Feb 08, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Alternative Credit Options/Prior Learning Assessment

The University may grant credit for prior learning, depending on the academic program, as verified by the following assessment methods:

  1. National standardized tests, including:
    • Advanced Placement Examinations (AP)
    • College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
    • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  2. Departmental Credit by Examination
  3. Portfolio Assessment
  4. Military training and Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE)
  5. Other training programs evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE)

Prior learning credit does not count toward semester hour residency requirements. Regardless of credit granted for prior learning, all students must complete the minimum semester hour residency requirements. Please review the semester hour residency requirements before planning to use any of these options. See Degree Requirements . (Revised November 20, 2015)

Each academic department determines the applicability of prior learning assessment to courses in the academic discipline and for the academic major and minor. Students must meet with an academic advisor in their program as well as with the Prior Learning Specialist to determine how much, if any, credit for prior learning may apply to a particular degree program. The academic department in which the course in question resides will make the final determination on any credit granted for prior learning.

Once prior learning is assessed and credit is awarded, the total number of those credits applicable to a degree will not be reduced unless the student repeats already-awarded credit at MSU Denver or interrupts MSU Denver enrollment for three or more consecutive semesters and readmits to the University under more restrictive Prior Learning Assessment evaluation policies.

For advising assistance with CLEP examinations, departmental credit by examination, and portfolio assessment, students may contact the Center for Individualized Learning, Administration Building, Suite 360 (1201 5th Street), 303-556-8342.

Advanced Placement Examinations

Students who have performed satisfactorily in special, college-level courses while in high school, and who have passed appropriate Advanced Placement (AP) examinations conducted by the College Entrance Examination Board may have official scores submitted directly to the Office of Admissions. This office, in consultation with the appropriate department chair, determines the amount and nature of the credit and/or advanced placement granted. Students should contact collegeboard.com or 888-225-5427 to request official AP scores; MSU Denver’s AP code is 4505.

