Feb 14, 2025  
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog 
2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

This section of the Catalog includes course descriptions, listed alphabetically by discipline. The descriptions provide information on course numbers, titles, the level of instruction, credit, course sequence, content, and prerequisites as shown in the following example:

CHE 2100 Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry


(4 + 2)
Prerequisite: CHE 1100
A study of the elements of organic and biological chemistry. This course satisfies requirements for nursing programs and other fields requiring a survey of organic and biological chemistry.

The first three to four letters, called the course subject code, represent the area of study or discipline, e.g., CHE represents chemistry. The course number follows the course subject code, e.g., 2100. The first digit in a four-digit course number designates the level of instruction. Only courses numbered 1000 or above will be included in credits toward a degree. Courses with numbers up to and including 1999 are primarily for freshmen, 2000 through 2999 primarily for sophomores, 3000 through 3999 primarily for juniors, and 4000 through 4999 primarily for seniors. In general, students should not take courses above the level of their class (based upon semester hours earned), but they may do so at one level above if they have the specified prerequisites. In special cases, students may be permitted to take courses more than one level above that designated for their class if they obtain the permission of their advisor and of the faculty member teaching the course and if they meet the prerequisite requirements. Following each course number is the semester hours of credit. As an example, CHE 2100-5 is a freshman-level, five-credit course. After the course number and is the course title, which is followed by the number of credit hours (5) and a second set of numbers in parentheses indicating the division of time between lecture, laboratory, field experience, or—in music—performance. The first number represents the number of lecture hours each week of a 15-16 week semester; the second number indicates the number of laboratory, shop, or field hours; and the third (in music) represents performance hours. For example, CHE 2100 Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry has four hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory each week. Lecture hours equate one hour per week of contact to one credit hour; laboratory experience equates two hours of contact per week to one credit hour. Therefore, CHE 2100, 5(4+2) would earn five hours of credit—four for lecture and one for laboratory work. Course descriptions provide a summary of the content of the course. If there is a prerequisite that must be met before a student can register for the course, this information is listed above the course description. Attributes, such as Multicultural, General Studies, or Guaranteed Transfer, are listed after the course description.  A list of courses being offered in a given semester, instructors, class meeting times, and locations is described in the Class Schedule located on Metro State’s Web site (http://www.mscd.edu).

  • MUS 4430 - Guitar Pedagogy and Literature

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: MUS 271K (Private Guitar III) or MUS 273K (Performance III in Guitar) or Permission of Instructor

    This course will survey a broad variety of pedagogical methods and techniques for the classical guitar, including both recent and historical approaches. In addition, the canonical repertoire for the classical guitar will be examined.
  • MUS 4440 - Jazz Pedagogy

    1(0 + 2)

    Prerequisite: MUS 2130

    This course enables students to develop jazz performance skills and strategies for teaching instrumental and choral music in the areas of popular and jazz styles.
  • MUS 4710 - Private Instruction VII

    2(1 + 0 + 05)

    Prerequisite: MUS 3720

    Corequisite: MUS 0020, at least one other music course, and the major ensemble in the private instruction area being studied

    This course is a continuation of MUS 3720 and covers individual instruction in voice, piano, organ, guitar, electric bass, electric guitar, the standard band and orchestral instruments, composition, or conducting. It includes required weekly attendance at a one-hour performance class in the area of study in which students perform for one another. At the end of the semester, the student must successfully perform before a faculty jury committee in order to pass the course.This course may be repeated for credit in a different area of study. Students must also enroll in MUS 0020 (Recital Attendance).
  • MUS 4720 - Private Instruction VIII

    2(1 + 0 + 05)

    Prerequisite: MUS 4710

    Corequisite: MUS 0020, at least one other music course, and the major ensemble in the private instruction area being studied

    This course is a continuation of MUS 4710 and covers individual instruction in voice, piano, organ, guitar, electric bass, electric guitar, the standard band and orchestral instruments, composition, or conducting. It includes required weekly attendance at a one-hour performance class in the area of study in which students perform for one another. At the end of the semester, the student must successfully perform before a faculty jury committee in order to pass the course.This course may be repeated for credit in a different area of study. Students must also enroll in MUS 0020 (Recital Attendance).
  • MUS 4730 - Performance VII (Primary Performance Area)

    3(1 + 0 + 1)

    Prerequisite: MUS 3740 or MUS 4720; and a successful performance concentration audition

    Corequisite: MUS 0020; MUS 4790; and the major ensemble in the private instruction

    This course is a continuation of MUS 3740 and is only for students majoring in music performance. It covers individual instruction in voice, piano, organ, guitar, electric bass, electric guitar, the standard band and orchestral instruments, composition, or conducting. It includes required weekly attendance at a one-hour performance class in the area of study in which students perform for one another. At the end of the semester, the student must successfully perform before a faculty jury committee in order to pass the course. The repertoire for the completion of MUS 4740, Senior Recital Performance, must be determined in this course.This course may be repeated for credit in a different area of study. Students must also enroll in MUS 0020 (Recital Attendance ).
  • MUS 4731 - Performance VII (Composition)

    3(1 + 0 + 1)

    Prerequisite: MUS 3741 and formal admission to the composition program

    Corequisite: MUS 0020, at least one other music course, and the ensemble designated by the composition faculty.

