Jul 05, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

This section of the Catalog includes course descriptions, listed alphabetically by discipline. The descriptions provide information on course numbers, titles, the level of instruction, credit, course sequence, content, and prerequisites as shown in the following example:

CHE 2100 Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: CHE 1100
Description: A study of the elements of organic and biological chemistry. This course satisfies requirements for nursing programs and other fields requiring a survey of organic and biological chemistry.

The first two to four letters, called the course subject code, represent the area of study or discipline, e.g., CHE represents chemistry. The course number follows the course subject code, e.g., 2100. The first digit in a four-digit course number designates the level of instruction. Only courses numbered 1000 or above will be included in credits toward a degree. Courses with numbers up to and including 1999 are primarily for freshmen, 2000 through 2999 primarily for sophomores, 3000 through 3999 primarily for juniors, and 4000 through 4999 primarily for seniors. In general, students should not take courses above the level of their class (based upon semester hours earned), but they may do so at one level above if they have the specified prerequisites. In special cases, students may be permitted to take courses more than one level above that designated for their class if they obtain the permission of their advisor and of the faculty member teaching the course and if they meet the prerequisite requirements. Course descriptions provide a summary of the content of the course. If a prerequisite must be met before a student can register for a course, this information is listed above the course description. Attributes, such as Multicultural, General Studies, or Guaranteed Transfer, are listed after the course description. A list of courses being offered in a given semester, instructors, class meeting times, and locations is described in the Class Schedule located on the Office of the Registrar’s website, msudenver.edu/registrar/classschedules.


Speech Communication

  • SPE 3770 - Family Communication

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 1710

    Description: This course is designed to assist students to better understand and improve interpersonal communication processes in families, including dual-career communication problems, personality patterns, family group roles and their impact on interaction, verbal and nonverbal messages in family contexts, and managing family interpersonal conflict and change.

  • SPE 3980 - Internship in Speech Communication

    Credits: 1-15

    Prerequisite(s): Major in Speech Communication; junior or senior status; permission of instructor

    Description: Supervised by a faculty member within the major department, internships provide practical, hands-on experience in a professional field related to the major. Internship placements must be established prior to enrollment in this course in consultation with the Applied Learning Center.

    To register with the Applied Learning Center, students must meet the following qualifications:

    • Completed at least one semester at MSU Denver
    • Sophomore, junior or senior status
    • Declared major in an undergraduate program
    • 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA at MSU Denver
    • Currently enrolled and taking classes at MSU Denver

    For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-556-3290 or internships@msudenver.edu.

    Note: Variable Credit

  • SPE 3981 - Internship in Broadcast Journalism

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 3450

    Description: This course gives students an internship experience working as a broadcast journalist at a television station, radio station, or another broadcast media outlet where they are able to use the skills learned in the classroom in a supervised, professional setting.

  • SPE 3982 - Internship in Broadcast Performance

    Credits: 3/9/2014

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 2400 and SPE 3430

    Description: This course gives students an internship experience working as talent at a television station, radio station or other broadcast media outlet where they are able to use the skills learned in the classroom in a supervised, professional setting.

  • SPE 3983 - Internship in Broadcast Production

    Credits: 3/9/2014

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 2400, SPE 3440 and SPE 3480

    Description: This course gives students an internship experience working in production at a television station, radio station or other broadcast media outlet where they are able to use the skills learned in the classroom in a supervised, professional setting.

  • SPE 4030 - Advocacy and Social Justice

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 1010 or permission of instructor

    Description: In this course, students examine social advocacy from the communication perspective. Emphasis is placed on communication styles and the premises associated with a social justice sensibility, informed by communication theory and applied communication practices. Students identify a social justice problem in the local community, design an intervention, and engage the community with various communication strategies and techniques. The class combines classroom instruction with coordinated, integrated, and structured volunteer service.

  • SPE 4050 - Advanced Intercollegiate Forensics

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor For students participating extensively in competitive intercollegiate speech activities

    Description: A maximum of 8-hours credit may be applied toward a degree.

  • SPE 4080 - Rhetorical Criticism

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 1010 and junior/senior standing, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course focuses on the historical and critical methodologies for analyzing rhetorical efforts, both from the points of view of an intellectual discipline and as a practical art in a democratic society.

  • SPE 4090 - Classical Rhetoric

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 1010, completion of General Studies requirements, and senior standing; or permission of instructor.

    Description: This course acquaints students with the classical traditions of rhetorical theory including the presophists, sophists, Aristotle, Plato, Isocrates, Cicero, Quintilian, etc. Standards of “ethical persuasion” and the responsibilities of rhetorical persuasion are examined in-depth.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • SPE 4100 - Techniques of Persuasion

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 2301 or SPE 3090 or permission of the instructor

    Description: A critical investigation of the factors that influence individuals and groups through the media of persuasive rhetorical campaigns. Course involves specific investigation and analysis of 20th century persuasive campaigns. Students will have opportunities to develop persuasive campaigns in various rhetorical areas.

