGT 4050 - Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000

    Description: This course covers contemporary purchasing and supply-chain issues, concepts, and techniques related to the location, analysis, and monitoring of sources of goods, materials, and services.

  • MGT 4350 - Enterprise Planning

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000

    Description: This course provides a detailed overview of the demand-supply management process from an enterprise-wide perspective. Students will learn planning methods related to managing the demand chain, such as forecasting and basic demand management principles, as well as the techniques used to synchronize the supply chain with the demand chain to include aggregate planning, master scheduling, materials requirements planning, and enterprise resource planning.

  • MGT 4420 - Entrepreneurial Business Planning

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or permission of instructor

    Description: This course requires the student to prepare a definitive, comprehensive business plan involving all aspects of a proposed new venture. To attract seed money and growth capital, the student plan must address probable start-up issues involving market analysis, competition, workforce and capacity planning. Emphasis is on financial viability and business plan packaging to secure financial seed money.

  • MGT 4530 - Organizational Behavior

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000

    Description: This course examines the behavior of individuals and small groups in organizational settings. The emphasis is on how organizations influence behavior in their quest for operating efficiency and effectiveness.

  • MGT 4550 - Project Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000 and CIS 2300 or CIS 3300 or MTH 1210 or MTH 1610

    Description: This course investigates the concepts and applicability of matrix organizations and project management. The unique nature of the project-management structure is also examined, including its emphasis on integrative decision making throughout a product’s life cycle.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 4550
  • MGT 4610 - Labor/Employee Relations

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 2210 and MGT 3000

    Description: This course provides the student with an understanding of the development of labor law and its application to the management of employer/employee relations. Cases and illustrations are used to demonstrate collective bargaining and methods of securing industrial peace.

  • MGT 4620 - Performance Management and Reward Systems

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3530

    Description: This course examines the management and reward of employee performance including methods of: (1) identifying, measuring and evaluating performance; (2) using performance data as a basis for human resource management decisions; and, (3) designing compensation systems to attract, retain, and motivate employees; and (4) ensuring strategic alignment of employee performance and organizational goals.

  • MGT 4640 - Employee Training and Development

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3530

    Description: This course focuses on the design, implementation, and uses of training and development as a necessary part of increasing the value of employee and manager skills. Rapid organizational change precipitated by global competition, multicultural and multinational workers, and technology implementation require organizations to develop the human potential and careers of their employees at all levels.

  • MGT 4660 - Employee Selection

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3530

    Description: This course introduces students to issues related to the selection and placement of employees, including workforce planning issues, sourcing and recruiting talent, and the proper use of selection tools and procedures that will facilitate the effective selection of talent.

  • MGT 4750 - Advanced Topics in Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000 and Senior Standing

    Description: This course addresses current and emerging topics in management/business. Students research several management/business topics, integrate this research with material from other management and business courses, and recommend solutions, courses of action, or strategies for dealing with these issues. The topics addressed in this course will change over time as important issues in business, management, and/or society evolve.

  • MGT 4830 - Workforce Diversity

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing

    Description: This course provides an integrated perspective on the management practices and systems that influence the development and contributions of individuals within a culturally diverse workforce. The focus is on those practices that enhance an organization’s effectiveness in the increasingly competitive domestic and global marketplace.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: HON, MGT, or WMS.

    University Requirement(s): Multicultural, Senior Experience

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 4830, WMS 4830
  • MGT 4850 - Organizational and Management Consulting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000 and Senior Standing

    Description: This course introduces students to the consulting process and requires them to apply its steps to an actual organization or small business. Students develop skills in building rapport with clients, identifying major trends in a client’s organizational environment, identifying the major problems or issues facing a client organization, developing viable alternatives, and formulating and recommending solutions to the problems or issues identified.

  • MGT 4950 - Strategic Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): completion of all other business core courses and senior standing

    Description: This course presents concepts used by managers to develop companies that can prosper in a competitive, global environment. Students are provided the opportunity to apply the concepts and theories of strategic management along with knowledge gained from business courses, general studies, and work experience to the operating and strategic challenges faced by domestic and global organizations.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience


  • MKT 2010 - Marketing Around the Globe

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010

    Description: Students study the importance of globalization in the business world where global markets are more connected and marketers must respond to the expectations of global consumers. The course covers the essential concepts of global marketing with the aid of extensive, real-life examples. The course offers balanced coverage of developed and developing markets. Integrating cultural analysis throughout the course, students examine global and local competition and forms of global market entry, as well as basic principles of global marketing strategies, such as price, product, distribution, and promotion.