Course Credit Awards For Advanced Placement Exams

AP SCORES 2 3 4 5
Art History     ARTH 1600-3
ARTH 1700-3
ARTH 1600-3
ARTH 1700-3
Biology   BIO 1080-3
BIO 1081-3
BIO 1090-1
BIO 1091-1
BIO 1080-3
BIO 1081-3
BIO 1090-1
BIO 1091-1
BIO 1080-3
BIO 1081-3
BIO 1090-1
BIO 1091-1
Chemistry   CHE 1800-4 CHE 1800-4
CHE 1810-4
CHE 1850-2
CHE 1800-4
CHE 1810-4
CHE 1850-2
Computer Science (A)     CS 1050-4 CS 1050-4
Computer Science (AB)   CS 1050-4 CS 1050-4
CS 2050-4
CS 1050-4
CS 2050-4
Economics (Macro)   ECO 2010-3 ECO 2010-3 ECO 2010-3
Economics (Micro)   ECO 2020-3 ECO 2020-3 ECO 2020-3
English (Comp & Lit)     ENG 1010-3
ENG 1100-3
ENG 1010-3
ENG 1100-3
English (Lang & Comp)     ENG 1010-3 ENG 1010-3
Gov’t & Politics (U.S.)   PSC 1010-3 PSC 1010-3 PSC 1010-3
Geography-Human   GEG 1300-3 GEG 1300-3 GEG 1300-3
Environmental Science   ENV 1200-3 ENV1200-3 ENV1200-3
French Language   FRE 1020-5
FRE 2110-3
FRE 1020-5
FRE 2010-3
FRE 2110-3
FRE 1020-5
FRE 2010-3
FRE 2020-3
FRE 2110-3
French Literature   FRE 1020-5
FRE 2010-3
FRE 2110-3
FRE 1020-5
FRE 2010-3
FRE 2110-3
FRE 1020-5
FRE 2010-3
FRE 2020-3
FRE 2110-3
FRE 3010-3
German Language   GER 1020-5
GER 2010-3
GER 2020-3
GER 1020-5
GER 2010-3
GER 2020-3
GER 2110-3
GER 1020-5
GER 2010-3
GER 2020-3
GER 2110-3
GER 2120-3
German Literature   GER 1020-5
GER 2010-3
GER 2020-3
GER 1020-5
GER 2010-3
GER 2020-3
GER 2110-3
GER 1020-5
GER 2010-3
GER 2020-3
GER 2110-3
GER 2120-3
History (American)   HIS 1210-3 HIS 1210-3
HIS 1220-3
HIS 1210-3
HIS 1220-3
History (European)   3-credit lower-
division elective
3-credit lower-
division elective
HIS 1045-3
3-credit lower-
division elective
HIS 1045-3
History (World)   HIS 1030-3 HIS 1030-3
HIS 1040-3
HIS 1030-3
HIS 1040-3
Math (Calc AB)   MTH 1400-4 MTH 1410-4 MTH 1410-4
Math (Calc BC)   MTH 1400-4 MTH 1410-4
MTH 2410-4
MTH 1410-4
MTH 2410-4
Physics (B)   PHY 2010-4
PHY 2030-1
PHY 2020-4
PHY 2040-1
PHY 2010-4
PHY 2030-1
PHY 2020-4
PHY 2040-1
PHY 2010-4
PHY 2030-1
PHY 2020-4
PHY 2040-1
Physics (C-Mechanics)   PHY 2311-4
PHY 2321-1
PHY 2311-4
PHY 2321-1
PHY 2311-4
PHY 2321-1
Physics (C-Magnetism, Elec)   PHY 2311-4
PHY 2321-1
PHY 2331-4
PHY 2341-1
PHY 2311-4
PHY 2321-1
PHY 2331-4
PHY 2341-1
PHY 2311-4
PHY 2321-1
PHY 2331-4
PHY 2341-1
Psychology   PSY 1001-3 PSY 1001-3 PSY 1001-3
Spanish Language SPA 1020-5 SPA 1020-5
SPA 2010-3
SPA 2020-3
SPA 1020-5
SPA 2010-3
SPA 2020-3
SPA 2110-3
SPA 1020-5
SPA 2010-3
SPA 2020-3
SPA 2110-3
SPA 2120-3
Spanish Literature SPA 1020-5 SPA 1020-5
SPA 2010-3
SPA 2020-3
SPA 1020-5
SPA 2010-3
SPA 2020-3
SPA 2110-3
SPA 2120-3
SPA 1020-5
SPA 2010-3
SPA 2020-3
SPA 2110-3
SPA 2120-3
Statistics   MTH 1210-4 MTH 1210-4 MTH 1210-4

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) consists of a series of national standardized examinations. They are designed to assess non-accredited, college-level knowledge in several subject areas. Students are advised to check with their major departments for information on specific General Studies requirements that may not be met through the use of CLEP examinations.

  • Credit earned through the English composition with essay, humanities, natural sciences, social sciences/history, and college mathematics examinations may be applied only to General Studies requirements. Credit earned through the other approved examinations may be applied toward any requirements for completing the degree, unless otherwise stated.
  • Credit earned will be entered on the student’s transcript with the title of the examination(s) and without reference to any specific MSU Denver course(s). CLEP examinations are recorded without reference to a letter grade and are not figured into the student’s GPA. Credit earned through CLEP examinations does not count toward semester hour residency requirements. See Degree Requirements .
  • In order to have CLEP examination results evaluated, the student should send a copy of the official score report to: Metropolitan State University of Denver, Office of Admissions, Campus Box 16, P.O. Box 173362, Denver, CO 80217-3362. To request an official CLEP score report, contact collegeboard.com/clep or 800-257-9558. MSU Denver’s CLEP code is 4505.
  • All CLEP examinations will be subject to the statement of policy in place at the time the scores are submitted, not the policy in place at the time the examination was taken.
  • Credit awarded through CLEP examinations at other colleges or universities will be re-evaluated at MSU Denver according to the MSU Denver policy in place at the time the test scores are submitted. Students are advised to have an official copy of their score(s) sent to the University in order to have that credit evaluated.
  • Credit will not be recorded on a student’s permanent record until all official transcripts from other regionally accredited colleges and universities attended by the student have been received and evaluated by the Office of Admissions.
  • Any exception to these policies must be approved through the Board on Academic Standards Exceptions (BASE). Information about filing an appeal through BASE is available from the Dean’s Office of the College or School corresponding to the student’s major.
  • Failure to achieve the required score(s) listed will not be entered on the permanent record. However, a copy of the CLEP score report will be retained in the student’s file.