  • SPE 4120 - Freedom of Speech

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 1010, or permission of instructor; completion of General Studies requirements; and senior standing.

    Description: This course is a study of the historical and social influences with inquiry into the legacy of our inherited rights to free speech. This course examines and refines the First Amendment’s clause on freedom of speech and the press, threats to this freedom, and special inquiry into contemporary issues and cases.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • SPE 4160 - Advanced Organizational Communication

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 2160 and Junior Standing

    Description: Organizations and organizational communication occur within a broader systematic framework embedded in social, economic, political, and cultural contexts. This course explores global organizational communication that contributes to sustainable and healthy organizational environments and organizational success. The healthy organization of the 21st century fosters well-being in employees while simultaneously meeting fiduciary, societal, and ethical responsibilities.

  • SPE 4200 - Gender in Popular Culture

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 2770

    Description: This course examines popular culture as a mechanism of mediated communication and explores how the forces of popular culture interact with ideas of gender. This course investigates and analyzes issues relevant to representations of gender in popular culture, including constructions of identity, femininity and masculinity, sexuality, and expectations regarding home, work, and family.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: SPE or WMS

    Cross Listed Course(s): WMS 4200
  • SPE 4301 - Communication Ethics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 3301

    Description: This course identifies key perspectives in communication ethics.  Topics include civility, morality/integrity, duty, the self as an ethical agent, workplace ethics, and ethics online.  Students will apply ethical principles to a variety of communication contexts including interpersonal, small group, team, organizations, and mediated situations.  Using case studies, discussion, and analysis of Internet sites students can develop insight about ethical issues and apply ethical perspectives to a variety of communication situations.

  • SPE 4310 - Trends in Communication Studies: Variable Topics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 4300 and at least junior standing

    Description: The purpose of this special topics course is to introduce students to an in depth discussion of issues or research within the field of communication studies.  The course may be taken for up to 9 credit hours under different titles.

  • SPE 4410 - The Denver Media Roadshow

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 2400

    Description: This field research course offers students the opportunity for guided, onsite visits with industry professionals in a variety of communication and media companies in and around Denver. It will consist of an orientation session, class sessions in the field, and an online component. Students will learn firsthand about the business and the day-to-day operations of these companies from the industry perspective. Students will have the chance to meet and interact with media/communications professionals. Presentations by industry professionals will focus on facets of their business and issues related to the local, national, and international marketplace.

  • SPE 4420 - On-Air Broadcasting

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 3430 or SPE 3440; and SPE Broadcasting major or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is designed to provide three semester hours of academic credit for students who successfully work regularly on MSU Denver Office of Student Media radio and television productions as reporters, editors, photographers, anchors and crew during a school semester. Students will work collaboratively with either an Anchor/Host/Reporter or the Crew/Technical Staff in the Student Media offices and Media Center.

  • SPE 4430 - Electronic Media Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 2400 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course examines management tasks and functions as they exist in a variety of electronic media. The course focuses on relevant management theory, technical operations, economics, business functions and practices, programming, regulation, marketing, sales, and audience considerations specific to electronic media.

  • SPE 4440 - Advanced Television Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 2400 and SPE 3440; or permission of instructor

    Description: This is an advanced course in digital production skills for both studio and the field projects. Specific focus is on digital, high-definition workflow and file-based capture and finishing. This course allows students independence and the opportunity for formative research, including team building, financing possibilities, target audience evaluation, and potential distribution venues.

  • SPE 4450 - Writing for Broadcast Journalism

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 2400 and SPE 3410; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is designed to help students develop writing skills for a broad array of media.  Students will also study journalism ethics and the law as it applies to broadcast news.

  • SPE 4470 - TV Criticism: Production and Content

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 3440 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course analyzes contemporary television programming for aesthetics and effectiveness. All production elements and the content of programs are critiqued to create a more discerning audience and/or program creator.

  • SPE 4480 - Advanced Radio Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 3480 or permission of instructor

    Description: In this course, students continue their studies at the university CAS Sound Hub facility and online station, WCAS Radio. Students are given responsibility for creating regularly-scheduled program “air shifts” and will create both all-live and recorded-live station programming blocks. Students enrolled in this course become the semester’s staff-in-training at the WCAS Radio Broadcast Control Center. This is not an internship.

  • SPE 4700 - Communication and the Trainer

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 1010, SPE 1700, SPE 1710, SPE 2710 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course is designed to teach students how to translate their liberal arts background into on-the-job communication training programs using interpersonal and group dynamics skills. Actual demonstrations via video will be used, allowing students the opportunity to practice and evaluate their program design and training communication style in front of real audiences.