    This course is a continuation of MUS 3711 and is only for students majoring in music composition. It includes required weekly attendance at a one-hour performance class in which students perform for one another. At the end of the semester, the student must successfully pass a review by a faculty jury committee in order to pass the course. Students must also enroll in MUS 0020 (Recital Attendance).
  • MUS 4740 - Senior Recital Performance

    3(1 + 0 + 1)

    Prerequisite: MUS 4730, satisfaction of all Level I and Level II General Studies course requirements, and Senior standing For senior experience credit, the student must also complete MUS 4790

    Corequisite: MUS 0020, at least one other music course, and the major ensemble in the private instruction area being studied

    This course is a continuation of MUS 4730 and is only for students majoring in music performance. It covers individual instruction in voice, piano, organ, guitar, electric bass, electric guitar, the standard band and orchestral instruments, composition, or conducting. It includes required weekly attendance at a one-hour performance class in the area of study in which students perform for one another. During the semester, the student will perform a 50-minute Senior Recital that must be approved by the process specified on the Senior Recital Hearing Request form.This course may be repeated for credit in a difference area of study. Students must also enroll in MUS 0020 (Recital Attendance).(Senior Experience)
  • MUS 4790 - Senior Recital Project

    1(1 + 0)

    Prerequisite: MUS 3220

    Corequisite: MUS 4730 This course involves writing program notes for the repertoire selected for MUS 4740, Senior Recital Performance

    For senior experience credit the student must also complete MUS 4740, satisfy all Level I and Level II General Studies course requirements, and have senior standing(Senior Experience)
  • MUS 4950 - Senior Project

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: MUS 3220, Permission of the instructor, satisfaction of all Level I and Level II General Studies course requirements, and Senior standing

    This is a course in which the student prepares a research project in the area of music theory, history, literature, composition, performance, or pedagogy. Although the senior project may include an aspect of performance, the body of the project shall be scholarly and well documented according to departmental standards.(Senior Experience)
  • MUS 4960 - Senior Composition Project

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: MUS 3741, satisfaction of all Level I and Level II General Studies course requirements, and Senior standing

    Corequisite: MUS 2810 or MUS 3810, and at least one other music course

    This is the final composition project in which students compose, oversee public performances of their compositions, and give a public lecture on their compositional activities.(Senior Experience)
  • MUS 4971 - Student Teaching and Seminar: Elementary (K-6)

    6(1 + 40)

    Prerequisite: Successful completion of all requirements for the Bachelor of Music Education major, the teacher licensure program, and general studies courses

    Corequisite: MUS 4972

    This is a supervised, full-time, eight week student teaching experience in an accredited public or private elementary school, providing increasing responsibility for the teaching, supervision, and assessment of learners (grades K-6). Regularly scheduled observations and five hours of seminars conducted by an appointed college supervisor are part of the student teaching requirement. Teacher-candidates must complete a teacher work sample and be rated as proficient in all Performance-Based Standards for Colorado Teachers to receive MSCD recommendation for teacher licensure.Initial sign-off on program requirements (e.g. teacher work sample/portfolio) by faculty advisor. For Senior Experience credit, the student must also complete MUS 4972.(Senior Experience)
  • MUS 4972 - Student Teaching and Seminar: Secondary (7-12)

    6(1 + 40)

    Prerequisite: Successful completion of all requirements for the Bachelor of Music Education major, the teacher licensure program, and general studies courses. Initial sign-off on program requirements (e.g. teacher work sample/portfolio) by faculty advisor. For Senior Experience credit, the student must also complete MUS 4971

    Corequisite: MUS 4971

    This is a supervised, full-time, eight week student teaching experience in an accredited public or private secondary school, providing increasing responsibility for the teaching, supervision, and assessment of learners (grades 7-12). Regularly scheduled observations and five hours of seminars conducted by an appointed college supervisor are part of the student teaching requirement. Teacher-candidates must complete a teacher work sample and be rated as proficient in all Performance-Based Standards for Colorado Teachers to receive MSCD recommendation for teacher licensure.(Senior Experience)
  • NAS 1000 - Introduction to Native American Studies

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading and writing preassessment placement tests

    This course provides an opportunity to study the indigenous population of the United States. The primary focus of the course is on the historical, political, social, and economic relationship between Native Americans and how this culture is embedded in the American culture.(General Studies—Level II, Social Sciences; Multicultural)
  • NAS 3090 - Current Topics in Native American Studies

    Prerequisites: NAS 1000 or permission of instructor

    The course will provide an in-depth study of an important topic in Native American Studies.This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • NAS 3200 - Native American Politics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NAS 1000 or PSC 1020 or Permission of instructor, and completion of all Level I General Studies course requirements

    The focus of this course is to examine Native Americans as political beings. Important questions and strategies for understanding the rise and expansion of native politicization will be identified. In general, the students will be able to explain why, how and when movements that demand change emerge. By comparing and contrasting the Native American experience with other powerless groups in society, the students should be able to trace these historical and political factors that led to a change in the movement of insurgency and analyze the specific actions by insurgents that inevitably resulted in the failure or success of those specific actions.Credit will be granted for only one prefix: NAS or PSC.(General Studies—Level II, Social Sciences; Multicultural)(PSC 3200)
  • NAS 3300 - Land Use, Culture and Conflict

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: ENV 1400 or NAS 1000 or PSC 1010 and junior or senior standing

    This course is designed to introduce students to theories, approaches and controversies concerning use of land and resources on Indian Reservations. Reading and discussion will be directed toward questions related to differing views on land use and resources, how modernization impacts traditional settings, as well as treaties and governmental policies that govern Indian land. Case studies which illustrate current conflict/resolution issues between Native Americans and other actors such as federal, state and local governments will be examined. Credit will be granted for only one prefix.(General Studies - Level II, Social Science; Multicultural)(GEG 3300, PSC 3300)
  • NUR 3100 - RN to BSN Role Transition

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Admission to Baccalaureate Registered Nurse Completion Option

    This course facilitates transition to the role of the baccalaureate nurse. This course begins the exploration of the nursing program mission and philosophy with an emphasis on nursing theories, evidence-based practice, and regulatory aspects of the profession, professional behavior and individual accountability.  This course integrates communication, critical thinking, and cultural humility in the context of baccalaureate nursing practice.
  • NUR 3150 - Introduction to Gerontology Nursing

