Feb 09, 2025  
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Master of Arts in Teaching

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program prepares students for successful careers in education through high quality and accessible education. The goal of the program is to prepare teachers to make effective decisions in diverse classrooms. To accomplish this goal, emphasis is placed on producing master teachers who are self-reflective, lifelong learners who have an understanding of child development, content, and pedagogy. MAT licensure candidates must apply theory, research, classroom experience, and professional judgment to lead others in collaborative planning, implementation, and evaluation of effective instruction for students.

Students may choose from one of three areas of concentration: elementary education, special education, or special education with alternative licensure. Both areas of emphasis (elementary and special education) provide a comprehensive background in the discipline, along with all of the coursework and clinical experience required for state licensure.

MAT Candidate Requirements

Candidates for the Master of Arts in Teaching must provide evidence of a baccalaureate degree in a non-teaching field. Undergraduate transcripts from accredited institutions will be evaluated by an MAT advisor to determine whether appropriate, prerequisite coursework has been completed for the licensure being sought. Graduate courses taken at other accredited institutions in the last five years must be evaluated and approved by the graduate coordinator. A maximum of 9 semester hours of transfer credit (with grades of “B” or better) may be applied toward the MAT degree.

MAT licensure candidates will be expected to complete all prerequisite classes to be admitted to the MAT graduate classes. MSU Denver students may complete these requirements as part of their undergraduate program with a minor in education. The MAT program includes core classes and specified coursework in each licensure area.

Admission to the MAT Program

To obtain formal admission to the MAT program, candidates must submit the following application materials:

  • To obtain formal admission to the MAT program, candidates must submit the following application materials:

  • Official transcript indicating completion of a degree (with a minimum GPA of 3.0) from an accredited institution. If a candidate holds a GPA lower than 3.0, a combination of GPA and a minimum score of 160 on the verbal reasoning section of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) will be evaluated.
  • Official transcripts from all institutions of higher education previously attended. Foreign transcripts must also have an official English translation done by a certified translator (if applicable), and a professional course-by-course evaluation showing equivalency to a U.S. Bachelor’s degree. World Education Services (www.wes.org) or Education Credential Evaluators (www.ece.org) are recommended professional transcript evaluation service providers.
  • Vita or resume, which includes work experience.
  • One-to-two page, typed personal statement in support of application, explaining the decision to become an educator.
  • Criminal History Form

Policy Revised February 10, 2017

Additional Application Requirements for International Applicants

International students must:

  • complete all of the same requirements as domestic students, as well as a separate application form, which may be found on the Office of Admissions website, msudenver.edu/admissions/apply/masters/internationalgraduateapplicants/
  • have achieved a minimum TOEFL score of 540 (or a score of 76 on the Internet version of the TOEFEL);
  • submit the required immigration documents for issuance of an I-20.

Other Considerations

  • Experience with children and youth is strongly recommended.
  • An interview with program faculty may be required.

Conditional Admission

Students receiving conditional admission have additional requirements to fulfill, such as meeting the minimum 3.0 GPA requirement. Students will be notified of their conditional admission and receive a “Graduate Admission and Enrollment Check Sheet” describing the specific terms of their conditional admission. The “Graduate Admission and Enrollment Check Sheet” shall be signed by the student and returned to the Graduate Data Coordinator. Students will need to meet admission conditions within the first 6 credit hours or they will not be allowed to enroll in subsequent semesters.

Non-degree Admission Requirements

Before applying for non-degree admission to the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program, please read the information below to ensure that you are qualified to apply. Please contact the teacher education graduate program office at 303-556-6228 if you have questions concerning non-degree admission.

Enrollment as a non-degree seeking student is limited to the following categories:

  1. Individuals who have completed a baccalaureate degree at a regionally accredited institution and whose cumulative undergraduate GPA, or whose GPA from the last 60 hours completed, is 3.0 or higher will be considered on a space available basis.
  2. Individuals who are currently admitted to a graduate program at another regionally accredited institution who wish to take a limited number of classes at Metropolitan State University of Denver will be considered on a space available basis.