  • SPE 4750 - Communication Strategies for Effecting Change

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 3160, SPE 4160, and SPE 4700; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course focuses on the communication strategies required to plan and implement major change in an organization. Students in the course will evaluate common system problems and processes. The course materials cover the roles of change agents, various communication competencies for managing change, and development tactics and strategies for implementing change. This course is designed for students who plan careers in management, training, or consulting who may direct change processes in organizational systems.

  • SPE 4755 - Consulting and Organizational Development

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 4700 and SPE 4750; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course content explores the processes and procedures required in interactive interventions that assist a person, group, or organization by mobilizing internal and external resources to address problem confrontations and change efforts.  Included are communication strategies for handling line and staff conflicts, organizational climate issues, the development of employee supervision, training programs, organizational restructuring, retooling leadership, and administrational functions needed to enhance organizational development and change.

  • SPE 4760 - Communication and the Elderly

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 1710 or SPE 2301

    Description: This course is designed to investigate the particular communication patterns and problems of the aged. It focuses on culturally communicated attitudes toward elderly persons via media, marketing, and institutions, as well as specific communication issues of the aged such as the communication of intimacy, friendship, control, interaction in work environments, home life, retirement and death.

  • SPE 4790 - Communication Theory Building and Research Methodology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 1700 or SPE 3740; and SPE 2160 or SPE 4160; or Permission of instructor

    Corequisite(s): Senior standing

    Description: This course is designed to provide students with the major trends in communication research including the most frequently used methodologies for conducting research. Students will construct research questions and generate hypotheses for conducting research. They will investigate through literature searches current research conducted on specific topics and learn how to write and report that research using appropriate research tools (technology) and acceptable academic documentation. The course also focuses on the processes for developing a research proposal using students’ understanding of generating social science, communication or organizational communication theories.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • SPE 4790 - Communication Theory Building and Research Methodology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SPE 1700 or SPE 3740; and SPE 2160 or SPE 4160; or permission of instructor

    Corequisite(s): senior standing

    Description: This course is designed to provide students with the major trends in communication research including the most frequently used methodologies for conducting research. Students will construct research questions and generate hypotheses for conducting research. They will investigate through literature searches current research conducted on specific topics and learn how to write and report that research using appropriate research tools (technology) and acceptable academic documentation. The course also focuses on the  processes for developing a research proposal using students’ understanding of generating social science, communication or organizational communication theories.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

  • SLHS 1500 - Introduction to Communication Sciences

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course introduces students to typical communication across the lifespan, the relationship between culture and communication, and the impact of communication disorders on individual and family. Speech, language, and hearing anatomy, disorders, and intervention options are introduced.

  • SLHS 1610 - American Sign Language I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum performance on the reading and writing preassessment placement test

    Description: This course provides students with a basic understanding of American Sign Language including conversational skills and linguistic structures. Students are also introduced to Deaf culture.

    Note: Credit will only be granted for one prefix: SLHS, EDU, or MDL.

    Cross Listed Course(s): EDU 1610, MDL 1610
  • SLHS 1620 - American Sign Language II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SLHS/MDL/EDU 1610 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a continuation of SLHS 1610 emphasizing expressive language as well as increasing competence with receptive language skills. The course continues to build vocabulary and familiarity with the complex grammar (morphology and syntax) of this visual language. The deaf experience and culture is integrated throughout.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: SLHS, MDL, or EDU.

    General Studies: Oral Communication

    Cross Listed Course(s): EDU 1620, MDL 1620
  • SLHS 2530 - Speech and Hearing Science

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1110 or MTH 1112 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course introduces acoustics of speech reception within the auditory system and acoustics of speech production within the vocal tract. A number of disorders interfering with normal sound transmission are introduced. Students learn about speech and hearing professionals, current technology for assessment and intervention, and strategies to enhance reception and production of acoustic energy.

  • SLHS 2890 - Language Acquisition

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): ENG 2010 or ENG 3011 or SLHS 1500 or PSY 1800 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course allows students to investigate theories of language development and describe language developmental patterns in toddler, preschool and school-age children. The interrelationship between linguistic, cognitive and social competencies in communicative development will be explored. Students will gain knowledge concerning the diversity of normal communicative development found in a pluralistic society.

  • SLHS 3511 - Anatomy and Physiology of Speech

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2310 and SLHS 2530 with a grade of “C” or better in both; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course provides students with a basic understanding of the structural organization (anatomy), function (physiology), and neural control of the structures used to produce speech, swallowing, respiration and related human behaviors. Students explore how anatomical and physiological deficits relate to communicative pathology. The course includes lecture and laboratory components and involves dissection.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: SLHS or BIO.

    Cross Listed Course(s): BIO 3511
  • SLHS 3540 - Phonetics and Phonological Awareness

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): SLHS 2890

    Description: Students will gain an understanding of the science of speech sounds and utilize the International Phonetic Alphabet in transcribing spoken language. They will learn how the ability to talk about, to reflect, and to manipulate the sounds of speech is associated with reading.