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO or BRNCO; successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence; and faculty approval

    This course emphasizes understanding the impact of individual and societal perceptions of aging and the aging process.  Students examine cultural, legal, and environmental factors, and the diverse health status found in the older adult.  Communication skills are developed as an essential feature of the care of the older adult in a variety of settings.  The core knowledge concepts and role development of the professional nurse in caring for older adults are explored.(NURA 3150)
  • NUR 3400 - Nursing Research

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO or BRNCO; successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence; and approved statistics course, and faculty permission

    Prerequisite/Corequisite: A statistics course

    This course introduces the student to the research process.  The knowledge and competence needed to critique published research is explored.  Students learn how to use research in support of their evidence based practice. Ethical, legal and regulatory considerations are discussed.  Qualitative and quantitative research processes are examined. Students complete a literature search on a researchable problem and communicate findings in a professional paper.  Emphasis is placed on the improvement for nursing practice through reading, using, and participating in research.(NURA 3400)
  • NUR 3650 - Ethics and Professional Nursing Practice

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUR 3100 and faculty permission

    This course prepares the professional nursing student to analyze ethical issues that emerge in the practice of nursing.  This course introduces the student to ethical theories and principles as well as ethical decision making models applied to professional nursing.  Students apply critical thinking concepts to applicable codes of ethics,ethical theories, principles, and rules in discussing the ethical dilemmas encountered in professional practice. Values and beliefs are examined in the context of ethical issues, role development, and application in health care.(NURA 3650)
  • NUR 3700 - Nursing Health Assessment

    3(2 + 2)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO or BRNCO; successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence, and faculty permission

    Prerequisite/Corequisite: NUR 3100

    This course is designed for students to develop, practice, and demonstrate their health assessment competence.  Utilizing the nursing process, the student collects and organizes data to obtain a complete health history and perform a physical examination.  Students have an opportunity to practice interviewing skills and physical examination techniques.  Emphasis is placed on the use of critical thinking, health promotion, and demonstration of a physical examination while caring for individuals throughout their lifespan.(NURA 3700)
  • NUR 3800 - Advances in Clinical Practice

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUR 3100, NUR 3400, and faculty permission

    This course is designed to update students about evolving clinical issues and practice trends. Focus is on the role of the nurse in collecting and disseminating evidence to enhance evidence based practice. Core knowledge in pathophysiology, pharmacology, medical surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, obstetric nursing, psychiatric nursing, and community health nursing are explored. Specific course content reflects individual student nursing experiences and needs. Topics include patient safety and error reduction. The student is expected to access electronic information resources.
  • NUR 4000 - Community Health Nursing

    6(4 + 6)

    Prerequisite: NUR 3400, NUR 3700, NUR 3800, and faculty permission

    This course provides the tools for critical analysis of the principles of health promotion and disease prevention of families, groups, and communities. Cultural diversity, ethics, legal, and political responsibility of the nurse is discussed.  The leadership roles of advocate, change agent, collaborator, resource person, and teacher are emphasized.  The learner applies theories and models from the fields of public health, education, and nursing, to community health nursing. Focus is placed on community needs assessment, epidemiology, communicable disease, vulnerable populations, and health risks across lifespan.(NURA 4000)
  • NUR 4300 - Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing Practice

    4(4 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUR 4000 and faculty approval

    This course is designed to assist the student in developing as a professional nurse by investigating leadership and management theories and principles. The course emphasizes management, leadership, organizational theories, policy, regulatory requirements, evidence-based practice and business economics. Major emphasis is placed on accountability and communication.(NURA 4300)
  • NUR 4850 - Nursing Senior Experience

    5(1 + 12)

    Prerequisite: NUR 4000 and faculty permission

    This capstone course provides senior nursing students with the opportunity to synthesize program concepts and theories. The clinical component is designed to support the student’s learning needs. Students collaborate with faculty and clinical preceptor to develop individual learning outcomes that relate to course objectives and program student learning outcomes.(Senior Experience)(NURA 4850)
  • NURA 3020 - Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice

    6(3 + 7)

    Prerequisite: Admission to ANO

    This course introduces the student to the profession of nursing and the culture of the health care environment.  The core knowledge, core competencies and the role of development of the professional nurse are explored.  Students begin to develop an understanding of human responses to health and illness within the nurse client relationship.  Students begin to apply the nursing process, critical thinking, and clinical reasoning, with an emphasis on communication. Practice environments for the development of basic nursing skills include the facilitated simulation laboratory and a health care facility.
  • NURA 3150 - Introduction to Gerontology Nursing

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO or BRNCO and successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    This course emphasizes understanding the impact of individual and societal perceptions of aging and the aging process.  Students examine cultural, legal, and environmental factors, and the diverse health status found in the older adult. Communication skills are developed as an essential feature of the care of the older adult in a variety of settings.  The core knowledge concepts and role development of the professional nurse in caring for older adults are explored.(NUR 3150)
  • NURA 3400 - Nursing Research

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO or BRNCO, successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence, and approved statistics course

    This course introduces the student to the research process.  The knowledge  and competence needed to critique published research is explored.  Students learn how to use research in support of their evidence based practice. Ethical, legal, and regulatory considerations are discussed.  Qualitative and quantitative research processes are examined.  Students complete a literature search on a researchable problem and communicate findings in a professional paper. Emphasis is placed on the improvement of nursing practice through reading, using, and participating in research.(NUR 3400)
  • NURA 3410 - Clinical Pharmacology

    4(4 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO; and successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    Clinical pharmacology covers the major principles of pharmacology, drug classifications, and pharmacotherapy. The nursing process, legal, ethical, cultural, and social values are also discussed in relationship to various disease processes and complex patient situations. Drug calculations are also covered.  Critical thinking, communication, and safe medication administration is integrated in the course.
  • NURA 3650 - Ethics and Professional Nursing Practice