    Note: This course meets SBS II and Global Diversity requirements with the exception of Marketing major students.

    General Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences II, Global Diversity

  • MKT 2040 - Business Communication

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010, ENG 1020, SPE 1010 or SPE 1710, and completion of General Studies requirements in Quantitative Literacy.

    Description: This marketing course explores multiple forms of communication within a business environment. Emphasis is placed on writing, listening, speaking, nonverbal and interpersonal communication with internal and external business audiences. Students apply the principles learned to written exercises and oral presentations.

  • MKT 3000 - Principles of Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010, ENG 1020, completion of General Studies requirements in Oral Communication and Quantitative Literacy, and at least junior standing.

    Description: This course helps students understand marketing, the process through which organizations analyze, plan, implement, and control programs to develop and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers. Effective marketing is critical for the long-term success of any business organization because this function ensures that the firm attracts, retains, and grows customers by creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.

  • MKT 3010 - Marketing Research

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 2040, MKT 3000, CIS 3300 or equivalent college statistics course, and at least junior standing

    Description: This course will provide the marketing student with a systematic and objective approach to the search for and analysis of information relevant to the identification and solution of marketing problems.

  • MKT 3100 - Retail Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and At least junior standing

    Description: This course will familiarize the student with fundamental retailing concepts and practices. Emphasis will be given to a strategic-planning approach for developing and managing the retail marketing mix.

  • MKT 3110 - Advertising Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and At least junior standing

    Description: The principles of advertising are covered in this course from a business-planning framework. The course surveys the advertising field from the marketing-advertising-planning framework. It also discusses the targeting of advertising, types of media, media planning and buying, creative planning, and the basic creative formats for each medium. An evaluation of advertising and the production of efficient ads are discussed.

  • MKT 3120 - Promotional Strategy

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3110 and At least junior standing

    Description: Following Advertising Management, MKT 3110, this course provides an in-depth understanding and analysis of promotional strategies and tactics necessary in the management of all marketing communications. Students design and execute actual advertising, sales promotion, and publicity plans for a real business.

  • MKT 3140 - Direct Marketing Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and At least junior standing

    Description: This course will examine the concepts, strategies, and applications involved in direct marketing. Topics include the scope of direct marketing, launching direct marketing programs, planning and market segmentation, developing and managing products and services, promotion and multimedia plans, customer service and response, and performance measures.

  • MKT 3160 - Sales Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and At least junior standing

    Description: This course will provide students with a comprehensive study of problems involved in managing a sales force. Areas covered include organizations, motivation, and performance evaluation. Case analysis is emphasized.

  • MKT 3180 - Green Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000

    Description: This course provides students with an in-depth look at re-designing marketing processes and strategies for environmentally sustainable and socially responsible products and services.  Students will discuss the growing concern for the environment among consumers, employers, shareholders, supply chain members, non-profit organizations, the media, and other stakeholders.  The course covers strategies that address profitability, resources used in production, product differentiation, brand reputation, distribution, pricing, and promotional strategy, including cause-related marketing.  The primary goal is to develop a thorough understanding of a more sustainable model of free-market capitalism.  Students will learn to make a profit while making a difference, using case studies, current events, and projects.

  • MKT 3190 - Social Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000

    Description: Students will examine the application of marketing processes in non-profit organizations, particularly those addressing social issues relating to health, environment, and community.  Using case studies and projects, students will consider the most effective ways to influence target market behavior to create positive outcomes.  Students will apply marketing concepts such as segmentation, positioning, branding, and the marketing mix.  Further topics will include developing long-term relationships with donors and other stakeholders and creating partnerships with for-profit organizations.

  • MKT 3250 - Personal Selling

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing

    Description: This course examines the environment of personal selling and the process of personal selling. Areas covered include communicating with diverse customers, ethical and legal considerations in personal selling, and the elements of the personal-selling process. This course has a case orientation.

  • MKT 3300 - Marketing of Services

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and At least junior standing

    Description: This course will introduce students to the problems and issues that are unique to marketing a service organization as well as marketing services. Topics include service strategy, listening to customers, complaint management, service guarantees, customer satisfaction, measuring return on quality, managing moment of truth, relationship marketing, and employee empowerment.

  • MKT 3310 - Consumer Behavior

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and at least junior standing

    Description: This course analyzes the underlying theories and complex variables influencing consumers and their purchase decision-making processes. The marketing strategy implications of consumer behavior concepts are studied.

  • MKT 3410 - Marketing Channels

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and junior standing

    Description: This course is a comprehensive examination of the theories and practice of marketing channels. The course covers the essential concepts, principles, and strategies of marketing distribution systems with the aid of extensive real-life examples. The various forms of intermediaries are studied. Students examine the basic decision areas of designing, selecting, and managing marketing channels. Attention is also given to logistics and international distribution.