  • SLHS 3580 - Speech, Sound and Fluency Disorders

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SLHS 2890 and SLHS 3540 with a grade of “C-” or better

    Description: Two disorders that impact communication involve the sounds used for speech and the fluency of speech. Etiological factors, assessment techniques, and intervention principles used to manage speech sound and fluency disorders are addressed.

  • SLHS 3590 - School Speech-Language Intervention

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SLHS 1500 and SLHS 2890 with a grade of “C-” or better in each

    Description: This course allows students to explore how speech and language disorders/differences affect school-age children. Students learn intervention methods designed to help children and adolescents with cognitive/linguistic and communication challenges succeed in school. Students observe children with communication disorders working with speech-language pathologists in school settings.

  • SLHS 3600 - Diagnostic Audiology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SLHS 2530 with a grade of “C-” or better

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): SLHS 2530

    Description: This course reviews acoustics of the auditory system and perception of acoustic stimuli. The focus is on anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, standard audiometric assessment, and peripheral and central auditory disorders.

  • SLHS 3980 - Internship in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

    Credits: 1-15

    Prerequisite(s): Major in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; junior or senior status; permission of instructor

    Description: Supervised by a faculty member within the major department, internships provide practical, hands-on experience in a professional field related to the major. Internship placements must be established prior to enrollment in this course in consultation with the Applied Learning Center.

    To register with the Applied Learning Center, students must meet the following qualifications:

    • Completed at least one semester at MSU Denver
    • Sophomore, junior or senior status
    • Declared major in an undergraduate program
    • 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA at MSU Denver
    • Currently enrolled and taking classes at MSU Denver

    For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-556-3290 or internships@msudenver.edu.

    Note: Variable Credit

  • SLHS 4500 - Principles of Assessment and Intervention

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SLHS 3590 or SLHS 4510 with a grade of “C” or better in each course

    Description: This course examines professional issues and assessment/intervention principles and practices in speech-language pathology and audiology. This internship allows students to implement standards-based instruction for children with communication disorders in educational settings and/or observe assessment/intervention methods in clinical settings.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • SLHS 4510 - Child Language Disorders

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SLHS 2890 with a grade of “C” or better

    Description: This course examines child language disorders and the neurological, cognitive, environmental and sociocultural factors that contribute to them. Students are introduced to assessment and intervention strategies designed to enhance language/communication development in children with language disorders and their effects.

    Field Trips: Field based observations will be required.

  • SLHS 4511 - Neurogenic Language Disorders in Adults

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite(s): SLHS 2890 with a grade of “C” or better

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): SLHS 3511

    Description: This course examines acquired, brain-based language disorders in adults and their neuropathological sources. Communication disturbances and behavioral sequelae associated with a number of disorders, including aphasia, traumatic brain injury, and dementia, are analyzed. Students are introduced to clinical assessment techniques, as well as current developments in neurological rehabilitation.

  • SLHS 4550 - Speech-Language Pathology Assistant Methods

    Credits: 7

    Prerequisite(s): SLHS 2530, SLHS 2890, SLHS 3511, SLHS 3540, SLHS 3580, SLHS 3600, SLHS 4500, and SLHS 4510 each course with a grade of “C” or better; or permission of program coordinator

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): SLHS 3620

    Description: This course allows students with an undergraduate major or equivalent coursework in speech-language-hearing sciences to gain the competencies required for employment as a speech-language pathology assistant (SLPA) in schools. The course is composed of a three-credit seminar and four-credit public school SLPA internship.

    Note: *Students will be required to submit a letter of intent, academic transcripts, and two letters of reference to the program coordinator for review and approval prior to registering for this course

  • SLHS 4610 - Rehabilitative Audiology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SLHS 2890 and SLHS 3600 with a grade of “C-” or better

    Description: This course considers the responsibilities of interventionists for children and adults with hearing loss. Students learn about individual variables that impact intervention outcomes, as well as components of rehabilitative audiology, such as counseling, hearing technology, and speech and language therapy.

Surveying and Mapping

  • SUR 1000 - An Introduction to the Technical Aspects of Land Surveying

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s): High School algebra or trigonometry

    Description: This course addresses the basic legal, technical, and professional topics of land surveying. Students are introduced to the federal and state statutes and regulations governing professional practice. Technical subjects address daily professional practice of research, data collection, and data reduction.

    Note: This course may not be used by Surveying and Mapping majors.

