Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

This section of the Catalog includes course descriptions, listed alphabetically by discipline. The descriptions provide information on course numbers, titles, the level of instruction, credit, course sequence, content, and prerequisites as shown in the following example:

CHE 2100 Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry
Credits: 5
Prerequisite: CHE 1100
Description: A study of the elements of organic and biological chemistry. This course satisfies requirements for nursing programs and other fields requiring a survey of organic and biological chemistry.

The first two to four letters, called the course subject code, represent the area of study or discipline, e.g., CHE represents chemistry. The course number follows the course subject code, e.g., 2100. The first digit in a four-digit course number designates the level of instruction. Only courses numbered 1000 or above will be included in credits toward a degree. Courses with numbers up to and including 1999 are primarily for freshmen, 2000 through 2999 primarily for sophomores, 3000 through 3999 primarily for juniors, and 4000 through 4999 primarily for seniors. In general, students should not take courses above the level of their class (based upon semester hours earned), but they may do so at one level above if they have the specified prerequisites. In special cases, students may be permitted to take courses more than one level above that designated for their class if they obtain the permission of their advisor and of the faculty member teaching the course and if they meet the prerequisite requirements. Course descriptions provide a summary of the content of the course. If a prerequisite must be met before a student can register for a course, this information is listed above the course description. Attributes, such as Multicultural, General Studies, or Guaranteed Transfer, are listed after the course description. A list of courses being offered in a given semester, instructors, class meeting times, and locations is described in the Class Schedule located on the Office of the Registrar’s website,


Aviation and Aerospace Science

  • AES 4603 - Aerospace Operations Systems Analysis and Design

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): AES 4601

    Description: Students are introduced to concepts related to conceptualizing, designing, and integrating commercial space systems. Processes and analytical tools related to systems integration, systems engineering, and operational management are included. Students learn mathematical techniques for assessing risks, optimization, and design trade-offs commonly used by commercial operations in the space industry.

  • AES 4607 - Orbital Mechanics and Aerospace Systems Simulations

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): MTH 1110; AST 1040 or PHY 2010; or permission of instructor

    Description: Students will be introduced to orbital analysis using Analytical Graphics Inc (AGI)’s Systems Tool Kit (STK) software. They will integrate this analysis with simulations involving ground systems, ground vehicles, aircraft and ships. Students will use STK to assess, risks, optimize performance, and develop alternatives. The main purpose of the course is to introduce STK software, its interface and capabilities related to orbital mechanics concepts.

  • AES 4610 - Aerodynamic Design

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): AES 3530, or permission of instructor

    Description: Students analyze aerodynamics in both the subsonic and supersonic range. Airfoil theory, the calculations of lift and drag, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) derived airfoils, and their applications will be studied. A wind tunnel laboratory is utilized to conduct experimentation with the Bernoulli equation and Reynolds number and to test aerodynamic properties of various structures.

  • AES 4710 - Turboprop Flight Simulation

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): AES 2710; Senior standing; FAA Private Pilot certificate with instrument rating; Commercial Pilot Certificate; and Multiengine rating or AES 3710

    Description: This course introduces twin-engine turboprop aircraft operations. Skill is developed in weight and balance computations and use of performance charts. Normal and emergency procedures are studied specific to turboprop airplane operations. Aeronautical decision-making and crew resource management skills are developed. Procedures used in regional air carrier operations are covered.

  • AES 4860 - Aviation Safety

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing

    Description: This course provides an overview of the modern approach to aviation safety. Included are analyses of the framework and operation of safety regulations, the role of the National Transportation Safety Board, key safety definitions and statistics, human factors in safety, air traffic safety issues, aircraft safety systems, airline safety programs, and safety management systems. The focus is on understanding causal and contributing factors to aircraft accidents and incidents and developing risk management, and organizational and regulatory strategies to improve safety.

  • AES 4870 - Aviation Safety Program Management

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all required 3000-level AES courses and Senior standing

    Description: This course addresses requirements to develop comprehensive safety programs for aviation organizations at aviation facilities. Included are the philosophy of operations and support of air transportation; the dynamics of interpersonal relationships; Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC); effective communications techniques; correct procedures for handling FAA, NTSB, and OSHA investigations and reports; and effective proactive management to obtain federal legislation in support of accident prevention, safety, and health programs. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) emergency planning and Disaster Recovery planning are covered. Emphasis is placed on the management of aviation safety programs.