  • MKT 3500 - Sports Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing

    Description: This course is a study of how the principles of marketing are applied in the sports industry. The course examines the marketing of sports, teams, athletes, etc., as well as the use of sports to market products (e.g., sponsorship and promotional licensing).

  • MKT 3550 - Sport Sales

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3250 or MKT 3500, and at least junior standing

    Description: This course focuses on creating skills necessary for success in sport sales.  Areas covered include cold calling on the telephone, setting appointments, sales presentations, overcoming objections, closing the deal, and obtaining referrals.

  • MKT 3610 - Business-to-Business Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and At least junior standing

    Description: In this course, students will investigate the activities involved in marketing goods and services to businesses, institutions, resellers, and government, with primary emphasis on business-to-business marketing.

  • MKT 3710 - International Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 2040, MKT 3000 and At least junior standing

    Description: The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to the complexities involved in the international marketing process. This course will sensitize students to the economic, political, and cultural differences among nations as they affect marketing; introduce students to the framework of organizations, laws, and business practices as they affect marketing; and develop a student’s ability to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities in the international marketplace.

  • MKT 3750 - Multicultural Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or Senior Standing

    Description: This course examines consumer behavior as an expression of race, ethnicity and gender. It is designed to cultivate an awareness and appreciation of consumer diversity in the United States. Students will develop an understanding of marketing management strategies and practices within a multicultural society. Market opportunities created by consumer diversity in the U.S. is a central theme. Drawing from the social science and marketing literature, the course broadens the student’s knowledge of the significance of consumer behavior from within a given culture.

    University Requirement(s): Multicultural

  • MKT 3810 - Electronic Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000, CIS 2010 or equivalent, and At least junior standing

    Description: This course is designed to introduce students to the cutting-edge technologies that are necessary to perform effectively as marketing professionals. The primary focus of this course is marketing uses of the worldwide network of computers known as the Internet including Web site design and maintenance, marketing research, e-mail, and advertising. The course will also provide limited coverage of other electronic technologies including fax-on-demand, CDROM, and database marketing.

  • MKT 3910 - New Product Development

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 or MKT 8900

    Description: This course introduces students to the issues related to developing new products.  These issues include creativity and innovation, idea generation, product design, prototyping, market testing, financial analysis, and managing the process for productivity, efficiency, and success.  Through classroom and experiential learning activities, students will learn the concepts and skills of new product development and complete a new product project.

  • MKT 3980 - Internship in Marketing

    Credits: 1-15

    Prerequisite(s): Major in Marketing; junior or senior status; permission of instructor

    Description: Supervised by a faculty member within the major department, internships provide practical, hands-on experience in a professional field related to the major. Internship placements must be established prior to enrollment in this course in consultation with the Applied Learning Center.

    To register with the Applied Learning Center, students must meet the following qualifications:

    • Completed at least one semester at MSU Denver
    • Sophomore, junior or senior status
    • Declared major in an undergraduate program
    • 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA at MSU Denver
    • Currently enrolled and taking classes at MSU Denver

    For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-556-3290 or internships@msudenver.edu.

    Note: Variable Credit

  • MKT 4110 - Brand Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and junior standing

    Description: This course will cover brand management in-depth, demonstrate how marketing activities impact the power of an organization’s brand, and examine the strategic importance of effectively managing a brand. Students will develop an ability to assess brands and implement action plans based on a strategic marketing orientation.

  • MKT 4250 - Advanced Selling

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3250 and at least junior standing

    Description: This course builds on the skills developed in MKT 3250 and focuses on relationship selling with an emphasis on value-added selling, major account selling, team selling, negotiating, proposal writing, and business-to-business selling.  Complex selling situations that involve multiple decision makers will be evaluated. 

  • MKT 4300 - Social Media Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000 and junior standing

    Description: This course covers advertising, marketing, and communication strategies in the new media landscape where traditional media (e.g. television, print) and the online social media (e.g. Web 2.0, online social networks, usergenerated content, blogs, forums) co-exist. The primary focus ofthis course will be on understanding social media, how to build social media marketing strategies, and how to track their effectiveness. Students taking Social Media Marketing will learn the applications of social media to the fulfillment of marketing objectives, particularly those related to the promotion function of the marketing mix. In particular, students will be able to analyze the social context in which a brand operates and audit a brand’s social media positioning, as well as develop strategies for marketing using the zones of social media.