  • SUR 1510 - Surveying I

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): CET 1100 and high school or college trigonometry or MTH 1400 with grades of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is an introductory course in elementary surveying. Students acquire a knowledge of the theory of measurements, methods of collecting and recording data, reduction of observations of angles, directions, distances and differences in elevation; the computation and adjustment of traverses; the use of data collectors and interfacing with CAD software; construction stakeout employing coordinate geometry and CAD output; and the methods of computing coordinate geometry and areas. Field work includes use of transits, total stations, electronic distance meters, surveyors’ tapes, differential levels and data collectors.

  • SUR 2520 - Surveying II

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1410 and SUR 1510 with grades of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course is designed to cover the introduction to control surveying, state plane coordinate systems, construction surveying, legal and boundary surveying and large scale topographic mapping for engineering and architectural projects. The student is introduced to optical micrometer and electronic theodolites, precise levels, and electronic distancers. Laboratory assignments will cover astronomic azimuth observations, circular and parabolic curves, earthwork surveys, control surveying and topographic mapping.

  • SUR 2530 - Route Surveying

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): SUR 1520 for CET majors, SUR 2520 and SUR 2620 for SUR majors, all with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course is designed to expand the concepts on circular and parabolic curves and earthwork introduced in SUR 2520. Included is the mathematics of spirals; unequal tangent vertical curves, mass diagram of earthwork quantities; alignment profile and slope staking; large scale site mapping; alignment and design; and other surveying techniques required for highways, pipelines, tunnels, transmission lines, water lines, sewers and canals, etc. This course will introduce terrain modeling for site development and environmental concerns.

    Cross Listed Course(s): CET 2530
  • SUR 2550 - Surveying Computations

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SUR 2520 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is an introductory course on converting survey field observations/data into a form suitable to the end user. Students apply principles and precepts learned in courses of mathematics and surveying to surveying problems, develop analysis techniques, and perform those computations required for plane surveying problems encountered by the surveyor, land developer and civil engineer. Traverse computations, subdivision computations, route surveying computations, etc., are addressed.

  • SUR 3100 - Survey Data Adjustment and Analysis I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 2140, MTH 2410, MTH 3210, PHY 2331, PHY 2341 and SUR 2550 with grades of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course provides a foundation in the basic principles of computational methods used to adjust and analyze survey observations employing statistical principles and least squares theory. The problems include adjustment of triangulation, traverses, trilateration, and vertical networks by condition and/or observation equations.

  • SUR 3150 - Astronomy for Surveyors

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s): SUR 2520 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is an introductory course on applying astronomical observations to surveying and mapping projects. Students acquire knowledge about positional determination by astronomical observations and determining the direction (azimuth, bearing) of lines on the earth’s surface from astronomic observations. The students compute the azimuth of a line from actual survey observations.

  • SUR 3220 - Real Property Descriptions

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s): SUR 3540 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course addresses writing real property legal descriptions for deeds, easements, and rights-of-way. Emphasis is placed on the structure and order of the elements in the description and on avoiding the common mistakes of language, construction, and terminology in order to avoid ambiguities in the intent of the instrument. A study of the interpretation of the rules to deal with conflicts and ambiguities in instruments is presented.

  • SUR 3300 - Photogrammetry

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): PHY 2331 and SUR 2550 with grades of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course introduces the science of photogrammetry. The geometry of the photographic camera, vertical photography, aerial-mapping camera, flight planning, project planning, supporting field surveys and field classification and targeting are emphasized. Photogrammetric plotters and comparators are discussed. An introduction to digital-image scanning and GPS synchronization is presented. The application of photogrammetry to engineering and surveying mapping programs is discussed.

  • SUR 3540 - Boundary Law I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SUR 2520 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course introduces the concepts of boundary control and legal principles. Subjects addressed include proportionate measurement, rights in land, junior/senior title rights, retracement of original surveys, deed first/survey first, common and case law, ranking/prioritizing evidence, controlling monuments and corners, errors in legal descriptions and plats, and case studies.

  • SUR 3700 - Geodesy I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SUR 2550, PHY 2311, PHY 2321, PHY 2331 and PHY 2341 with grades of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is an introduction into the science of geodesy. The course presents an overview into the theory of surveying in which the size and shape of the earth must be addressed. The history of geodesy and the classical survey procedures to determine latitude, longitude, elevation, and the earth’s gravity field are presented. The underlying theory of instrumentation and the application of physical theory are discussed.

  • SUR 3800 - Public Land Survey System

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SUR 2520 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course describes the survey procedures contained in the current Manual of Surveying for the Public Lands of the United States (1973). The history, design, and planning of the rectangular survey system, original surveys, resurveys, independent and dependent surveys, protection of bona-fide rights, mineral surveys, special surveys, and riparian rights are addressed. The importance of the official plats and field notes are presented.

  • SUR 4500 - Construction Measurements

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): SUR 2550 and SUR 2620 with grades of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course introduces the student to the methods of translating engineering and architectural plans into field surveys for construction work and post-construction mapping for payments. The topics include engineering measurement tolerances, vertical and horizontal differential tolerances, terrestrial photography and control, deformation studies and analysis, safety and hazardous waste environment.