  • AES 4910 - Aviation and Aerospace Strategic Planning

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Aviation and Aerospace Management or Science Major and junior standing or permission of instructor

    Description: This capstone course requires the student to demonstrate and have critiqued their knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities in strategic planning as applied to current topics in aviation and aerospace science. Students must demonstrate analytical and interpretive abilities, along with professional level communications skills. Emphasis is placed on decision making ability applied to the aeronautical or aerospace discipline of choice. Students are mentored in industrial trends, best practices, and regulatory issues that address modern industry challenges. Students are further prepared through a professional development certificate process and must develop a career plan and portfolio for assessment by the instructor.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • AES 4930 - Professional Flight Standards Seminar

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Senior status, AES 300, AES 4040, and the FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate with Instrument Rating

    Description: This course is a senior level capstone course for Aviation Technology majors. It is an academic survey of Crew Resource Management, organizational communication, aviation psychology, strategies, principles and contemporary issues in aviation with a practical emphasis on advanced cockpit automation.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • AES 4935 - Advanced Commercial Aircraft Systems

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): Senior Standing, AES 3000, AES 3530, AES 4040, and the Commercial Certificate with Instrument Rating

    Corequisite(s): AES 4930

    Description: This course gives the air carrier first officer candidate an operational knowledge of modern, air carrier, aircraft systems. This includes powerplant, fuel, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic. air conditioning, pressurization, avionics, flight controls, fire protection, and ice and rain protection systems. It also provides instruction in normal, irregular, and emergency procedures.

  • AES 4950 - Aviation and Aerospace Science Management Strategies

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, all other Aviation and Aerospace Science core courses and Senior standing

    Description: This capstone course presents a progression of aviation and aerospace management case based studies designed to emphasize the application of team building, communication, and critical thinking skills in the work environment. Students are required to synthesize and apply their knowledge and skills to each case. The skills and knowledge acquired by students throughout their education in the Aviation and Aerospace Science Department are evaluated in this course.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

Beverage Management

  • BVG 3010 - Beers of the World

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Students must be at least 21 years of age.

    Description: This course is an overview of the beer styles of the world. The development of beer styles includes the historical, environmental and cultural influence of global beer regions. Global beer styles are analyzed through sensory analysis and evaluating the presentation and service of beers and their accompanying foods. The components of beer, manufacturing techniques and cultural influences on beer styles will provide a framework for understanding beer style. Classic beer styles in the current American craft brewing industry will be examined.

  • BVG 3220 - Cooking with Beer

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): HTE 2613

    Description: In this course, students will study the proper use of professional kitchen equipment to prepare recipes that emphasize beer as the key ingredient. Kitchen and restaurant laboratory activities emphasize the techniques and principles of cooking that enhance the interaction of beer and food when prepared, served and tasted together. The student will be introduced to the various cooking methods of foods and how preparation effects the interaction with beer. Students experience the planning, service, and cost analysis of beer and food pairing menus in a professional restaurant setting.

  • BVG 3350 - Brewery Operations

    Credits: 3

    Description: In this course, students will be introduced to the principles of brewery management that are critical to the planning, operation and sustainment of a successful brewing operation. Students benefit from lecture and discussions related to assigned readings and guest speakers from industry leaders. Students formulate a plan for creating a distinctive brand and managing the key aspects of brewery operations, legal requirements, equipment, supplies, maintenance, and safety of a successful brewery and tasting room.

  • BVG 3810 - Sensory Quality Analysis of Beer and Wine

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2400, CHE 2100. Students must be at least 21 years of age.

    Description: In this course, students are introduced to the microbiological and chemical principles that lead to aromatic expressions in beer and wine. Students develop and practice procedures for sensory evaluation of beer and wine. The appropriate uses of specific tests are discussed, along with physiological, psychological, and environmental factors affecting sensory verdicts. Students will formulate methodology for addressing the test objectives, statistically analyze test results, draw conclusions and make test recommendations. Specific quality analysis of beer and wine faults are practiced in classroom and sensory classroom exercises.

  • BVG 3950 - Beverage Sales and Marketing

    Credits: 3

    Description: In this course, students are introduced to the principles of selling and brand marketing of beverage products. Lectures and course activities are designed to provide practice in the skills of developing relationships with clients where brand image and value is communicated in a manner that promotes sales and fosters successful relationships with business partners. Case studies and discussions develop an understanding of brand identity and strategies to communicate corporate vision and product value to customers. The dynamics of selling a brand are delivered in the context of a wide range of alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages.

  • BVG 4010 - Beer Styles and Service

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BVG 3010. Students must be at least 21 years of age.

    Description: In this course, students will study the recognized beer styles common of traditional and modern interpretations of worldwide beer regions. The cultural history and the interaction of local customs in the production and service of regional beers is an important aspect of beer style. In-depth sensory analysis of appropriate aromas, foam, color, and tastes of beers are reviewed in open and blind tastings. Recognition of faults common in beer brewing are an integral component to laboratory activities, including production and storage flaws, as well as aspects of service that enhance and detract from beer quality. Draft systems and appropriate design, operation, and maintenance of direct draw, pump, and mixed gas systems are reviewed and practiced in laboratory settings.

  • BVG 4220 - Fermentation Science

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2400, CHE 2100

    Description: This course provides an overview of the modern and traditional brewing fermentation process. Laboratory activities and assignments complement course activities related to the biochemistry of fermentation and brewing yeast. The historical and modern techniques of brewing yeast are reviewed to highlight appropriate management systems for fermentation in a brewery. The collection, storage, and handling of yeast in the brewery are reviewed to maximize performance of yeast and their corresponding flavor produced in beer.