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the ANO or BRNCO, and successful completion of all prior courses in the established curriculum sequence

    The course prepares the professional nursing student to analyze ethical issues that emerge in the practice of nursing.  This course introduces the student to ethical theories and principles as well as ethical decision making models applied to professional nursing.  Students apply critical thinking concepts to applicable codes of ethics, ethical theories, principles, and rules in discussing the ethical dilemmas encountered in professional practice.  Values and beliefs are examined in the context of ethical issues, role development, and application in health care.(NUR 3650)
  • NURA 3700 - Nursing Health Assessment

    3(2 + 2)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO or BRNCO, and successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    This course is designed for students to develop, practice, and demonstrate their health assessment competence.  Utilizing the nursing process, the student collects and organizes data to obtain a complete health history and perform a physical examination. Students have an opportunity to practice interviewing skills and physical examination techniques.  Emphasis is placed on the use of critical thinking, health promotion, and demonstration of a physical examination while caring for individuals throughout their lifespan.(NUR 3700)
  • NURA 3710 - Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family

    5(2.5 + 7)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO and successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    This course focuses on the management and provision of nursing care for childbearing women and their families. The nursing process is utilized to provide family centered nursing care for the patient and family across the health care continuum. Emphasis is placed on maternal/newborn health promotion, prevention concepts related to antepartal, intrapartal, postpartum, and neonatal life stages.  Students examine the rationale and procedures for implementation of a variety of skills needed for the childbearing woman and newborn. Students have the opportunity to practice skills using simulation technology and in clinical practice settings.  Students apply core knowledge and competencies in the provision of care of the childbearing patient and their family, including the role of educator.
  • NURA 3810 - Medical Surgical Nursing Care I

    5(3 + 6)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO and successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    This course builds on the concepts introduced in Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice.  Focus is on utilization of core knowledge and core competencies related to the care of adults with basic and intermediate alterations in health.  Students have the opportunity to practice skills using simulation technology and in clinical practice settings. Critical thinking skills are used to begin to apply the nursing process to patient centered. care.  This course develops the role of the nurse in providing medical surgical nursing care.  Students practice and apply skills and knowledge learned in the classroom and lab to the clinical environment. 
  • NURA 3910 - Child and Family Health Nursing

    5(2.5 + 7)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO and the successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    This theoretical and clinical course focuses on  the application of the nursing process in the delivery of evidenced based nursing care to children and their families. Health promotion, illness, injury prevention, health teaching, and anticipatory guidance are emphasized.  Developmentally appropriate care is integrated into the management of pediatric disorders and diseases.  Students develop clinical skills using simulation technology and clinical practice environments.
  • NURA 4000 - Community Health Nursing

    6(4 + 6)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO or BRNCO, and successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    This course provides the tools for critically analyzing the principles of health promotion and disease prevention of families, groups, and communities.  Cultural diversity, ethics, legal, and political responsibility of the nurse is discussed.  The leadership roles of advocate, change agent, collaborator, resource person, and teacher are emphasized.  The learner applies theories and models from the fields of public health, education, and nursing to community health nursing.  Focus is placed on community needs assessment, epidemiology, communicable disease, vulnerable populations, and health risks across the lifespan.(NUR 4000)
  • NURA 4110 - Medical Surgical Nursing Care II

    6(3.5 + 7)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO and successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    This course expands on the concepts introduced in Medical Surgical Nursing Care I.  Focus is on utilization of core knowledge and core competencies related to the care of adults with intermediate and complex alterations in health. Critical thinking skills are used to apply the nursing process to patient centered care.  This course further develops the role of the nurse in providing medical surgical nursing care.  Students have the opportunity to practice skills using simulation technology and in clinical practice settings.
  • NURA 4210 - Mental Health Nursing

    5(3 + 6)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the ANO and successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    The focus of this course is on the application of foundational mental health nursing concepts and interventions in the care of patients.  This course includes the application of developmental theories and ethical principles to the nursing care of mental health patients.  Emphasis is placed on therapeutic communication techniques, health promotion, and relapse prevention. Students apply the nursing process using critical thinking and decision making skills while providing safe, basic care to selected patients.
  • NURA 4300 - Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing Practice

    4(4 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Admission into the ANO or BRNCO and successful completion fo all prior courses in the established sequence

    This course is designed to assist the student in developing as a professional nurse by investigating leadership and management theories and principles.  This course emphasizes management, leadership, organizational theories, policy, regulatory requirements, evidence based practice and business economics.  Major emphasis is placed on accountability and communication.(NUR 4300)
  • NURA 4850 - Nursing Senior Experience

    5(1 + 12)

    Prerequisite: Admission to the ANO or BRNCO, and the successful completion of all prior courses in the established sequence

    This capstone course provides senior nursing students with the opportunity to synthesize program concepts and theories. The clinical experience is designed to support the student’s learning needs.  Students collaborate with faculty and the clinical preceptor to develop individual learning outcomes that relate to course objectives and program student learning outcomes.(Senior Experience)(NUR 4850)
  • NUT 1040 - Introduction to Professions in Nutrition and Dietetics

    1(1 + 0)

    This course identifies and discusses career options and market trends within the fields of nutrition, dietetics, and food service management. It reviews the academic and professional requirements for successful entry into these fields.
  • NUT 2040 - Introduction to Nutrition

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Satisfaction of the General Studies Level I Mathematics course requirement, ENG 1020, and high school chemistry or Permission of instructor

    This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the fundamental concepts of human nutrition, including digestion, absorption, metabolism, and function of nutrients as they relate to human health and disease.(General Studies—Level II, Natural Science)(GT-SC2)
  • NUT 3040 - Nutrition Concepts and Controversies

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040

    This course provides additional study of the chemistry and biochemisrty of nutrients, metabolic functions in health and disease, food composition, digestion, absorption, and nutrient utilization with a focus on how these concepts relate to current nutrition topics being discussed in the popular press.  This course is intended for non-nutrition majors.