  • SUR 4510 - Map Projections and Coordinate Systems

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing; SUR 3700 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is an in-depth course addressing the popular conformal map projections employed in surveying and mapping programs. The theories for the Lambert conformal conic, Mercator, transverse Mercator, oblique Mercator and stereographic, and Albers equal area projections are presented. Designing the projection system, transformation between plane coordinates and geodetic positions and the conversion of survey data to map projection data are emphasized. The use of local conformal map projections will be presented.

  • SUR 4540 - Boundary Law II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): senior standing and SUR 3540 with a grade of ‘C’or better, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a continuation of SUR 3540 and addresses, in detail, the subjects of evidence and procedures for determining real property boundaries. Statutes and case law; conflicting evidence; proper methods and procedures for collecting evidence; riparian rights; surface and subsurface rights; and eminent domain are studied. Boundary agreements and legal instruments prepared by the land surveyor are introduced. The role of the land surveyor as an expert witness is presented.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

Technical Communication

  • COM 1010 - Critical Thinking through 21st Century Media

    Credits: 3

    Description: Through the lens of 21st century media, this course teaches students to be critical media producers and consumers through critical thinking and inquiry learning skills. It reviews the similarities and differences between traditional and 21st century media, with attention focused on bias, perspective, author’s intent, audience, social and ethical responsibilities, and the impact on a media communication process. 21st century media will be examined through both primary sources and current media to provide historical context for understanding media communication.

    General Studies: Arts and Humanities

  • COM 1450 - Literacy and Communication Technologies

    Credits: 3

    Description: In this introductory course, students review basic Internet standards and refine electronic communication skills using digital media and current online technologies. Students also practice searching for and managing electronic information. The course emphasizes information, media and visual literacy principles, as well as practical application.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: COM or HON.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 1450
  • COM 2400 - Basic Video Editing

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course introduces the fundamental principles. aesthetics, and procedures necessary to perform video editing. Students learn how to perform video edits, how to translate editing theory to practical application, and the importance of aesthetics in editing.

  • COM 2420 - Basic Single Camera Video Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): COM 2400 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course introduces students to the basics of audio and video techniques and standards for producing on location single camera programs. Students undertake a series of exercises that teach production methods and they produce and edit a final project.

  • COM 2430 - Introduction to Media Production

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course is a survey of basic media production. Basic production techniques, terminology, equipment characteristics, media selection, advantages and disadvantages are studied.

  • COM 2450 - Basic Interactive Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 1450; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is first in the series of interactive production courses. In addition to basic project production, topics include characteristics, development, and documentation of individual media elements such as text, graphics, audio, animation, video, and interactivity. Information architecture, message design. and project documentation are covered as integrated and integral components of the production process.

  • COM 2460 - Media Graphic Production

    Credits: 3

    Description: Students produce numerous digital images, which can be used in presentations, websites, video, and printed publications. Visual literacy is introduced and practiced throughout the course. Graphic design principles including hierarchy, eye movement, spatial layout, color theory, typography, logo design, etc. are practiced.

  • COM 2480 - Introduction to Computer Animation

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course introduces students to traditional animation techniques and the planning and production of computer animation. The course focuses on techniques used to create 2D objects and animate them in order to communicate a professional message. Students will create numerous computer animations to be viewed on the Internet.

  • COM 2610 - Introduction to Technical Writing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010

    Description: This course provides students with the skills to analyze and produce clear and effective technical and scientific documents and materials.  Students determine the style, purpose, content, and format for numerous industry-specific reports and technical support documents.  Students analyze and produce accessible materials for expert, technical, lay, and intercultural audiences.  Students also develop, incorporate, and cite visual elements, including images, tables, and the representation of numeric data, to support the message delivered towards a specific audience.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: COM or HON.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 2611
  • COM 2720 - Introduction to Communication Concepts and Systems

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course introduces the students to the major communication concepts and systems used by industry, government, science, engineering, and the media in transmitting and receiving information. It prepares the student to identify strengths and weaknesses in the communication process.

  • COM 2800 - Introduction to Audio Production

    Credits: 3

    Description: Audio is an integral part of media projects and this course gives students a strong foundation in digital audio technology. Topics include: Physics of Sound; Human Hearing and Perception; Critical Music Education; Voice Recording; and Audio Production Equipment.

  • COM 3310 - International Technical Communications

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course introduces students to the requirements of international technical communications. It defines the characteristics of an international requirement of technical communicators and provides students with opportunities to practice necessary skills.

  • COM 3330 - Technical Writing for Translation

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2610 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course prepares technical writers, editors, and scriptwriters to develop text and scripts in a manner that facilitates translation for international use.