  • BVG 4350 - Brewing Science

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2400, CHE 2100

    Description: The course applies brewing science principles in a laboratory setting. The selection of water, grains, hops, and adjunct ingredients illustrate how plant physiology, biochemistry, and microbiology relate to the brewing of beer. Class laboratory activities provide practical application of the principles of beer style selection, malting, brewing, cooling, fermentation, aging, and packaging of beer. The quality of beer is illustrated throughout the brewing process, including the relative environmental impact and outcomes of commercial brewing.

  • BVG 4810 - Brewing Quality Analysis

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BVG 4350

    Description: This course addresses the science of beer quality. The various impacts on the perception of beer quality from raw ingredient selection, handling, processing, packaging, and service of beer are reviewed through detailed class lecture and laboratory experience. The biochemical and hedonistic evaluation of beer quality at all stages of production and service are practiced in laboratory and service settings in order to manage quality attributes of beer and how they can be delivered to the consumer. The course is vital to brewing production managers who aim to account for the science of beer appearance, flavor, stability and wholesomeness.

  • BVG 4950 - Enology: The Making of Wine

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): HTE 3613, and students must be at least 21 years of age.

    Description: In this course, students will study winemaking principles, including, harvest, crushing, pressing, wine microorganisms, fermentation, and operations. Topics include wine making in both traditional and nontraditional methods, cap management, yeast and malolactic inoculation, wine microbes, barrel aging, racking, filtration and bottling. Coursework integrates lecture, field visits to vineyards and wineries, and hands-on winemaking.


  • BIO 398A - Internship in Medicine

    Credits: 1-12

    Prerequisite(s): Major in biology; junior or senior status; permission of instructor

    Description: Supervised by a faculty member within the major department, internships provide practical, hands-on experience in a professional field related to the major. Internship placements must be established prior to enrollment in this course in consultation with The Internship Center.

    To register with the Applied Learning Center, students must meet the following qualifications:

    • Completed at least one semester at MSU Denver
    • Sophomore, junior or senior status
    • Declared major in an undergraduate program
    • 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA at MSU Denver
    • Currently enrolled and taking classes at MSU Denver

    For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-556-3290 or

    Note: Variable Credit

  • BIO 398B - Internship in Nursing

    Credits: 1-12

    Prerequisite(s): Major in biology; junior or senior status; permission of instructor

    Description: Supervised by a faculty member within the major department, internships provide practical, hands-on experience in a professional field related to the major. Internship placements must be established prior to enrollment in this course in consultation with The Internship Center.

    To register with the Applied Learning Center, students must meet the following qualifications:

    • Completed at least one semester at MSU Denver
    • Sophomore, junior or senior status
    • Declared major in an undergraduate program
    • 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA at MSU Denver
    • Currently enrolled and taking classes at MSU Denver

    For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-556-3290 or

    Note: Variable Credit

  • BIO 1000 - Human Biology for Non-Majors

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum performance standard scores on reading, writing, and mathematics preassessment placement tests

    Description: This one-semester course familiarizes the student with the principles of the living world, the basic form and function of the human body, and how these two relate to each other. Basic variations of life forms, and the interrelationships of the human body to the surrounding world are the main thrusts of the course.

    Note: This course does not apply toward a biology major or minor.

    General Studies: Natural and Physical Sciences

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-SC2

  • BIO 1030 - General Biology for Non-Majors

    Credits: 4

    Description: This one-semester course familiarizes the student with the principles of the living world at all levels ranging from molecules to ecosystems. Basic similarities and differences in cellular mechanisms, organismal organization, and ecological processes are identified, with focus placed on the evolutionary principles that interconnect all forms of life including humans. This course does not apply toward a biology major or minor.

    General Studies: Natural and Physical Sciences

  • BIO 1080 - General Biology I

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum performance standard scores on reading, writing and mathematics preassessment placement tests

    Corequisite(s): BIO 1090

    Description: This introductory course serves as the foundation for all other biology courses. Emphasis is placed on cellular and molecular biology, biochemical pathways, and genetics.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: BIO or HON. A student must successfully pass both BIO 1080 and BIO 1090 to receive General Studies and GT-SC1 credit.

    General Studies: Natural and Physical Sciences

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-SC1

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 1080
  • BIO 1081 - General Biology II

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090; or permission of instructor

    Corequisite(s): BIO 1091

    Description: This course is a continuation of General Biology I (BIO 1080).  Coursework emphasis is placed on evolution, ecology, and the classification, diversity, and structure of plants and animals.

    Note: A student must successfully pass both BIO 1081 and BIO 1091 to receive General Studies and GT-SC1 credit.

    General Studies: Natural and Physical Sciences

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-SC1

  • BIO 1090 - General Biology Laboratory I

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum performance standard scores on reading, writing and mathematics preassessment placement tests

    Corequisite(s): BIO 1080

    Description: This mandatory laboratory accompanies BIO 1080. This course introduces biology laboratory techniques, specifically exploring the scientific method.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: BIO or HON. A student must successfully pass both BIO 1080 and BIO 1090 to receive General Studies and GT-SC1 credit.

    General Studies: Natural and Physical Sciences

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-SC1

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 1090
  • BIO 1091 - General Biology Laboratory II

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090; or permission of instructor

    Corequisite(s): BIO 1081

    Description: This mandatory laboratory accompanies BIO 1081. This course will explore and reinforce concepts introduced in BIO 1081 through laboratory and field exercises in ecology, evolution and diversity.