Additional information about the content and format of CLEP examinations is available through the College Board website at collegeboard.com/clep. Examinations may be taken through MSU Denver’s Office of Assessment and Testing located in the Tivoli Student Union, Room 347, 303 556-3677, msudenver.edu/testing. Other official testing centers can be found through the College Board website listed above. (Revised: January 6, 2015)


CLEP Exam Minimum Score for
MSU Denver Credit
MSU Denver Credit

MSU Denver
General Studies

No Credit for Prior
American Government 56 3 Social and Behavioral Sciences PSC 1010
American Literature 55 3 * ENG 2210, 2220
Analysis and Interpretation of Literature1 60 3 Arts and Humanities ENG 1100, 1120
College Composition 50 3 Written Communication ENG 1010
English Literature 55 3 * ENG 2310, 2330
French Language 50 10 * FRE 1010, 1020
French Language 59 16 * FRE 1010, 1020, 2010, 2110
General Biology 57 3 Natural and Physical Sciences BIO 1030
Calculus 54 3 Quantitative Literacy MTH 1410
College Algebra 54 3 Quantitative Literacy MTH 11104
College Mathematics 50 3 Quantitative Literacy MTH 1080
General Chemistry 63 4 Natural and Physical Sciences CHE 1800
General Chemistry 69 8 Natural and Physical Sciences CHE 1800, 1810
German Language 50 10 * GER 1010, 1020
German Language 60 16 * GER 1010,1020, 2010, 2020
History of the US I 50 3 Historical HIS 1210
History of the US II 50 3 Historical HIS 1220
Humanities 50 6 Arts and Humanities ARTH 1500, MUS 1000,
ENG 1100, 1110 or ENG 1120
Human Growth and Development 50 3 * PSY 2210
Precalculus 54 3 Quantitative Literacy MTH 1400
Introductory Psychology3 50 3 * PSY 1001
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50 3 * PSY 1001
Introductory Sociology 58 3 Social and Behavioral Sciences SOC 1010
Information Systems and Computer Applications 66 3 * CIS 1010, CSS 1010
Principles of Macroeconomics 62 3 Social and Behavioral Sciences ECO 2010
Principles of Marketing 50 3 * MKT 3000
Principles of Microeconomics 61 3 Social and Behavioral Sciences ECO 2020
Principles of Management 50 3 * MGT 3000
Natural Sciences1 50 6 Natural and Physical Sciences BIO 1030, AST 1040, CHE 1010,
GEL 1010, PHY 1000
Social Science and History1 50 6 Social and Behavioral Sciences ECO 2010, PSC 1010,
PSY 1001, SOC 1010
Spanish Language 50 10 * SPA 1010, 1020
Spanish Language 63 16 * SPA 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020
Western Civilization 50 3 Historical
Global Diversity
HIS 1010
Western Civilization II 50 3 Historical
Global Diversity
HIS 1045

* Does not meet general education requirements

1Although the examinations are essentially independent, where there is overlap, credit may be obtained by completing only one of the two overlapping examinations.

2If during or subsequent to the semester the exam is taken, the student earns credit in any course(s) in column 5, accepted at MSU Denver, the credit value of the course(s) will be subtracted from the corresponding CLEP credit previously awarded.

3Introductory Psychology may be applied to a psychology major or minor.

4Students wishing to take Calculus I at MSU Denver must first pass MSU Denver’s departmental calculus placement exam.

Examination scores are based on standards set by NTE/ETS and in consultation with the appropriate department chairperson.

CLEP Examination Chart Revised: December 8, 2015.


MSU Denver awards credit for Defense Activity for Nontraditional Educational Support (DANTES) Subject Standardized Tests (DSST). Credit may be awarded if the DANTES score is at the ACE (American Council on Education) minimum and the MSU Denver Academic Department approves the credit. To have a DANTES exam evaluated, a DANTES transcript or ACE transcript showing the exams taken and scores received must be submitted to the Transcript Evaluation Office. To request a copy of your DANTES scores, please go to the following website: http://getcollegecredit.com/contact/.