  • COM 3400 - Intermediate Video Editing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2400 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course focuses on techniques, principles, and aesthetics that are necessary for the proper editing of video programs. Students will complete editing exercises, which incorporate a variety of techniques and reinforce specific editing skills.

  • COM 3420 - Intermediate Single Camera Video Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2400 and COM 2420; or permission of instructor

    Description: In this course, students learn how to apply intermediate single camera video production terms and techniques. In addition, students write, produce, and direct a single camera video program that has a specific purpose and audience. Students will also plan and schedule a remote production, and subsequently edit a finished video program.

  • COM 3440 - Scriptwriting for Video

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course stresses the principles used to create video scripts for a variety of programs. In addition, the course instructs students in the organization and writing of story outlines, treatments, rough draft formats and scripts. It also identifies the fundamentals of visual and audio applications and includes viewing and analysis of video productions

  • COM 3450 - Intermediate Interactive Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2450 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course is the second in the series of interactive production courses. In addition to intermediate project production, topics include information architecture, message design, project documentation, critical website evaluation, usability testing, visual communication, and universal design (accessibility). Production team roles and responsibilities are also covered.

  • COM 3470 - Writing for Interactive Media

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010

    Description: This course covers the techniques of designing and writing for interactive media, which includes online, fixed, mobile, and social media. The student will create content with outlines, storyboards, flowcharts and a variety of preproduction documents.

  • COM 3480 - Introduction to 3D Animation

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2480

    Description: In this course, students learn 3D modeling, animation, and rendering techniques, using several software applications. Students light models and environments, set-up virtual cameras, and practice particle generation. Animation is accomplished through scripting, as well as key framing.

  • COM 3485 - Motion Graphics for Video

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2460 or COM 3400

    Description: Students in this course create professional animations for use in broadcast, corporate video productions, and online applications. Students demonstrate technical issues involved with producing digital animation, which can either stand-alone or be composited with video footage. Students incorporate imported graphics, digital audio and video footage, typographic treatments, and appropriate visual effects to construct their animated messages. Students practice writing animation treatments, including an audience analysis, technical requirements, style guide information, etc. Students also produce a digital portfolio to showcase their animations.

  • COM 3540 - Mobile and Social Media Communication

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2720

    Description: This course explores the principles of using mobile and social media to accomplish a communication goal. Social media is investigated for its collaborative and community-building properties. Mobile media is examined through the lens of technology-enhanced communication.

  • COM 3590 - Streaming Media Technologies

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of General Studies requirements in Written Communication and Oral Communication

    Description: This course explores the history of streaming media and prepares students for the preproduction and production processes, current technologies, and streaming media deployment.  Students develop a website, which incorporates streaming media technology.

  • COM 3615 - Technical Writing for Surveyors and Engineers

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010 and ENG 1020, SPE 1010, all with Minimum grades of “C”; and At least junior standing; or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course provides engineering and surveying/mapping students the writing experiences to prepare technical specifications. The course focuses on contract types, contract elements, technical specifications for procurement, description of procedure, incident reports, technical literature reviews, professional memos, electronic correspondence, document specifications, progress reports, formal technical reports, and other engineering and surveying/mapping functions. The course provides an overview of the legal and technical aspects of writing professional specifications.

  • COM 3620 - Technical Editing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2610 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course presents techniques for editing technical publications including all levels of edit, document management and collaboration with writers.

  • COM 3625 - User Experience and Interface

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2610

    Description: This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and practical experience of usability testing commonly known in the field as UX (User Experience) and UI (User Interface) Testing. Students will learn the usability issues and the strategies for planning and conducting a test, with or without a lab. Students will conduct usability tests on websites, instruction manuals, and other media to evaluate the user experience. The course will also focus on working in a team to plan, prepare, and conduct a usability test, then analyzing and presenting the results in a written report.

  • COM 3630 - Producing Digital Documents

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2610

    Description: Students focus on message design for a professional audience when creating digital documents. Graphic design principles, including spatial layout, typography, and color theory, are incorporated into projects. Automation techniques, such as master pages, style sheets and content generation, are examined. Students create several documents for print and other current technology. Students also learn about printing methods, traditional and digital prepress, and finishing options.

  • COM 3635 - Producing Documentation for Web and Print Publication

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2610 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course covers the techniques and principles of document design as applied to technical manuals. Students develop a writing project with supporting graphic elements; they prepare the document using highly specialized and robust publishing software used for both print and online documents. Students use paragraph, character, table, and cross-reference styles and layout techniques to ensure effective design and usability of the document.

  • COM 3640 - Writing Computer-User Software Documentation

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2610 or CMS 2010 or CSS 1010

    Description: This course prepares the student to write instruction manuals for computer software for users who are not computer experts. The course emphasizes audience analysis, vocabulary, format and style, use of graphics, writing techniques, and production.