    Note: A student must successfully pass both BIO 1081 and BIO 1091 to receive General Studies and GT-SC1 credit.

    General Studies: Natural and Physical Sciences

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-SC1

  • BIO 2100 - General Botany

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is a one-semester introductory survey of the plant kingdom with an emphasis on evolutionary theory, life cycles, anatomy and morphology, and vascular plant physiology.

  • BIO 2310 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is the first of two courses addressing the structure and function of the human body. Topics include tissues, anatomy, the musculoskeletal system, and neurophysiology. Course content and level are designed for allied health science students and for human performance and sport or recreation professions majors.

  • BIO 2320 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2310 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is the second of two courses addressing the structure and function of the human body. Topics include endocrinology; circulation; and the respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Course content and class level are designed for allied health science students and for human performance and sport or recreation professions majors.

  • BIO 2400 - General Microbiology

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, one semester of college chemistry, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is a one-semester introduction to the microbial world, including discussions of bacteria, Cyanobacteria, fungi, protozoans, and viruses.

  • BIO 3000 - Advances in Biology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090 and CHE 1800 or Permission of instructor

    Description: The course examines the impact of modern science and technology on the future development of biological science. Topics include space and diving physiology, the impact of the information revolution (computers and the Internet), the science of exobiology, new techniques to study biology, directions in modern medicine, and nanotechnology.

  • BIO 3020 - Laboratory Techniques

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080, BIO 1081, BIO 1090, BIO 1091 or permission of instructor

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): CHE 1800

    Description: This laboratory course provides experience performing laboratory techniques in molecular biology.  Topics include a review of basic laboratory skills, preparation of buffers, use of instrumentation and advanced techniques such as cell fractionation, electrophoresis, and PCR.

  • BIO 3050 - Cell and Molecular Biology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, and CHE 3100, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is the study of the chemical bases and interrelationships of cellular structure as related to cellular function.

  • BIO 3120 - Economic Botany

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2100; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course investigates the diversity of plants and their relationships with man as food, fibers, chemicals, and medicines.  Consideration will be given to plants useful or harmful to humans:  their origins and history; botanical relationships; economically important chemical constituents; and their roles in prehistoric and modern cultures and civilizations.

  • BIO 3140 - Plant Physiology

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2100 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a comprehensive survey of the internal chemical changes within plants and how these changes control growth and development. Discussions include water relations, transpiration, food transport, ion uptake, photosynthesis, respiration, plant movements, flowering, dormancy, and senescence.

  • BIO 3160 - Plant Anatomy and Morphology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2100 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a survey of cell types, tissue systems, and the anatomical structure of stems, roots, and leaves of vascular plants. The development and evolutionary history of vascular plants will be discussed.

  • BIO 3170 - Paleobotany

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2100

    Description: This course examines the history of plant form and function as shown in the fossil record. The investigation of evolutionary relationships of modern plant groups unifies the course. Students consider the process of fossilization and techniques of reconstructing whole plants from fragmentary remains. A synthesis of biological and geological perspectives provides insights into the paleoecological relationships of the ancient communities in which these organisms lived. An introduction to the use of plant fossils in biostratigraphy and their roles in coal, oil and gas formation are considered. Class sessions include demonstrations, as well as frequent hands-on interaction with fossil plant specimens.

  • BIO 3180 - Vascular Plant Taxonomy

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2100 or Permission of instructor

    Description: The identification and collection of the common vascular plants of Colorado is studied. Lectures include principles of plant terminology, characteristics of major plant families, phylogenetic relationships, and uses of the plants. Laboratories consist of identification of the plants in the field and on herbarium mounts. A student collection is required.

  • BIO 3200 - Invertebrate Zoology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course includes classroom, laboratory, and field study of phylogeny, structure, function, development, and conservation of invertebrate animals. The course emphasizes diversity, evolutionary changes, and adaptation to the environment. Topics range from the molecular to the ecological level of study.

  • BIO 3210 - Histology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, and BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, or BIO 2310, or BIO 2320, or Permission of instructor

    Description: A comprehensive study of the microscopic structure and appearance of body tissues and of the tissue composition of body organs, mainly as seen in mammals. Emphasis is placed on the laboratory. Correlations are drawn between structure and function. Laboratory drawings and digital images are required.

  • BIO 3220 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, or Permission of instructor

    Description: A comprehensive study is made of the evolution of structure and function of vertebrates. The laboratory portion of the course is emphasized and will consist of detailed dissections of vertebrates representing several classes.

  • BIO 3230 - Principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology for Secondary Education

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080/BIO 1090 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course addresses the structure and function of the human body. Topics include homeostasis, tissues, the musculoskeletal system, neurophysiology, endocrinology, circulation, and respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Course content and class level are designed only for students who are biology majors seeking licensure in secondary science education.

    Note: This course will not count for biology credit for any other biology majors and will not substitute for BIO 2310 and BIO 2320.