Applicants in the above categories must submit the following:

  • Graduate application and application fee (check non-degree option), 
  • Official transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended, 
  • Current detailed resume, 
  • For category 2 above, proof of admission to a graduate program

Important Information for Non-Degree Seeking Students

  • Graduate tuition applies for all graduate courses taken as a non-degree student. Information about tuition rates and payment deadlines is available on the Office of the Bursar’s website, www.msudenver.edu/bursar.
  • Students admitted as non-degree seeking are not eligible for graduate level financial aid.
  • Students are held responsible, both academically and financially, for any class in which they enroll. Failure to withdraw from any class, regardless of attendance, results in a grade of “F”. Students remain liable for tuition and fees.
  • All grading policies for degree-seeking students also apply to non-degree seeking students.
  • Students who were previously enrolled in, or who have previously been denied admission to, the graduate degree program in the MAT at MSU Denver are not eligible for non-degree status.
  • Non-degree seeking students are limited to taking a maximum of 9 credit hours in total. Registration holds will be placed on non-degree seeking students’ accounts each term to facilitate monitoring of total credit hours.
  • Non-degree seeking students can change their status by fully complying with degree-seeking admission requirements and submitting another application and fee.

Non-Degree Enrollment Procedures

  • The MAT coordinator determines an applicant’s eligibility to take graduate courses once all application materials have been received. Incomplete or late applications are not processed.
  • Eligible applicants are admitted to a course on a space available basis only as long as any prerequisites have been met or with permission of the graduate coordinator and/or the instructor. Priority is given to degree-seeking students of the MAT program.

Licensure Requirement

Licensure candidates must provide proof of a passing score on the PLACE or Praxis II Elementary Education Content Area Exam.

Standards for Continuing in the MAT Program

Licensure candidates must maintain the following standards to remain in the MAT program:

  • Maintain a 3.0 GPA each semester by obtaining a grade of “B” or better in all coursework. No more than two grades of “C” will be counted toward degree requirements. No grade lower than “C” counts toward degree requirements. All grade records remain on the master’s transcript and count toward the GPA. A student who has received two grades of “C” will be placed on probation and required to meet with an advisor on a regular basis. A student who receives a third grade of “C” will be dismissed from the program.
  • Complete student teaching.

Eligibility for Student Teaching

MAT candidates begin the student teaching application process by completing the Student Teaching Meeting Part I (online) and attending the Student Teaching Meetings Parts II and III (in person). The application deadline is the third Friday of September (for spring semester assignments) and the third Friday of February (for fall semester assignments).

To be eligible to student teach, licensure candidates must complete the following requirements:

  • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all MAT coursework
  • Successfully complete all courses required for the MAT licensure

For additional information, please visit MSU Denver’s teacher education website, msudenver.edu/education.

Elementary Education Concentration

The MAT candidate in elementary education will complete requirements for licensure in the K-6 classroom. MSU Denver students may satisfy the prerequisite content and licensure requirements at the undergraduate level by completing the Elementary Education minor. MAT advisors will examine transcripts to determine needed prerequisites for licensure and the MAT degree. MAT students must complete all licensure and all ”Core” classes to complete the MAT degree and to be recommended for licensure.

Grand Total for MAT with concentration in Elementary Education: 44 credits


Elementary Education Alternative Licensure Option

The MAT/ALP candidate in elementary education will complete requirements for licensure in the K-6 classroom.

Candidates who are interested in the program must have completed a baccalaureate degree. Candidates will meet with an MAT/ALP elementary education advisor to determine a program plan of study. In addition to completing the admission requirements listed above, students seeking alternative licensure must:

  • secure a Statement of Eligibility (SOE) from the Colorado Department of Education in elementary education, and
  • secure full-time employment as an elementary education teacher with a Denver-metro-area accredited charter, private, or public school or district.

Eligibility for Student Teaching

To be eligible to receive student teaching credit during the fourth semester of the program, alternative licensure candidates must complete the following requirements:

  • have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all MAT coursework, and
  • successful completion of all courses required for MAT licensure, except TEDM 6800 Capstone: Lesson Study for the Master of Arts Teaching Degree (may be taken concurrently with student teaching)

For additional information, please visit the Alternative Licensure Program website, msudenver.edu/alp.