     Note: Students cannot take both NUT 3040 and NUT 3140 for credit.

  • NUT 3050 - Concepts of Lifecycle Nutrition

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040

    This course is designed to increase the non-nutrition major’s knowledge of the physiological, psychological, sociological, and cultural factors which influence nutritional needs and eating habits throughout the life cycle. Nutrient requirements, dietary planning guidelines, and techniques for assessing nutritional status will be presented for the following life stages:  preconception, pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and aging.

     Note: Students cannot take both NUT 3290 and NUT 3050 for credit.

  • NUT 3080 - Maternal and Child Nutrition

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040

    This course is designed to increase the student’s knowledge about the physiological, psychological, sociological, and cultural factors which influence nutritional needs and eating habits of the growing family. Nutrient requirements, dietary planning guidelines, and techniques for assessing nutritional status will be presented for the following developmental levels: the pregnant and lactating woman, the infant, the preschool and school-age child, and the adolescent.
  • NUT 3100 - Nutrition and Aging

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040

    This course is designed to provide students with knowledge about the physiological, psychological, and socioeconomic changes which accompany aging and their impact on the dietary practices and nutritional status of the aging population. Nutrition education relevant to this population is emphasized, including identification of community resources available to support older citizens in augmenting their food choices and increasing access to nutritional services.
  • NUT 3140 - Human Nutrition

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040, BIO 2320, CHE 2100

    This course provides a detailed study of the biochemistry of metabolism, digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients.  Interactions among genetics, macronutrients, micronutrients, phytochemicals, and metabolism are explored. Nutrient sources of foods are included.

     Note: Students cannot take both NUT 3040 and NUT 3140 for credit.

  • NUT 3200 - Nutrition and Sports Performance

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040

    This course is designed to enable the student, through application of the basic principles of nutrition, to improve his/her health, fitness, and physical performance within the limits set by genetic endowment and level of training.
  • NUT 3290 - Lifecycle Nutrition for Majors

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 3140

    This course is designed to increase the nutrition major’s knowledge about the physiological, psychological, sociological, and cultural factors which influence nutritional needs and eating habits throughout the life cycle with a focus on evidence-based practices.  Nutrient requirements, dietary planning guidelines, and techniques for assessing nutritional status will be presented for the following life stages: preconception, pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and aging.

     Note: Students cannot take both NUT 3290 and NUT 3050 for credit.

  • NUT 3300 - Cultural Aspects of Nutrition

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040

    Students will learn about the formation and significance of cultural identity among people identifying with a Native American, African American, Hispanic, Asian, or European heritage and its importance as it relates to food choices, behaviors, and nutritional status. They will also examine the impact of cultural differences, the nutritional value of ethnic foods, nutrition-related health benefits and risks faced by various cultural groups, disparities in health care, and strategies toward successful prevention and intervention.


  • NUT 3400 - Nutrition and Weight Management

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040

    This course is a study of the basic principles of, and latest trends in, weight management. This course includes coverage of assessment techniques, behavioral and non-behavioral treatment approaches and prevention strategies. The concept of “health at every (body) size” will be presented. Fad diets and programs with sound nutrition principles will be analyzed.
  • NUT 3500 - Food Safety

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040, BIO 2320

    This course covers safety of food with respect to microbial and non-microbial contamination.  Sources of contamination, ways to prevent or control contamination, consequences of contamination, and the methods for detection are covered.  Beneficial aspects of microbes in food and human health are also discussed.
  • NUT 3640 - Healthy Cooking Techniques

    3(2 + 2)

    Prerequisite: NUT 2040 or Permission of instructor

    This course is designed to illustrate the elements of food flavors through the exploration of the nutritional values of fruits, grains, legumes, meats, and vegetables. The principles of healthy cooking and nutrition will be employed and applied to food types to include the demonstration of cooking with less fat and less salt. Students will develop, illustrate, and analyze healthy cooking techniques, recipes, and menus to include nutritional content. This course will conclude with the preparation and service of nutritious meals to the public.Credit will be granted for only one prefix: NUT or HTE.(HTE 3643)
  • NUT 3910 - Breastfeeding Management for the Health Professional

    1(1 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Junior standing; or permission of instructor

    This course is designed to increase the students’ knowledge in the area of breastfeeding support. This course is taught for students in healthcare related majors or minors and health professionals and the role of the health care practitioner will be emphasized. The course will address barriers to breastfeeding, benefits of breastfeeding for mother, child, and environment, and the role of the health care practitioner in breastfeeding support.
  • NUT 4100 - Advanced Human Nutrition

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 3140

    This course provides an in-depth study of the regulation and interaction of nutrients and nutrient metabolism at the organism, cellular, and molecular levels and the mechanisms by which nutrients regulate metabolic functions in health and disease. Students will gain an understanding of the regulation and integration of nutrient metabolism, as well as mechanisms by which nutrients regulate physiological processes.
  • NUT 4210 - Community Nutrition

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 3290

    This course is concerned with the nutritional status of individuals and families in the community.  Topics covered include community assessment, programs and resources, legislation, education, and program planning as they impact nutrition for groups.
  • NUT 4700 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 3140; and Senior standing

    This course examines principles and application of medical nutrition therapy as related to specific disease states.  Topics include the nutrition care process, nutrition assessment, nutrition support, and therapeautic diets.