  • BIO 3240 - Animal Behavior

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080, BIO 1081, BIO 1090, and BIO 1091

    Description: This course serves as an in-depth and current account of the interdisciplinary science of Animal Behavior.  Beginning with a review of both historical and modern approaches, behavioral psychology and behavioral ecology will be comprehensively examined with an emphasis on evolution.  The accompanying laboratory will highlight scientific methodology by incorporating both descriptive and experimental studies of Animal Behavior in laboratory and field settings. 

  • BIO 3260 - Vertebrate Zoology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091 or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course examines the origin, evolution, classification, morphology and adaptation of the vertebrates.

  • BIO 3270 - Parasitology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO1091, BIO 3200, and At least junior standing

    Description: This course covers the identification, life cycles, host-parasite relationships, and epidemiology of protozoan, platyhelminth, nematode, acanthocephalan, and arthropod parasites important in human and veterinary medicine.

  • BIO 3280 - Field Ornithology

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080, BIO 1090, BIO 1081, BIO 1091, and permission of instructor

    Description: This is a comprehensive course on the field aspects of ornithology.  Students will learn proper identification techniques and methods for conducting independent research in the area of avian behavior, conservation and ecology.

  • BIO 3300 - Advanced Human Biology for Non-Majors

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1000 or permission of instructor; and completion of General Studies requirements in Written Communication, Oral Communication, and Quantitative Literacy.

    Description: This course is designed to be an advanced sequel to BIO 1000. It addresses the more complex aspects of human body functions and how the body deals with insults such as bombardment of microorganisms, various dietary practices, pollution, and socio-economic challenges. Topics include immunity, AIDS, genetics, stress, cancer, and aging.

  • BIO 3320 - Advanced Human Physiology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 2310, BIO 2320, one year of chemistry

    Description: This in-depth physiology course covers the function of the human body as it relates to homeostasis. This course emphasizes membrane transport, fluid compartments, acid-base balance, cardiovascular and respiratory physiology, and neurotransmission.

  • BIO 3330 - Advanced Human Cadaver Anatomy

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080, BIO 1090, BIO 2310, and upper-division standing. BIO 2320 is recommended.

    Description: This course presents human gross anatomy from a regional perspective, using clinical applications as a basis for anatomical understanding. Designed for biology majors entering professional and graduate schools.

  • BIO 3340 - Endocrinology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, two additional semesters of biology, and CHE 3100, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a survey of the major human endocrine organs and their hormones. Topics include normal anatomy and physiology of each gland, cellular mechanisms of hormone action, and endocrinopathies.

  • BIO 3350 - Immunology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 2400, BIO 3600 or BIO 3610, and junior or senior standing, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course will familiarize students with the complexity of the immune system. The goals of the course encompass understanding the importance of the immune system, its components, the responsibilities of each of the components, how the immune response combats different kinds of infectious agents including bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses, what happens to cause autoimmunity, what happens during allergic reactions, and how the immune system is responsible for transplant rejection.

  • BIO 3351 - Immunology Laboratory

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 2400, BIO 3600 or BIO 3610, and junior or senior standing, or permission of instructor

    Corequisite(s): BIO 3350

    Description: This is an optional laboratory course that will introduce students to the theories and skills of standard procedures used in an immunology laboratory. Students will perform various immunological techniques, including leukocyte enumeration, agglutination, and precipitation assays. Students will also utilize a variety of techniques to purify, quantify, and visualize antibody from serum.

  • BIO 3360 - Animal Physiology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 3200 or BIO 3260 and CHE 1810, or Permission of instructor

    Description: This is a lecture course for science majors on the physiological processes common to most animals and on the physiological adaptations and acclimation to environmental challenges- especially with respect to temperature, moisture, and oxygen availability.

  • BIO 3400 - Microbial Physiology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2400 or equivalent or Permission of instructor

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): CHE 3100 or equivalent or permission of instructor

    Description: A detailed study of the organization and structure of bacterial cells is presented. An emphasis is placed on biosynthesis, polymerization, and assembly of bacteria.

  • BIO 3410 - Symbiosis and the Environment

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2400 and One Year of College Chemistry; or permission of instructor

    Description: This course provides an overview of the diversity of mutalistic symbioses and their critical roles in the natural environment, including coral reef, hydrothermal vent, cellulose degrading, mycorrhizal ecosystems.  This course takes an integrative approach, spanning ecosystems to molecules, to study these associations.

  • BIO 3471 - Biology of Women

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1000 or WMS 1001 or Permission of instructor

    Description: An examination of the anatomy and physiology of sex in humans, the mechanisms involved in formation of sex and gender, and the interactions between science, society, and medical practice with regard to issues of sex and gender.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: BIO, HON, or WMS.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 3471, WMS 3470
  • BIO 3511 - Anatomy and Physiology of Speech

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2310 and SLHS 2530; or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course provides students with a basic understanding of the structural organization (anatomy), function (physiology), and neural control of the structures used to produce speech, swallowing, respiration and related human behaviors. Students explore how anatomical and physiological deficits relate to communicative pathology. The course includes lecture and laboratory components and involves dissection.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: BIO or SLHS.