International Baccalaureate

Students who complete the IB Diploma Program and the IB examinations are guaranteed admission to the University and are eligible to receive credit and advanced placement standing. To receive credit, a student must receive at least a score of four (4) on each IB examination and call 301-202-3025 or visit ibo.org/informationfor/alumni/transcripts to request that official scores be mailed directly to the Office of Admissions from the IB organization. For specific equivalencies, see the table below. Please contact the Office of Admissions at 303-556-3774 for more information. Students should consult with the appropriate department for further advising and with their major departments about acceptance of credits toward their majors.

International Baccalaureate Transfer Credit Award

IB Exam Level of
MSU Denver Equivalence Semester
MSU Denver General
Studies Area
Anthropology Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7

ANT 1310 w/ 3 hrs elective
Anthropology elective


Social and Behavioral Sciences
Social and Behavioral Sciences

Art-Design A Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7

ART 1101-3 w/ 3 hrs elective
ART 1101-3

Art-Visual Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7

Art elective
Art elective

Biology Higher
5 thru 7
4 thru 7

BIO 1080-3, BIO 1090-1 w 2 hrs elective
Biology elective
BIO 1000-3


Natural and Physical Sciences
Natural and Physical Sciences

Chemistry Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7
CHE 1100-4, CHE 1150-1 w/ 1 hr elective
CHE 1010-3

Natural and Physical Sciences
Natural and Physical Sciences

Computer Science Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7

CIS 1010-3 w/ 3 hrs elective
CIS 1010-3

Dance Higher 4 thru 7

Theatre elective

Economics Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7
ECO 2010-3 w/ 3 hrs elective
Economics elective

Social and Behavioral Sciences
Social and Behavioral Sciences

Foreign Lang (A1)
French, German,




4 thru 7


4 thru 7

FRE 3110-3 & FRE 3320-3 or
GER 3010-3 & GER 3210-3 or
SPA 3110-3 & SPA 3250-3

FRE, GER, SPA 1010-5, 1020-5




Oral Communication
Foreign Lang (B)




4 thru 7


4 thru 7

FRE 2010-3 & FRE 2020-3 or
GER 2110-3 & GER 2120-3 or
SPA 2110-3 & SPA 2120-3

FRE, GER, SPA 1010-5, 1020-5



Oral Communication

(Environmental Sys)
4 thru 7
4 thru 7
ENV 1200-3 w/ 3 hrs elective
Environmental elective

Natural and Physical Sciences
Natural and Physical Sciences

History of Africa Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7
History elective
History elective


History of Americas Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7
History elective
History elective


History of Europe Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7
History elective + HIS 1045
History elective


Global Diversity

Japanese Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7

Modern Languages elective
Modern Languages elective

 English: Literature Higher 4 thru 7 ENG 1100-3 3

Arts and Humanities - 3

English: Language and Literature Higher 4 thru 7 ENG 1010-3, ENG 1100-3 6

Written Communication - 3
Arts and Humanities - 3

Latin Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7

Modern Languages elective
Modern Languages elective

Mathematics* Standard 4 thru 7 MTH 1110-4 4

Quantitative Literacy

Mathematics* Higher
5 thru 7
MTH 1410-4
MTH 1400-4
Quantitative Literacy
Quantitative Literacy
Math Methods* Standard
5 thru 7
MTH 1110-4
Mathematics elective

Quantitative Literacy
Quantitative Literacy

Math Studies* Standard 4 thru 7 Mathematics elective 3

Quantitative Literacy

Philosophy Higher 5 thru 7

Philosophy elective

Physics Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7

PHY 2010-4, PHY 2020-4,
PHY 2030-1, PHY 2040-1
PHY 1000-4



Natural and Physical Sciences
Natural and Physical Sciences

Psychology Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7
PSY 1001-3 w/ 3 hrs elective
Psychology elective


Social and Behavioral Sciences
Social and Behavioral Sciences

Russian Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7

Modern Languages elective
Modern Languages elective

Theater Higher
4 thru 7
4 thru 7
THE 2210-3 w/ 3 hrs elective
Theater elective

Arts and Humanities
Arts and Humanities

* See Math Department for further advising. Chart revised: December 8, 2015.

Departmental Credit by Examination

A department may grant a student credit for college courses for which the student requests and passes appropriate examinations. The non-refundable processing fee reflects actual administration costs and must be paid prior to taking the examination. Credit through departmental examination is based on knowledge equivalent to a regular course offered by the University. Omnibus-numbered courses are excluded. No record of failures on such examinations will be entered on the student’s permanent record.

