Mar 14, 2025
CDES 4600 - Communication Design Portfolio Development
Credits: 3
Prerequisite(s): Senior standing; completion of all General Studies requirements; ARTH 2080, CDES 3225, CDES 3623, and CDES 3625 with “C-” or better in each; or permission of department. Student must supply a suitable laptop computer.
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): ARTH 3690 and CDES 4000 or CDES 4100 or CDES 4200
Description: This course supports the needs of BFA communication design students who are approaching graduation. Students take an existing body of work and refine it for the purposes of generating final portfolio solutions. Students explore the critical nature of their work by clarifying project results, and as necessary, redeveloping outcomes, for presentation in both web and print-based portfolios. Writing and critical inquiry skills supporting portfolio development are emphasized. The portfolio work generated in this course will be used in the subsequent course CDES 4721 Communication Design Senior Experience: Exhibition and Thesis.
University Requirement(s): Senior Experience
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