    Cross Listed Course(s): SLHS 3511
  • BIO 3520 - General Ecology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, plus one additional semester of biology, and MTH 1080 or higher, or permission of the instructor. One semester of chemistry is strongly recommended.

    Description: This lecture course examines the interrelationships between organisms and their environments. Subject matter includes organism, population, community, and ecosystem levels of study and application to current environmental issues. The emphasis is on the underlying principles of ecology that affect all types of organisms.

  • BIO 3530 - Physiology of Aging for Non-Biology Majors

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1000 or equivalent, completion of General Studies requirements in Written Communication, Oral Communication, and Quantitative Literacy, or permission of instructor.

    Description: This course views aging from both the biological and the physiological perspectives. Theories on the biology of aging and cultural variations of aging will be explored. The concepts of continuity and change will be used to study the cellular and molecular events throughout the lifespan that lead to aging and disease. Causes, physiological and pathological changes, and factors that contribute to life prolongation and the strengthening of physiologic competence to improve the quality of life as individual’s age will be addressed.

  • BIO 3550 - Urban Ecology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090 or one semester of chemistry, physics, or earth science; or permission of instructor; and completion of General Studies requirements in Written Communication, Oral Communication, and Quantitative Literacy.

    Description: An analysis is made of the urban ecosystem and the factors involved: water, transportation, solid wastes, energy, land, political institutions, economics, social patterns, communications, recreation, shelter, nutrition, and population. Field trips to key environmental locations in the greater metropolitan Denver area and field trip reports are required.

  • BIO 3600 - General Genetics

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, and one additional semester of biology required, one year of chemistry strongly recommended, or Permission of instructor

    Description: A study is made of classical genetics, with emphasis on numerical analysis of inheritance. The molecular biology of replication, transcription, and translation is presented. Genetic variation and human genetic diseases are discussed.

    Note: Credit will be granted for only one prefix: BIO or HON.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HON 3601
  • BIO 3610 - Genetics: Principles and Analysis

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, and one additional semester of biology required, one year of chemistry strongly recommended, or permission of instructor.

    Description: This course includes lectures and laboratories. The lecture portion covers classical genetics, with emphasis on numerical analysis of inheritance, and molecular genetics of replication, transcription, translation, and regulation. The laboratory portion allows hands-on work that illustrates principles presented in the lecture and provides an opportunity for the presentation of scientific results and theories.

    Note: Students cannot take both BIO 3600 and BIO 3610 for credit.

  • BIO 3980 - Internship in Biology

    Credits: 1-15

    Prerequisite(s): Major in biology; junior or senior status; permission of instructor

    Description: Supervised by a faculty member within the major department, internships provide practical, hands-on experience in a professional field related to the major. Internship placements must be established prior to enrollment in this course in consultation with the Applied Learning Center.

    To register with the Applied Learning Center, students must meet the following qualifications:

    • Completed at least one semester at MSU Denver
    • Sophomore, junior or senior status
    • Declared major in an undergraduate program
    • 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA at MSU Denver
    • Currently enrolled and taking classes at MSU Denver

    For information and instructions on finding and enrolling in an internship, contact the Applied Learning Center at 303-556-3290 or

    Note: Variable Credit

  • BIO 4000 - Biology Field Experience: Variable Topics

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1081 and BIO 1091; or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course is designed to give hands-on experience in a variety of field environments with 30 hours of predeparture lectures and 30 hours of field work in a regional, national, or international setting.

    Note: This course may be repeated for credit under different topics with permission of the department.

  • BIO 4050 - Advanced Cell and Molecular Biology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 3050 or CHE 4310 or permission of instructor, senior standing

    Description: This course provides an in-depth analysis of selected topics from cell and molecular biology, including cell signaling, regulation of the cell cycle, and control of protein expression and function through cytosolic mechanisms, change in gene expression, or epigenetic change. The field of translational research, as it applies to basic research and clinical practice, will be emphasized.

  • BIO 4060 - Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): BIO 3050; or permission of instructor

    Description: This laboratory is designed to give students experience and exposure to modern cell biology laboratory techniques.  Topics include cell structure, function, recombinant DNA, and molecular cloning.

  • BIO 4070 - Biology of Cancer

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 3600 or BIO 3610, and BIO 3050 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course examines the cellular and molecular bases of cancer, and relates the biological basis of cancer to its clinical manifestations and treatments.  The cellular and molecular processes involved in the initiation, promotion, and progression of cancer are examined in detail.

  • BIO 4160 - Mycology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2100 or BIO 2400

    Description: This course emphasizes the true fungi: Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, Zygomycota, and Fungi Imperfect. Culture techniques, identification, life cycles, and economic importance are stressed.

  • BIO 4230 - Issues in Conservation Biology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080, BIO 1090, senior standing

    Description: Students will explore issues in the subject of conservation biology. This is an integrative subject that applies the fields of ecology, evolution, biogeography, population genetics, economics, sociology, anthropology, philosophy and other disciplines to address the global problem of declining biodiversity of species and ecosystems. Two field trips during the scheduled course time will highlight conservation issues on a local level.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • BIO 4250 - Entomology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 3200 and At least junior standing; or Permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a study of the structure, physiology, and evolution of the insects. The internal, as well as external, structure of the insects is considered and the importance of these structures on the insects is developed both in lecture and laboratory.