  • NUT 4720 - Pre-Professional Seminar in Nutrition and Dietetics

    1 - 3

     (1 - 3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Senior standing

    Prerequisite/Corequisite: NUT 4700

    This seminar provides a forum for discussion of topics of current relevance to students preparing for a career in nutrition and dietetics. Topics include résumés, interviewing, salary negotiation, marketing, networking, ethical issues, evaluation of research, and effective communication.(Senior Experience)

  • NUT 4750 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: NUT 4700

    This course integrates knowledge of pathophysiology of selected diseases with nutrition intervention and prevention of various disease states. Students are introduced to the skills required to plan and implement modified diets for selected medical conditions. The course incorporates understanding, assessing, application and teaching of dietary modifications while considering the physiological, psychological, social and cultural aspects of the individual.
  • PAR 2050 - Introduction to Parent Education

    3(3 + 0)

    This course is designed to introduce the student to the field of parent education, its history, scope, methods, and issues are raised. The aim of the course is to provide a broad overview of the field, either as a basis for further course work in parent education or as a brief introduction to an area of growing interest.
  • PAR 3070 - Working with the Contemporary Family

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing

    This course is designed to familiarize students with the contemporary family: its structures, stresses, strengths, and the legal and political issues that impact it are emphasized. Students will learn how parent educators can assist today’s family and will be given the opportunity to apply course learnings to a specific family situation.
  • PAR 4890 - Parent Education Field Placement

    3(0 + 9)

    Prerequisite: PAR 2050 and PAR 3070

    The field placement is individually designed to meet the needs of the student. It provides opportunities to plan, implement, and evaluate programs and projects in a parent education setting. The program director works closely with students and community agencies in setting up each field placement.
  • PHI 1010 - Introduction to Philosophy

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading and writing preassessment placement tests

    This is a first philosophy course designed to introduce students to basic philosophical issues, primarily in the areas of metaphysics (what there is) and epistemology (how we know).  This course covers fundamental questions such as, for example:  “Do humans possess free will of is everything a matter of causal necessity?” or “Is there a God or an afterlife?” Important cultural achievements, in the form of original and complete works, will be emphasized.  Credit will be granted for only one prefix: PHI or HON.(General Studies—Level II, Arts and Letters)(GT-AH3)(HON 1011)
  • PHI 1030 - Introduction to Ethics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading and writing preassessment placement tests

    This is a first philosophy course designed to introduce students to basic philosophical issues, primarily in the areas of moral and social philosophy. This course covers fundamental questions such as, for example:  “What is the relation, if any, between morality and religion?” or “How should society be best organized?” Important cultural achievements, in the form of original and complete works, will be emphasized.(General Studies—Level II, Arts and Letters)(GT-AH3)
  • PHI 1040 - Introduction to Eastern Religions

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading and writing preassessment placement tests

    An introductory survey of the major religious communities of the East, with primary emphasis on the historical evolution and living traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
  • PHI 1050 - Introduction to Western Religions

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading and writing preassessment placement tests

    An introductory survey of the major religious communities of the West (originating in the Near East), with primary emphasis on the historical evolution and living traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  • PHI 1110 - Language, Logic and Persuasion

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading and writing preassessment placement tests

    This course is an introduction to critical analysis, thinking and expression, covering three main areas: (1) language: the significance of words, and their arrangements, in psychological appeals to the senses and the emotions; (2) logic: the structures of formal reasoning in arguments and in appeals to reason; and (3) persuasion: the rhetorical aspects of discourse and presentation, especially in appeals to ideals or character.  Practical skills and applications will be emphasized.(General Studies—Level I, Communications)(GT—AH3)
  • PHI 2040 - Philosophy of Religion

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 1040 or PHI 1050 recommended

    This is a course on the philosophical dimensions of religious faith and practice, the nature and scope of religious experience, and the existence and source of divinity.
  • PHI 2440 - Symbolic Logic

    3(3 + 0)

    This course is a general introduction to formal or symbolic logic. Topics covered include all aspects of sentential or propositional logic, beginning with the rules for determining the validity of deductive arguments and continuing through to the symbolization and syntax of the first-order predicate calculus.
  • PHI 3000 - History of Ancient Philosophy

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Satisfaction of all Level I General Studies course requirements

    This course is a survey of the history of ancient philosophy, focusing on the Greeks. The life and work of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle receive special attention.(General Studies—Level II, Arts and Letters)
  • PHI 3020 - History of Modern Philosophy

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Satisfaction of all Level I General Studies course requirements

    This course is a survey of the history of modern philosophy, from the Renaissance to Romanticism. The work of Descartes, Hume, and Kant receive special attention.(General Studies— Level II, Arts and Letters)
  • PHI 3120 - Philosophy of Language

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 2440 is recommended

    This course is a general introduction to central questions and topics in the philosophy of language. Special consideration is given to historical and contemporary issues in the analytic tradition.
  • PHI 3150 - Social and Political Philosophy

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3000 or PHI 3020

    This is a course on selected topics in social and political philosophy, typically involving issues related to justice, rights, power, democracy, class, equality, freedom, property, representation, and community. Readings may include classical and contemporary sources.
  • PHI 3180 - Feminist Philosophy

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 1010 or 1030 and junior standing are recommended

    This course involves an examination of traditional philosophical topics and questions from the perspective of contemporary feminist theory. Special consideration is given to feminist critiques of logic, rationality and scientific objectivity and to feminist approaches to ethical, social, and political thought.Credit will be granted for only one prefix: PHI or WMS.(WMS 3180)
  • PHI 3320 - Metaphysics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3000 or PHI 3020

    This course is a comprehensive survey of traditional or contemporary problems in metaphysics. Topics typically covered include free will, causation, identity, God, and substance.
  • PHI 3330 - Epistemology

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 2440

    This course provides a survey of key topics in the theory of knowledge such as skepticism, propositions, justification, perception, memory, induction, other minds, and naturalism.
  • PHI 3350 - Ethical Theories