  • Examinations cannot be taken to raise grades, to remove failures, or to remove notations that have no effect on the GPA.
  • Credit by examination is not applicable toward the semester hour residency requirements. See Degree Requirements .
  • Credit by examination will not be granted for courses attended as an auditor.
  • Examinations for credit will be taken at a time specified by the department. A grade equivalent to “A” or “B” must be attained on the examination in order to receive credit, but credits earned for the course will be recorded without a grade on the student’s permanent record and are not considered in computing university grade point averages.
  • The hours granted for credit by exam are not included as a part of the student’s semester enrollment. The credit will appear on the transcript for the semester in which the examination was taken, but the hours do not count as part of the student’s total enrollment for the purposes of financial aid or any other purpose predicated on total hours of enrollment for a given semester.
  • Any exception to these policies must be approved through the Board of Academic Standards Exceptions (BASE). Information about filing an appeal through BASE is available from the Dean’s Office of the College or School corresponding to the student’s major.

In addition to the requirements listed above, for non-General Studies courses:

  • Permission for departmental credit by examination must be obtained in advance from the instructor giving the examination, the department chair, and the appropriate dean.
  • Credit by examination cannot be obtained for a course in which a student has been enrolled at MSU Denver or at another regionally accredited college or university.
  • MSU Denver will not grant credit for a departmental examination if, prior to the semester the exam is taken, a student has completed, or was enrolled in, college courses equivalent to or more advanced than the subject material of the exam. This restriction includes courses designated at a higher level (i.e., 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000) within the same subject prefix (e.g., HIS, ENG).

Applications for departmental credit by examination are available at the Center for Individualized Learning (303-556-8342) and from the Office of the Registrar (Student Success Building, Suite 160, #3). (Revised: November 20, 2015)

Portfolio Assessment

Students may apply for credit for college-level learning gained through experience by preparing and submitting a prior learning portfolio. Credit is awarded on the basis of a careful assessment of the prior learning portfolio by faculty in the department from which credit is sought. Portfolio assessment is available in many, but not all, academic departments. To earn credit, a student must be a continuing student enrolled in good standing in a degree or certificate program.

The portfolio is developed with the assistance of the Center for Individualized Learning, 303-556-8342. Portfolio assessment may be used to apply for credit for specific courses listed in the Catalog. Students may also apply for credit for omnibus courses through portfolio assessment with the permission of the appropriate academic department. Applicants for credit through portfolio assessment will be required to take

 , which is offered as a correspondence course.

Policies that govern credit for prior learning options apply to credit awarded through the portfolio process. The non-refundable processing fee reflects actual administration costs and must be paid prior to evaluation of the portfolio by faculty for academic credit.

Information sessions about portfolio assessment and other credit for prior learning options are held on a regular basis. For assistance and further information, contact the Center for Individualized Learning at 303-556-8342 or msudenver.edu/cil.

(Fee information revised: November 4, 2015)

Credit for Military Training, Military Occupational Specialties, and Other Training Programs

Military training, Military Occupational Specialties, and other educational programs that have been assessed for college credit by the American Council on Education (ACE) will be evaluated by the Office of Admissions for transfer credit at MSU Denver.

In addition MSU Denver offers the following package of transfer credit and waivers:

  • 6 semester hours of lower division elective credit (MILR 8000) for all students who have served one enlistment of four years.
  • 6 additional semester hours of upper division elective credit (MILR 9000) for students who have either served two enlistments of four years each or attained the rank of E5 or above.
  • 3 credits of SPE 1010 for all students who served at least one enlistment and achieved the rank of E5.
  • Waiver of the Global Diversity requirement for all students who deployed abroad in the armed services for at least 6 months.

Applicable credit and waivers will be granted upon presentation of evidence of either continued active service, transfer to the Reserve component, or discharge under conditions other than dishonorable. Students who have been discharged from active service should submit their form DD214 to the Transfer Office for evaluation.

To request a military transcript, visit jst.doded.mil. Community College of the Air Force transcripts can be requested at au.af.mil/ccaf. Questions regarding credit awarded for military experience or other prior learning assessment options should be directed to the Prior Learning Specialist in the Center for Individualized Learning at 303-556-8342.