  • BIO 4280 - Ornithology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 1080 and BIO 1090, BIO 1081 and BIO 1091, and eight hours of additional biology courses, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is designed so that the student will achieve a general understanding of birds and how they function. This objective requires a synthesis of several fields of zoology (ecology, anatomy, physiology, behavior, evolution, and systematics) as they apply to birds. The laboratory portion of the course will emphasize anatomy, physiology and field techniques for identifying birds of Denver, Colorado. 

    Field Trips: Required field trips may include one weekend trip.

  • BIO 4290 - Mammalogy

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 3260 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a survey of taxonomic, physiological, and anatomic characteristics of modern orders of mammals. Illustrative environmental adaptations and major evolutionary trends will be discussed. The laboratory will include study-skin preparation and identification of representative mammalian species.

  • BIO 4300 - Neurobiology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2310, or permission of instructor, and senior standing

    Description: This course covers the organization and function of the nervous system. Emphasis is placed on physiological mechanisms of cells and tissues and how these mechanisms give rise to perception and behavior in vertebrates and invertebrates.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • BIO 4440 - Virology

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2400, BIO 3600 or BIO 3610, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a survey of the interactions of viruses and their hosts. The emphasis is on bacterial and animal host forms.

  • BIO 4450 - Pathogenic Microbiology

    Credits: 5

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2400, BIO 3600 or BIO 3610, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a comprehensive study of human bacterial pathogens. The emphasis is on etiology, pathogenesis, and epidemiology of human diseases. Laboratory studies involve isolation and identification.

  • BIO 4470 - Microbial Genetics

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2400, BIO 3600 or BIO 3610, or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a study of current information on the mechanisms of microbial inheritance and expression of genetic information; intended to develop perspectives relative to the evolution of the field, applications to higher organisms, and directions in current research.

  • BIO 4510 - Microbial Ecology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2400 and six hours of upper-division microbiology and/or molecular biology courses; or permission of instructor; completion of General Studies requirements; and senior standing.

    Description: This course is a detailed study of microbial ecology, emphasizing population interactions, quantitative ecology, habitat ecology, and biochemical cycling. Discussion of biotechnological aspects of microbial ecology is included.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • BIO 4540 - Plant Ecology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 2100, or permission of instructor, senior standing, and completion of General Studies requirements.

    Description: This course proceeds from a study of concepts (matter and energy, food webs, nutrient cycles, succession) to a discussion of populations, communities, and biomes, emphasizing the interrelationships and interdependence of living things with each other and with their nonliving environment.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • BIO 4550 - Animal Ecology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 3200 or BIO 3260, and six hours of upper division biology courses, or permission of instructor; senior standing; and completion of General Studies requirements.

    Description: In this course, a detailed consideration is made of population dynamics, intra- and interspecific interactions, niche segregation, species diversity, specialization and distributional patterns. Appropriate readings from current literature will be required.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • BIO 4560 - Field Methods in Plant Ecology

    Credits: 2

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 4540

    Description: Weekly field trips are made to various plant communities. The student will learn sampling methods, data analysis, vegetative mapping, report writing and data presentation.

  • BIO 4820 - Developmental Biology

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 3600 or BIO 3610 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course focuses on molecular mechanisms and gene regulation underlying development of select invertebrates and vertebrates, from fertilization through early organ formation. Similar processes in human development and disease are highlighted. The laboratory includes study of living Drosophila embryos and larvae. Laboratory drawings are required.

  • BIO 4850 - Evolution

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 3600 or BIO 3610, or permission of instructor, satisfaction of all General Studies course requirements, senior standing

    Description: This course will develop an awareness and understanding of organismic evolution as the foundation of biological thought. The major features of evolution-variation, natural selection, adaptation and specialization-and their significance to the origin and evolution of major plant and animal groups are investigated. A research paper and an oral presentation will be required.

    University Requirement(s): Senior Experience

  • BIO 4950 - Undergraduate Research in Biology

    Credits: 1-2

    Prerequisite(s): BIO 3600 or 3610 and permission of instructor

    Description: Students will engage in a research project that involves the application of scientific methodology to biological problems. Experience will be gained in literature searches, generating hypotheses, data collection, data handling, data analyses, and presentation of results. Course may be repeated. A maximum of 4 credits of independent study/intemships/practicum/undergraduate research may be applied toward a major or minor in Biology.


  • BUS 4500 - Career Planning

    Credits: 1

    Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing

    Description: This course provides the opportunity for students to analyze and evaluate the information needed, processes involved, and the skills required for career planning. Processes of industry research, self-assessment, occupational exploration, and preparation for employment are critiqued, designed, and implemented. In addition to traditional classroom activities, content is presented in an experiential manner through observation, role-play, simulations, individual projects, and contact with resource experts.

Career and Personal Development

  • CPD 1300 - Transformations: Student Success

    Credits: 3

    Description: This course focuses on the tangible student skills and strategies that lead to a process of self-discovery and help students succeed at MSU Denver and beyond. The course aids students in understanding the navigation of societal systems including higher education. The meaning of being a “courageous change agent” is explored in order to enhance individual and community transformation.