  • MKT 4520 - Seminar in Marketing Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3000, 9 completed credits of marketing courses, and senior standing

    Description: This course is the culminating final course required of all Marketing minor students (and a marketing elective for Marketing majors). In this final course, the student will develop and apply marketing strategies and policies in solution to problems related to the consumer and the business environment.

  • MKT 4560 - Marketing Strategy

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MKT 3010, MKT 3310, and Senior standing

    Description: This culminating course for all marketing majors emphasizes the case approach to the study of marketing problems. Problem areas to be studied include market and profitability analysis, marketing planning, strategy, and control.

Mathematical Sciences

  • MTH 1080 - Mathematical Modes of Thought

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): One and one-half years of high school algebra or the equivalent and an appropriate score on the mathematics preassessment placement test.

    Description: This course is an introduction to the spirit and methods of mathematics. It includes problem-solving strategies, introductory financial mathematics, probability, statistics, and other topics demonstrating the interdisciplinary applicability of mathematics.

    General Studies: Quantitative Literacy

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-MA1

  • MTH 1108 - College Algebra Stretch, Part I

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): An approved score on the mathematics pre-assessment placement test

    Description: This course is the first half of a two-semester sequence (consisting of MTH 1108 followed by MTH 1109); the two-semester course is equivalent to MTH 1110 (College Algebra) and is a prerequisite for MTH 1120 and the calculus sequence. The topics covered in MTH 1108 include equations and inequalities, the function notation and a detailed study of linear and quadratic functions and their properties; in addition, students enrolled in MTH 1108 review basic algebraic skills, such as factoring methods, properties for rational and root expressions, and geometrical formulas.

    Note: All sections will integrate the use of a graphing calculator into the course. A specific calculator will be required. A student cannot receive credit for both MTH 1110 and MTH 1108. Students must receive a “C” or better to earn elective credit.

  • MTH 1109 - College Algebra Stretch, Part II

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1108 with a grade of “C” or better

    Description: This course is the second half of a two-semester sequence (consisting of MTH 1108 followed by MTH 1109); the two-semester course is equivalent to MTH 1110 (College Algebra) and is a prerequisite for MTH 1120 and the calculus sequence. The topics covered in MTH 1109 include exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections, systems of equations and the binomial theorem; in addition, students enrolled in MTH 1109 will review algebraic skills, such as solving linear and quadratic equations, graphing techniques and mathematical modeling.

    Note: All sections will integrate the use of a graphing calculator into the course. A specific calculator will be required. A student cannot receive credit for both MTH 1110 and MTH 1109.

    General Studies: Quantitative Literacy

  • MTH 1110 - College Algebra

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): An intermediate algebra course or one and one-half years of secondary school algebra or equivalent and appropriate score on the mathematics preassessment placement test.

    Description: The topics covered include equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, exponents and logarithms, conic sections, linear systems, and the binomial theorem. Basic algebraic skills are essential as a prerequisite to this course. All sections will integrate the use of a graphing calculator into the course.

    Note: Only one of MTH 1110 and MTH 1112 will count toward graduation. Credit will be granted for only one prefix: HON or MTH.

    General Studies: Quantitative Literacy

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-MA1

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 1110
  • MTH 1112 - College Algebra Through Modeling

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): An intermediate algebra course or one and one half years of secondary school algebra or equivalent and an appropriate score on the mathematics preassessment placement test.

    Description: This course places a greater emphasis on applications and data analysis than MTH 1110, College Algebra. The topics covered include: deriving functions to model situations; linear, exponential and logarithmic, power, quadratic functions and their properties and graphs; exponents and logarithms; data analysis and regression; rates of change; and linear systems and equations. Basic algebraic skills are essential as a prerequisite to this course. All sections will integrate the use of a graphing calculator into the course. A specific calculator will be required.

    Note: Only one of MTH 1110 and MTH 1112 will count toward graduation.

    General Studies: Quantitative Literacy

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-MA1

  • MTH 1120 - College Trigonometry

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1110 or MTH 1112, each with a grade of “C” or better

    Description: The topics covered include trigonometric functions, equations and identities, solution of triangles, and complex numbers.

    Note: A specific graphing calculator will be required.

  • MTH 1210 - Introduction to Statistics

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): Two years of high school algebra or equivalent and an appropriate score on the mathematics preassessment test.

    Description: This course is an introduction to the principles and techniques of descriptive statistics, probability, regression analysis, and statistical inference (estimation and tests of hypotheses). Students will work with data on problems related to their own interest or field of study.

    Note: Credit will not be given for both MTH 1210 and MTH 1230.

    General Studies: Quantitative Literacy

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-MA1


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