  • COM 3650 - Writing Hardware Documentation

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2610 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course prepares the student to write instructional manuals including maintenance, operations, and service manuals. The course emphasizes audience analysis, vocabulary, format and style, use of graphics, writing techniques, and productions.

  • COM 3660 - Variable Topics in Industrial and Technical Communications

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2610 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is a current-topics course that studies communication models and techniques for reporting industrial and governmental information to specialized and general audiences to advance corporate or agency goals and interests. The content of the course will change from semester to semester.

    Note: It may be repeated for credit.

  • COM 3670 - Writing for the Environmental Industry

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2610 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course presents communication models and techniques for reporting industrial and governmental information related to the environment for specialized and general audiences. The course includes discussions of ethical concerns related to environmental issues, analyzing the context of an environmental message for optimum reception, practicing different discourse strategies, and exploring readability for different audience levels. Students will examine the issue of credibility of statistical material, presented both in text and in graphic format. Researching the CFR database for specific regulations will be taught, with a secondary goal of revising these regulations for the targeted audience.

  • COM 3780 - Communication Law

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): 6 credits of COM courses or permission of instructor

    Description: This course presents U.S. legal practices that impact professional communicators and technical media producers.  It places special emphasis on the federal and state court systems, as well as emerging international laws for communication delivered over the Internet. The course covers copyright, fair use, defamation, intellectual property, privacy, and federal trade regulations as applied to print and digital media in physical and electronic distribution.

  • COM 3800 - Audio for Video Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2800 or Permission of instructor

    Description: Field recordings - those made on location outside of a controlled, studio environment - are a critical component to video and film production. This course explores the theory, required equipment, and practical application of recording audio specifically for video productions. Students gain hands-on experience creating field recordings, documenting the process, and evaluating the postproduction options for each recording.

  • COM 4401 - Advanced Video Editing

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 3400; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course focuses on the techniques necessary to achieve properly edited video programs. Acquisition, manipulation, compression and digitization of video and audio footage is discussed and demonstrated. Students learn and practice advanced editing techniques. Students also learn when to employ specialized transition devices and how to transform video clips.

  • COM 4410 - Budgeting and Planning for Video Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or 12 COM designated hours (nine of which must be upper division); completion of General Studies requirements; or permission of instructor.

    Description: This Senior Experience course stresses the methods and techniques for budgeting and planning video productions. Viewing and analysis of programs also occurs. Scheduling personnel, equipment, materials and cost is covered. Evaluation techniques and ethical situations are studied.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • COM 4420 - Advanced Single-Camera Video Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2400, COM 2420, and COM 3420; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course covers advanced video production techniques including editing, lighting, graphics, scripting, and audio recording. Students formulate and track budgets, plan and execute remote shoots, and carry out all aspects of single-camera video production. Students obtain outside clients for the final video project.

  • COM 4430 - Directing and Lighting for Video

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 2420 and COM 3420; or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course presents various directing and lighting techniques used in the production of video programs. Students learn the theories and principles used to direct and light for video production in a remote location and in a studio setting.

  • COM 4450 - Advanced Interactive New Media Production

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): COM 3450

    Description: This course is the third in the series of interactive production courses. Advanced topics include communication, collaboration, and community building in Web 2.0; an in-depth exploration of virtual environments: web-based applications and critical analyses of new media technology. Students produce several advanced-level interactive media projects.

  • COM 4760 - Advanced Internship in Technical Communications

    Credits: 1-12

    Prerequisite(s): 12 semester hours of COM designated courses and the recommendations of two technical communications faculty members

    Description: This advanced, on-the-job learning experience in a technical communications emphasis enables students to work in their chosen career fields. An approved plan from a cooperating organization serves as the course outline for a specific internship, but the outline must fulfill the general requirements of the course. The student must merit the internship experience and provide an acceptable plan of work before being granted permission to register for this course.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: COM or HON.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 4760
  • COM 4790 - Senior Seminar in Technical Communications

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, and 12 or more hours of COM or AES designated courses, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course gives the advanced student an opportunity to write a paper of publishable quality and present a seminar based on in-depth research or an application of state-of-the-art practices in an area of Technical Writing and Editing, Interactive Media, Mobile and Social Media or Video Production concentrations.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience


  • THE 0010 - BFA Music Theatre Coaching

    Credits: 0

    Description: This course is required for all BFA Music Theatre (MT) concentration students until their final Senior Showcase/Jury Performance.  This course covers individual instruction in performance studies for Musical Theatre.  It requires weekly attendance at a one and one-half hour coaching class in which students perform for one another.  At the end of the semester, the student must successfully perform before a faculty jury committee in order to pass the course in addition to required attendance at twelve coaching sessions.  Students must enroll during each semester of participation in the BFA (MT) concentration and must receive a “Satisfactory” grade in order to continue in the BFA (MT) concentration.


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