  • CPD 2300 - Time Management

    Credits: 1

    Description: Learning to manage time efficiently is a necessary skill for successful students, educators, and professionals. This course is designed to enable women and men to analyze their use of time, identify factors that contribute to wasting time, and improve use of time through better prioritizing, scheduling, and increased motivation.

  • CPD 2310 - Stress Management

    Credits: 1

    Description: In every individual’s life there are numerous sources of stress. Instead of simply treating the symptoms of stress, this course will help students identify their own causes of stress and then deal with those causes prescriptively. Discussions will focus on understanding stress theory, personality attributes that contribute to stress, stress in the work environment, and relationship stress.

  • CPD 2320 - Self Esteem

    Credits: 1

    Description: This course will explore the issues of self-esteem within a feminist framework, including the effects of sexism on self-worth, the role of women in a sexist society, and the tools needed to survive with a strong self-image. The goal is to apply what is learned to enhancing everyday living through an understanding of societal, familial, and self-induced pressures.

  • CPD 2330 - Assertiveness

    Credits: 1

    Description: This course explores assertive behavior from a feminist point of view. The differences between passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors are discussed. Avenues for change and tools to achieve change are identified.

  • CPD 2340 - Sexual Harassment/Discrimination

    Credits: 1

    Description: This interactive workshop will help students to become aware of sexual harassment and learn how to stop and prevent it.

  • CPD 2350 - Career Evaluation Workshop

    Credits: 1

    Description: This course will focus on career evaluation and will assist students in acquiring the skills and attitudes to plan effectively for and manage the changes which they will experience during their work lives.

  • CPD 2360 - Multilevel Wellness

    Credits: 1

    Description: This course will empower students with tools to attain their own personal sense of well-being. It will address wellness as a multilevel process consisting of emotional, cognitive, somatic, and spiritual components. The workshop will include information, experiential exercises, and process work. Group work and journal keeping will also be used to bridge the communication gap between the self and others.

  • CPD 2370 - Money Issues for Women

    Credits: 1

    Description: The economic and social circumstances of women’s lives in the United States often place them in a different material and psychological relationship to money and issues surrounding money than men. This course will review a variety of issues women face when planning for the future, as well as some of the tools used to build a secure future.

    Note: Credit will be granted under one prefix only: CPD or FIN.

    Cross Listed Course(s): FIN 2370
  • CPD 2390 - Finding an Internship

    Credits: 1

    Description: This is an internship preparation course for students from any department without a pre-internship class in their curriculum. Students will develop a plan for finding an internship site and learn the skills needed to successfully obtain the internship. They will research potential employers, write a resume and cover letter, and develop interviewing skills. Students will also reflect on the process of finding an internship in their field and develop goals and learning objectives for their placement.

  • CPD 3300 - Women’s Leadership

    Credits: 2

    Description: This course will examine the various roles, models, and guiding principles of women in leadership. The discussions will be intentionally interactive as students share their own experience of women’s leadership ranging from traditional to unconventional. Students will identify the values most clearly associated with women’s leadership crossculturally and read diverse women’s experiences in their communities. Each student will interview a woman whom they deem to be in a leadership role, though not necessarily a formal position, and will present his or her findings to the class. All class members will reflect on their own leadership values in relation to the course material.

    Note: Credit will be granted under one prefix only: CPD or WMS.

    Cross Listed Course(s): WMS 3300
  • CPD 3320 - Women’s Self-Defense

    Credits: 1

    Description: This course will begin by examining the psychological tools needed to defend oneself and will gradually move into the actual, physical skills necessary to survive, escape, avoid and/or resist violence. The Women’s Empowerment Model will be presented. This model emphasizes self-respect, an understanding of one’s inalienable human rights, and the determination and ability to protect those rights. Students will learn self-defense against verbal and physical assaults by becoming more aware, assertive and skilled in physical resistance techniques. Using interactive exercises, students will practice both verbal and physical self-defense skills. All ability levels are welcome, but the class is extremely physical; thus, students should come prepared to move.

    Note: Credit will be granted under one prefix only: CPD or HPL.

    Cross Listed Course(s): HPL 3320


  • CHE 1010 - Chemistry and Society

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Minimum performance standard scores on reading, writing, and mathematics preassessment placement tests

    Description: This course is intended for nonscience students who need to satisfy the General Studies Science requirement. It introduces basic concepts of chemistry in modern society. The emphasis of the course is to permit students to obtain a qualitative understanding of chemical principles and their application to environmental issues.

  • CHE 1100 - Principles of Chemistry

    Credits: 4

    Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): MTH 1110 or MTH 1210 or permission of instructor

    Description: This course is a study of the fundamentals of chemistry. A survey of atomic structure, periodicity, bonding, nomenclature, stoichiometry, gas laws, and solution chemistry is provided for those students with no background in these areas.

    Note: Completion of both CHE 1100 and CHE 1150 with passing grades is required to receive General Studies credit and GT-SC1.

    General Studies: Natural and Physical Sciences

    Guaranteed Transfer: GT-SC1


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