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3000

    This is a course on selected topics in ethical theory, including those derived from normative ethics, concerning the content of moral behavior, or those derived from meta-ethics, concerning the nature of ethical reflection. Readings may include both classical and contemporary sources.
  • PHI 3360 - Business Ethics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: At least junior standing or Permission of instructor and satisfaction of Level I General Studies course requirements

    This course investigates the value conflicts that may arise from current circumstances in the modern business world. Designed to assist students in becoming effective business professionals, it examines four main areas of current practice in some detail: the responsibility of business in society, corporate governance, ethical decision-making, and ethical leadership.  Interpretive, critical and analytical skills will be emphasized and cultivated.(General Studies—Level II, Arts and Letters)
  • PHI 3370 - Computers, Ethics, and Society

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Satisfaction of Level I General Studies course requirements and one of the following: any PHI course or any CS course or equivalent

    This course investigates the values and value conflicts inherent in the modern practices of the business world, giving special attention to the problems and possibilities associated with computers and computing technologies. Designed to assist students in becoming effective computing professionals, it examines, in detail, questions concerning professional and ethical responsibilities, privacy and civil liberties, intellectual property, the risks and liabilities of computer-based systems, and the social context of computing, among others.(General Studies—Level II, Arts and Letters)
  • PHI 3380 - Science and Human Values: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3020

    This course is designed to serve students interested in learning about a variety of applied ethical issues arising from the rapid increases in scientific knowledge and technological ability. Typical issues could include those associated with questions of bioethics (sometimes called medical ethics), environmental philosophy, human dignity or global ethics.This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • PHI 3390 - Aesthetics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Two courses in philosophy or Permission of instructor

    A study of some basic concepts of aesthetics, focused either on a principal figure in the field (e.g. Plato, Kant, Schiller, or Nietzsche) or on a particular set of fundamental issues in aesthetics, e.g. the ontology of the work of art, intentions and originality, form and expression, criticism, aesthetic education, etc. May include an emphasis on a particular art (e.g. poetry, drama, film, jazz, or painting).
  • PHI 3400 - Philosophy of Science

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 1010 and three additional hours in philosophy or Permission of the instructor

    An advanced, critical examination of the concepts and problems involved in contemporary science. The nature of scientific method, explanation, and law is covered. Physical, biological, and psychosocial sciences are investigated.
  • PHI 3410 - Eastern Philosophy: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 1040

    This course is an in-depth study of a specific thinker, such as Zoroaster, Pantajali, Sankara, or Vivikenanda; or of a pair or group of thinkers, such as Confucius and Lao-tzu; or of a recognized movement of thought or tradition, such as Theravada or Zen Buddhism; or of a concept or problem, such as karma and reincarnation; or of a genealogy of sacred texts, such as the Vedas and the Upanishads; or of a conjunction of epic texts, such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, as rooted in primarily the Eastern or Near Eastern context.This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • PHI 3430 - Philosophy of Law

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: One upper-division course in the humanities or social sciences, or one philosophy course; or Permission of instructor

    An examination of the origin of the individual and the idea of law in Greek thought and alterations of these notions in modern thought. The notion of interpretation in the law will be examined.
  • PHI 3450 - Human Nature and Conduct: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3000 or PHI 3020

    This variable topics course examines philosophical writings on the topic of human nature and/or concerns a critical investigation of social structures and cultural institutions that rely on some concept of human nature (either explicitly to implicitly). Possible themes may center around issues such as life and death, embodiment, nature vs. convention, responsibility, solitude and community, or personhood;  alternately, the course may consider the ethical and social thought of an individual thinker, such as Dewey, Freud, or Habermas, or a school or movement, such as Stoicism, the British Idealism, or the conservative tradition, with an emphasis on human nature and/or society.
  • PHI 3480 - Histories of Desire: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 1030

    This variable topics course contends with philosophical issues relating to love, desire, gender, and sexuality in a concrete cultural context.  Possible themes might center around issues such as eros and thantos, conscience and internalization, transgression and trauma, eroticism and art, ecstasy and spirituality, sexuality and identity, the body and its modification of mortification, queer histories, the care of self, or desire in language; alternately, the course may focus on topics or problems raised by the work of an individual thinker or group of thinkers, such as Freud, Bataille, Lacan, Klein, Foucault, Deleuze, Irgaray, or Kristeva.
  • PHI 3500 - Advanced Humanistic Inquiry: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3000 and PHI 3020; or Permission of instructor

    This course is an interdisciplinary study of humanistic inquiry and cultural investigation, with course content drawn from the development of modern European and American culture since the Enlightenment. Special attention is given to the revolutionary transformations of ideas, institutions, structures, and forms of artistic and literary expression that characterize life in the modern world over approximately the last 250 years. Movements such as Romanticism, Realism, Decadence, Modernism, or Post-Modernism could receive special consideration.This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • PHI 3510 - Phenomenology

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3020 is recommended

    This course is a study of at least two major 20th century phenomenologists. Different conceptions of the nature and scope of phenomenology are critically examined.
  • PHI 3530 - Philosophy of Mind

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 2440

    This course is a study of mental phenomena, including traditional problems connected with the relation of mind and body, personal identity, solipsism and the knowledge of other minds, but also contemporary issues involving consciousness, perception, thought, feeling and volition in human, animal, and artificial contexts.
  • PHI 3550 - Existentialism

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 1010 and three additional hours in philosophy or Permission of instructor

    The study of the existentialist movement of the 19th and 20th centuries. Philosophers and writers include Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Dostoevsky, Merleau-Ponty and Sartre. Problems covered include: the nature of Being; freedom and responsibility; the other and the body; the moral life; applications of existentialism to political life; and psychotherapeutic theory.
  • PHI 3600 - Currents in American Thought: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3020