Teaching Core

In addition to the coursework required for the Master of Arts in Teaching: Elementary Education Concentration, students in the alternative licensure option should also complete the following courses:

  • ALP 4493 - Alternative Licensure Program: Educational Theory and Methods Credits: 0*
  • ALP 4494 - Alternative Licensure Program: Advanced Field Experience Credits: 0**


*This course is variable credit: 0 or 10. Students in the MAT Elementary Education Alternative Licensure Option must register for 0 credits.

**This course is variable credit: 0 or 20. Students in the MAT Elementary Education Alternative Licensure Option must register for 0 credits.

MAT Elementary Education Alternative Licensure Option Added: October 28, 2015

Special Education Concentration

The MAT licensure program in special education provides candidates with a case-based curriculum designed to prepare them to meet the needs of children and adolescents with mild to severe disabilities. The professional education sequence for a special education generalist provides content that emphasizes the development of effective decision making in diverse contexts.

Candidates who are interested in the program must have completed a baccalaureate degree.  Candidates should meet with an MAT special education advisor to determine a program plan of study.

Prerequisite Requirement

This course, which may be taken during the first semester of the program, does not count toward the degree.

Required Course: 3 credits

Grand Total for MAT with Concentration in Special Education: 46 credits


Special Education Alternative Licensure Concentration

This concentration provides candidates with a case-based curriculum designed to prepare them to meet the needs of children and adolescents with mild to severe disabilities. The professional education sequence for a special education generalist provides content that emphasizes the development of effective decision making in diverse contexts.

Candidates who are interested in the program must have completed a baccalaureate degree. Candidates will meet with an MAT special education advisor to determine a program plan of study.

In addition to completing the admission requirements listed above, students seeking alternative licensure must:

  • secure a Statement of Eligibility (SOE) from the Colorado Department of Education in special education, and
  • secure full-time employment as a special education teacher with a Denver-metro-area accredited school or district. 

Eligibility for Student Teaching

To be eligible to receive student teaching credit during the fourth semester of the program, alternative licensure candidates must complete the following requirements:

  • have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in all MAT coursework and
  • successful completion of all courses required for MAT licensure, except TEDM 6800 Capstone: Lesson Study for the Master of Arts Teaching Degree (may be taken concurrently with student teaching)

For additional information, please visit the Alternative Licensure Program website, msudenver.edu/alp.

Autism and Significant Support Needs Certificate Program

The Autism and Significant Support Needs Certificate Program is designed for persons holding a current license in special education, or equivalent. It is also available to students in the Master of Arts in Teaching Program with concentration in Special Education. The goal of the certificate program is to increase the number of well-trained personnel in the areas of autism and significant support needs by providing a curriculum designed to meet the needs of school professionals teaching in these areas. Students completing the Autism and Significant Support Needs Certificate will be well equipped to work with individuals with severe needs.

Certificate Program Requirements

Students must have a minimum of an undergraduate degree in Special Education, Special Education Generalist license, or equivalent from a regionally accredited institution; or be accepted in the Master of Arts in Teaching with concentration in Special Education.

Gaining Acceptance into MSU Denver

  • Submit your application (download your Graduate Application)
  • Provide all official baccalaureate transcripts
  • Visit MSU Denver Graduate Admissions

Gaining Acceptance into the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Certificate Program

  • Provide proof of a passing score on the Current Content Area Exam
  • See also conditional admission for Master of Arts in Teaching

After Acceptance

  • Completed fingerprint card and processing fee
  • Submit Worker’s Compensation Form

Students must review a certificate program plan with an advisor prior to enrollment, as well as maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.00. No grade lower than a B- will be accepted for the program. Students with similar courses in their prior experience may request up to three credits be transferred to meet part of the certificate requirements.

Financial Aid

Students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Teaching program with concentration in Special Education will be able to take the certificate coursework while they are completing the coursework for licensure in special education and may be eligible for financial aid.

Students taking the certificate program after they have achieved licensure and are taking these master’s level courses with conditional admission as a non-degree seeking student will not be eligible for financial aid.