    After a brief consideration of the methodological implications of intellectual and social history, this course could consider classical figures (such as Edwards or Emerson) and influential intellectual traditions in American culture (such as Puritanism or Transcendentalism); or seemingly peripheral individuals (such as Douglass or Dubois) and the more subterranean impulses stemming from traditionally marginalized groups of diverse ethnic, cultural, gender or sexual communities (for example, abolitionism and the problems connected with slavery, race, and gender in American culture).This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • PHI 3610 - Religious Studies: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 1050

    This course is an in-depth study of a specific thinker, such as Paul, Augustine, Mamonides, or Barth; or of a pair or group of thinkers, such as Luther and Calvin or Buber and Rosenzweig; or of a recognized movement of thought or tradition, such as Shia or Sunni Islam; or of a particular concept or problem, such as sin and redemption; or of a genealogy of sacred texts, such as the Tanakh and the New Testament; or of a conjunction of epic texts, such as Gilgamesh and Genesis, as rooted primarily in the Western or Near Eastern context.This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • PHI 3700 - Philosophy and the Arts: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3320 or PHI 3500 is recommended

    This course is an examination of some of the most intriguing and illuminating points of intersection between philosophy and the literary, the performing or the visual arts, including film. It may address philosophy on the arts (issues relating to ontological status, truth, interpretation, authorship, and self expression); or philosophy in the arts (literary texts, performance pieces or artistic works that explicitly invoke philosophical problems or evoke philosophical doctrines in their portrayal of social or psychological realities); or philosophy as art problems connected with meaning, representation and form in philosophical works, including across multiple media).This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • PHI 3810 - Major Philosophers: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 3000 or PHI 3020

    This course is an in-depth study of a specific philosopher, such as Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, Nietzsche, or Heidegger; or a group of related thinkers, such as Plato or Plotinus, Marx and the Young Hegalians, or Wittgenstein and Austin; or a movement of thought, such as German Idealism, American Pragmatism, or Logical Positivism.This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • PHI 4050 - Comparative Thought: Variable Topics

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: PHI 2040; PHI 3000 or PHI 3020

    Comparative thought or philosophy—sometimes called cross-cultural philosophy—is a sub field that considers a single myth, theme, topic or set of problems by comparing a plurality of sources from different streams and traditions, across cultural, linguistic, and historical boundaries. This course examines some fundamental human issues and questions from different perspectives, possibly involving a further examination of specific ideological or political viewpoints, both within and across cultures, as well. Some of the challenges to comparative work, including chauvinism, anachronism, incommensurability, and perennialism may also be discussed.This course may be repeated for credit under different topics.
  • PHI 4100 - Senior Seminar

    3(3 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Satisfaction of all Level I & Level II General Studies course requirements and Senior standing

    This course is a capstone course and is required of all philosophy majors. It is an in-depth consideration of a topic or author (or group of topics or authors) involving synoptic reflection, detailed interpretation and thematic synthesis, with in-class presentations and an emphasis on philosophical writing.(Senior Experience)
  • PHY 1000 - Introduction to Physics

    4(3 + 2)

    Prerequisite: Minimum performance standard scores on the reading, writing, and mathematics preassessment placement tests and high school algebra or equivalent

    An introductory survey course for nonscientists that emphasizes the main concepts of physics, including mechanics, properties of matter, heat, sound, electricity, and magnetism, light, modern physics, and relativity. The accompanying laboratory work is designed to illustrate the material discussed in the lectures.(General Studies—Level II, Natural Science)(GT-SC1)
  • PHY 1250 - Physics of Aviation

    6(5 + 2)

    Prerequisite: MTH 1110, or MTH 1310, or equivalent; Minimum performance standard scores on the reading, writing and mathematics preassessment placement tests

    A one-semester course introducing the fundamentals of physics through technological applications, many of which are in aerospace science. Topics include measurement, motion, temperature, heat, properties of fluids, sound, oscillations, waves, and electricity and magnetism.(General Studies—Level II, Natural Science)(GT-SC1)
  • PHY 2010 - College Physics I

    4(4 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Concurrent registration with PHY 2030 is recommended MTH 1120 or equivalent; and satisfaction of either ENG 1010 or the Level I Communication requirement; completion of PHY 2010 and PHY 2030 with a passing grade is required to receive General Studies credit

    This first term of a one-year sequence covers the fundamentals of physics in a basic but thorough manner. The experimental aspects of physics are emphasized in the classroom and in the laboratory. Considerable time is devoted to problem-solving. Course content includes measurement, vectors, kinematics, dynamics, gravitation, energy, momentum, rotational motion, properties of matter, heat, thermal properties of matter, thermodynamics, wave motion, and sound. The course is algebra-based.(General Studies—Level II, Natural Science)(GT-SC1)
  • PHY 2020 - College Physics II

    4(4 + 0)

    Prerequisite: Concurrent registration with PHY 2040 is recommended; PHY 2010 and satisfaction of either ENG 1010 or the Level I Communication requirement; completion of PHY 2020 and PHY 2040 with a passing grade is required to receive General Studies credit

    A continuation of PHY 2010, the algebra-based introductory physics course. Topics include electricity and magnetism, electromechanical devices, AC circuits, geometrical and physical optics, and modern physics.(General Studies—Level II, Natural Science)(GT-SC1)
  • PHY 2030 - College Physics I Laboratory

    1(0 + 2)

    Prerequisite: Concurrent registration with PHY 2010 is recommended; MTH 1120 or equivalent; and satisfaction of either ENG 1010 or the Level I Communication requirement; completion of PHY 2010 and PHY 2030 with a passing grade is required to receive General Studies credit

    The first semester of a one-year sequence in laboratory work that emphasizes experimental techniques, procedures and formal report writing. Laboratory experiments reinforce or extend the work of the lecture portion of the course. Emphasis is on mechanics.(General Studies—Level II, Natural Science)

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